Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 197 Sacrifice summons, fight for the country

Boom boom boom

On the frontal battlefield, the battle continued.

There is no doubt that Snow Shadow Wolf has the absolute upper hand.

The human side could only rely on the pre-constructed defensive formation to barely hold on.

This is just a tentative attack.

On the powerful battlefield, the situation is not optimistic either.

The beast king among the innate beasts is supposed to be stronger than ordinary powers.

The Snow Shadow Wolf is also good at fighting in the snow, and the powerful master of the Snow Kingdom cannot take advantage of the geographical advantage.

Plus overwhelming numbers.

The war has continued until now, and three powerful men have fallen.

Several others were also more or less injured.

On the other hand, on the Snow Shadow Wolf side, only one Beast King-level being was seriously injured.

On the human side, morale is extremely low.

The outside investigators are already looking for a way out.

Once the situation goes wrong, the only option is to escape.

It's okay to contribute, but we'll die together if we stay behind.

They're not that great yet.


The alpha wolf stood on the ice cliff, looked up to the sky and let out a wolf howl.

The Snow Shadow Wolf immediately became restless, and its attacks became several times more ferocious.

Apparently the alpha wolf's patience has run out.

It blew the horn of charge.

To speed up the solution of these humans.

Then go devour more humans.

To occupy a larger territory.

This is for the human race psychics who are already unable to support themselves.

It is undoubtedly adding insult to injury.

Facing the crazy attacks of wolves.

The casualty rate of human supernatural walkers is rising rapidly.

Several great masters of the Snow Country looked at each other with determination in their eyes.

"The time has come to serve our country with loyalty."

"At this time when our race is on the verge of survival, we, the great powers, have no choice but to shoulder our responsibilities."

"Come on! Burn the last drop of our blood, even if our souls are gone, we must protect the continuation of our clan."

"Kill! Kill all these beasts! The majesty of our Snow Kingdom cannot be desecrated."

The spiritual power in the bodies of all the powerful men erupted, forcing the Wolf King back.

Then he formed seals with his hands, burning his blood and soul crazily.

The people of the Snow Country who were fighting seemed to feel something, and they all looked up at the sky, with tears in their eyes.

Some people even knelt down.


"Burn my essence and blood, disperse my soul, and the ancestor spirit appears to crush the enemy."

"Burn my essence and blood, disperse my soul, and the ancestor spirit appears to crush the enemy."

"Burn my essence and blood, disperse my soul, and the ancestor spirit appears to crush the enemy."

One after another, the great powers of the Snow Kingdom turned into white light and shot into the void.

The dazzling white light makes people unable to look directly.

A terrifying energy is gestating.

Many great powers in the Snow Kingdom used the technique of sacrifice.

He sacrificed everything he had and even burned up his soul.

Summon the ancestral spirits to guard the snow country.

Regardless of whether they have done anything bad before.

A good guy or a bad guy.

At this moment, everything has disappeared.

At a time when the country and the race are facing survival.

They stood up as powerful beings.

For the sake of the country and the race, he gave everything he had.

They are all heroes.

At this moment, both the people from the Snow Country and the people from other countries straightened their backs.

Hats off to them.

There was a commotion among the wolves.

I instinctively felt the danger.

Each one of them assumed a combat-ready posture.

Lying on the ground, grinning.

Drooling all over the floor.

When the light gradually dimmed, a huge ice and snow god of war appeared in the void.

He was covered in ice armor, holding an ice spear, and waves of ice energy spread out from his body.

The terrifying pressure suppressed the entire audience.

The pressure caused many snow shadow wolves to lie on the ground.

A whining sound was made.


A wolf king let out a wolf howl and pounced on it.


The Ice and Snow God of War thrust out his spear and actually pierced it directly.

The terrifying ice energy attacked the Wolf King along the ice spear.

Its struggling body was quickly frozen.

Then the ice spear of the God of Ice and Snow War shook and turned into ice fragments all over the sky, leaving no bones.


In the blink of an eye, a powerful wolf king was wiped out.

To what extent has the strength of this Ice and Snow God of War reached?

Snow Country, Snow Clan.

It can be passed down to this day, and indeed there is still some foundation.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

The human side shouted in unison.

The haze in my heart finally dissipated a little.


Can they win?


The alpha wolf let out a howl, and the little wolf king and the pack retreated after hearing the sound.

Feel the terrifying strength of the Ice and Snow God of War.

It finally came to an end in person.

In the sky, the alpha wolf and the Ice and Snow God of War stood opposite each other.

