Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 189: "Kunpeng Palace"

   Wang Kun immediately punched and kicked, so Deidara still did not give up the cognition that "art is explosion. Art is everything".

   Let's go, Wang Kun asked Xie to come over, but he didn't listen, but walked over to himself. At the same time, open the mask of the Iron Man armor.

  _ Deidara with a blue nose and a swollen face immediately said excitedly, "Brother Scorpion, are you alive? You are a good puppet, but art is an explosion, and art is the sublimation of that moment!"

   Not right! Deidara suddenly realized something, "Am I not dead?"

   "I'm dead, I can't take Sasuke away. It's really useless."

   "Is he not dead?"

   "Hehe, stupid Deidara, I can't even beat a Sasuke. Forget it, work for me first. Brother Scorpion, you will take care of Deidara."

   Xie did not pay attention to Wang Kun, but said to Deidara, "Art is eternal, and art is eternal beauty!"

   Deidara just wanted to make a quibble, Wang Kun put the paper of the firework production process in front of Deidara, "Fix it, otherwise, you won't be able to eat!"

   Then Wang Kun took the scorpion to test the Iron Man armor he designed, and Deidara, who was **** with the rope, escaped by himself.

   After all, the small rope can't hold Dedala. After all, he has a mouth in both hands, and one on his heart.


   Then? how to say? Wang Kun looked at the Iron Man controlled by the scorpion with a big knife...

   Nima's knife, does Iron Man use a knife? He uses lasers and cannonballs!

   wait a minute! Wang Kun suddenly thought of something!

   If Deidara and Scorpion are here! Can't you do that? That's right, just do it!

   Ollie, it’s all done!

   Wang Kun walked to a clearing, surrounded by forests, and in the center of the clearing, Dedara and Scorpion were arguing. Is art a moment or eternity?

   Wang Kun took out a piece of paper, and he took out a pencil and started drawing.

   drew for a long time, but Dedala and Scorpion walked over after the quarrel and looked at Wang Kun who concentrated on drawing a particularly handsome robot.

   And there is a sentence written in the lower right corner of the paper, the beauty of technology.

After    Wang Kun finished painting, he looked at Deidara, "Did you make the fireworks? You better not tell me, you can't even do this thing!"

   "Hehe, just your fireworks, it's so simple. I'll show you."

   Deidara stretched his hand to his waist, took out the explosive clay in his pocket, and chewed a few times with the ?? in the center of his palm.

   A white fireworks barrel came out, and Deidara made a seal, "Ha!"

After    yelled, a dozen small missiles suddenly appeared from those dozen hollow white cylinders, hitting them, and hitting the face of the beautiful sky.

   When more than a dozen missiles rose to the sky, they emitted a bright light. Wang Kun was a little speechless.

   "You idiot, can't your explosive clay have a color? It's a little rainbow!?"

   "You are a fool, my art does not allow any clutter!"

   Wang Kun pressed his hands to the ground, "You are the best, don't mess with labor and capital, have you played three generations of Raikage? Leiketu!"

   A white coffin suddenly appeared.

   When I heard the third generation of Raikage, the detonating clay chewing in the mouth of Deidara's hands stopped.

   Deidara knows the power of Raikage III, the old man Tuying told him.

Wang Kun looked at Deidara’s confession and was also very happy, "Come here, this is my strongest secret to contend with Uchiha, and I am completely aware of the secret of Sano. I am not someone, I actually thought Uchiha. The strongest of the family is illusion."

   Deidara is very angry, the consequences are serious, but... the white coffin is still... Hey, Deidara still held back.

   He doesn't want to be beaten up by the three generations of Raikage, it is more painful than Wang Kun's beating! It's not one level at all!

Wang Kun went on to say, "This robot is at least one hundred meters high, because the full body of the Uchiha clan is generally one hundred meters high. The energy that drives the robot is the tail beast. However, the tail beast has to be given to the outside. Golem, I will think of a solution then, now I will make it first."

   Wang Kun points to the scorpion "You are in charge of the robot's body, Wang Kun points to Dedala" You are in charge of the missile. "

   After that, Wang Kun left without looking back, "By the way, there is a fireworks contest tonight, Uchiha Itachi is back, don't be late, little Lara."

   "If I can't beat you, I will definitely let you taste the art of this uncle! Hmm! Are you going to resurrect Uchiha Itachi? You are still a good person."

   "Art is a big star, I laughed."

   "What kind of star?"

   "Do you know a starfish? You use your body as a bomb, and you want to die with Sasuke, but the explosion looks like a starfish? Is it good for you to get a skeleton or a mushroom cloud? Naive!"

   "You are naive, and your whole family is naive!"

   Wang Kun leaked a penetrating smile, "My wives are all peerless ladies, you say I can, but they can't."

   Wang Kun looked at the scorpion, "Remember to help Dedara make a wheelchair later."

   When finished speaking, the dark white coffin fell from the The inside was a scar on the left chest, wearing white Lei Nin village clothes.

   An extremely burly three-generation Raikage.

   Wang Kun has complete control, so he doesn't even have the right to speak. Blue thunder armor emerged from the three generations of Raikage.

   For an instant, Dedara, who had just rode the white dragon, was caught by the third generation Raikage in his throat, "Do you also think of dancing?"

   When he finished speaking, Raikage smashed Dedara directly onto the ground, and a human-shaped pit appeared.

  At this time, the body of the third generation of Lei Ying disappeared, and Wang Kun looked at Xie, "I will find you a wife in the future, do you want?"

"No need to."

   Wang Kun looked at the scorpion who was such a straight man, and left directly. But then again, Uchiha Itachi was about to die in battle this afternoon.

   Izumi Uchiha made a lot of delicious foods and waited for Itachi to come back to life.

   By the way, do you want Uchiha Itachi to be Hokage? It's okay, no, Hokage must have a relationship. Forget it, let Kakashi be the sixth generation of Hokage, and you should love it, Yekura and Yugi.


   So it's the afternoon, and it's the afternoon too.

   Wang Kun, please ask someone with a good mind to make the fireworks in place. At this time, Wang Kun was holding Yu Mu Ren and Ye Cang in a frivolous footsteps.

   On the open space of the house, a man named Lei is carrying a box of fireworks and putting it on the open space.

   He put all the fireworks on the ground, and then he walked over and said, "Mr. Wang Kun, the design inspiration for your Leiwang train is particularly good!"

   "It's okay, it's just a track plus a big car, and some principles. By the way, the ownership of the fireworks is left to you, Mr. Lei from Kunpeng Hall."


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