The power of the two collided, and bursts of shock waves erupted.

Both the wolves and the crowd stopped fighting.

They are all waiting for the next battle.

Their victory or defeat determines the fate of the Snow Country people.

If the Ice and Snow God of War loses, their last source of support will disappear.

Without great power, they would be torn apart by wolves in an instant.

If the Ice and Snow God of War wins, the wolves will definitely retreat temporarily in order to avoid his sharp edge.

Wait until the Ice and Snow God of War dissipates before organizing an attack.

This gives Snow Country some time to breathe.

Once the human reinforcements arrive, the Snow Country will be saved.


After a few minutes of confrontation, the alpha wolf roared and took the lead in attacking.

Ice Spear, the God of Ice and Snow War, trembled and rushed forward.

Ice and Snow God of War and Snow Shadow Wolf both belong to the ice and snow system.

The environment of the Snow Country is a favorable terrain for them.

The Snow Shadow Wolf was extremely fast and turned into a white light, quickly heading towards the Ice and Snow God of War.

The Ice and Snow God of War thrust out a spear and pierced him through.

However, before the crowd could cheer, the Snow Shadow Wolf King shattered into pieces and disappeared.

This is actually the afterimage it left behind.


At some point, the Snow Shadow Wolf King appeared behind the Ice and Snow God of War.

It alternated its claws and made a huge cross slash, which hit the Ice and Snow God of War hard.


Just hearing a loud bang, everyone's hearts were clenched.

However, the Ice and Snow God of War didn't even frown.

A spear struck the Snow Shadow Wolf King again, piercing him through.

But this is still an afterimage.

It's too fast.

In this way, the Snow Shadow Wolf King relied on his speed and innate skills.

Constantly avoiding the attacks of the Ice and Snow God of War and attacking them.

The Ice and Snow God of War kept thrusting out ice spears to resist the attacks of the Snow Shadow Wolf King.

One cannot hit the other, but one's attack cannot break the other's defense.

The two sides formed a brief stalemate.

This is not a good situation for the Ice and Snow God of War.

After all, he was just summoned by the great powers of the Snow Country, and there was a time limit.

If this drags on, until he disappears, the Wolf King will win.


The Ice and Snow God of War shouted the word "kill" from his mouth.

The next moment, he actually held the ice gun and killed the snow wolves.

This time the Wolf King panicked. The other Snow Shadow Wolves were not as fast as him.

There is no way to avoid the Ice and Snow God of War's attack.

This Ice and Snow God of War wants to use this method to compete head-on with him.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the alpha wolf.

Its body lights up, and the spiritual energy around it gathers in its mouth.

White energy overflowed, and it opened its mouth and spit out a huge energy column.

The Ice and Snow God of War stopped, turned around and stabbed out the ice spear.


At the same time, another giant wolf king also took action.

It let out a wolf howl, opened its mouth and spit out a huge energy column.

The Ice and Snow God of War stretched out his other hand and also sent out an energy pillar to resist.

The one-on-one situation became one-on-two.

However, although the Ice and Snow God of War is one against two, its power is extremely powerful.

Not only did they not fall into a disadvantage, but they also had the upper hand.

His energy pillar was swallowing up the energy pillars of the two wolf kings bit by bit.


Only kill these two big wolf kings.

Then Snow Country will be saved.


I felt that the boss was in danger.

The remaining Little Wolf King finally took action.

They opened their wolf mouths one after another and spit out energy pillars towards the Ice and Snow God of War from all directions.


The Ice and Snow God of War let out a cold snort.

A circular energy shield formed around him, protecting him within it.

blocked their attack.

"Damn it!"

The people of Snow Country clenched their fists tightly.

Watching the Ice and Snow God of War being beaten by a group of people.

They couldn't help at all.

This is a battle between great powers.

Even if they risk their lives, they cannot participate.

As long as you get close, it will be instantly frozen into an ice sculpture by the aftermath of the battle.

"Quak, quack, these wolf cubs have been fooled."

Toad looked up at all this and said calmly.

"What's wrong?"

Xiang Meng frowned.

Now it is clear that the wolves have the upper hand?

Looking at this posture, the Ice and Snow God of War will be finished soon.

How did he become a wolf pack and be fooled?

Before she finished speaking, a sudden change occurred on the battlefield in the sky.

A large number of ice chains suddenly shot out from the Ice and Snow God of War.

The snow shadow wolf kings who were spraying energy cannons were unable to evade and were tied up.

But when he was so distracted, the energy shield on his body shattered.

The wolf kings' attacks bombarded him with a loud bang.

Ice shards flew, and his body was greatly injured.

Yet he didn't care at all.

He even took the initiative to withdraw his ice spear and palm, allowing the energy of the two high-level wolf kings to spray on him.

The Ice and Snow God of War tugged hard on the chain.

All the wolf kings flew towards him uncontrollably.

Feeling the terrifying power spreading out of his body, the wolf kings all looked horrified.

However, it was too late for them to escape at this time.


With a loud bang, the Ice and Snow God of War exploded himself.

A huge mushroom cloud of ice and snow rose up, and the wolf kings howled miserably and were blown away in all directions, spraying blood.

You can even see stumps and broken arms.

The terrifying shock wave set off huge waves of ice and snow, sweeping in all directions.

Both the Snow Shadow Wolf and the human supernatural walker were blown away by this powerful shock wave.

All the fortifications were reduced to nothing.


When everything calmed down, everyone emerged from the snow and saw a shocking scene.

Two huge snow shadow wolf kings slid on the ground for hundreds of meters, their claws leaving long traces on the ice.

They were all covered in blood, and the wolf was blinded in one eye.

Big drops of blood flowed from their bodies, which was extremely miserable.

The other little wolf kings were even worse. They all died, and some even had no bones left.

Because the Ice and Snow God of War deliberately approached the wolves.

This time, the casualties of the Snow Shadow Wolves were much higher than those on the human side.

Many Snow Shadow Wolves that were closer to the explosion point were directly torn to pieces.

At this moment, everyone finally understood.

It turns out that the Ice and Snow God of War had this idea from the very beginning.

He wanted to eliminate the high-end combat power of the wolves at once.

And try to reduce the number of wolves as much as possible.

In this way, the supernatural walkers of the Snow Country will only have to face ordinary snow shadow wolves.

Without the command of the wolf, they are just a piece of loose sand.

Even if you still can't beat them, you can delay time based on the favorable terrain.

There will be no problem until reinforcements arrive.

However, it will eventually underestimate the strength of the two high-level wolf kings.

Although the explosion seriously injured them, it did not kill them.

The attack on wolves is also very limited.


The two wolf kings let out angry roars, and they were angry.

He actually killed so many little wolf kings and injured them so seriously that they almost died.



They want to take revenge and devour all the Snow Country people.

The wolves began to gather quickly.

They also exuded a strong aura.

Now all the great powers of the Snow Kingdom are dead.

So even if they are seriously injured, they are not something Snow Country can withstand.

Not to mention there is a huge pack of wolves behind them.

"Seal, Yuki-onna's confinement room!"

At this moment, two scrolls flew out.

Two ice and snow magic circles appeared above the two Snow Shadow Wolf Kings, and ice walls were shot down from them, trapping the two Snow Shadow Wolf Kings inside.

Outside the confinement room, there were layers of magic circles surrounding him, and large chains appeared.

Completely sealing the actions of the two Snow Shadow Wolf Kings.

At this moment, the Queen of Snow Country finally appeared.

She wore a robe of ice and snow and held a scepter of ice and snow.

Behind him were two teams of elite warriors from the Snow Country, each of whom was a peak ninth-level psychic walker.

"Warriors! Don't be afraid, don't panic, the darkest moment has passed.

This seal can seal two wolf kings for at least five hours.

What we have to face next is just the attack of wolves!

Everyone followed me and retreated, blocking the attack layer by layer based on the favorable terrain.

The reinforcements are already on their way, and they can arrive if they only need to hold on for two hours at most! "

The Queen of the Snow Country raised her scepter high: "The Snow Country will win, and the human race will win."

"The Snow Kingdom will win, and the human race will win."

"The Snow Kingdom will win, and the human race will win."

"The Snow Kingdom will win, and the human race will win."

Everyone shouted excitedly.

Although facing nearly 10,000 snow shadow wolves, their chances of winning were still extremely slim, but they saw hope.

Without the presence of the Wolf King, they saw hope.


Suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky, and large swaths of dark clouds shrouded the area.

"Click! Click! Click!"

Thunder and lightning intertwined, and countless thunder soldiers appeared in the sky, including swords, axes, spears, and guns.

At some point, a majestic figure appeared in the sky.

Thunder put a thunder windbreaker on him, and his whole body shone with light blue light.

Like the God of Thunder coming to the world, people are in awe and dare not look directly at him.

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