In the face of the sudden notice of the system, Leon was caught off guard, originally he was just brain-made up for the joy, who knew that the system actually took it seriously.

“System, system, where? Can it be changed? I don’t want to use this posture to put skills. ”

Leon hurried to contact the system, but the system fell silent again, as if the prompt just now was not from it.

It was useless to shout for a long time, Leon covered his face, he was already desperate for this broken system, the system couldn’t tell the difference between joke and reality, and specially reminded that there would be action assistance when releasing the ultimate flash, isn’t this Nima forcing himself to use this skill to lose people?

In the next second, Leon has a decision, this skill, completely into the cold palace, will never be used, if Lax’s chest expansion exercise is social death, then now this set of waist and crotch throwing action, is completely to be locked in handcuffs on the silver bracelet taken away perverted behavior.

The unscrupulous operation of the system made Leon feel the deep malice from the world, even if he deceived Krypton, he actually deceived the fuck, which is too shameful.

“Valuation of chips in the krypton gold system.”



Originally thinking of trying to see if it could threaten a wave of the system, found that the valuation skill could not value the system, Leon rolled his eyes, too, who split his own melon, Leon can only lie on the bed and pretend to die, after all, instead of competing with this unscrupulous system, it is better to sleep.

The night went by, Leon didn’t sleep very well this night, he dreamed, and the content of the dream was extremely terrible, he used the ultimate flash in front of all the young wizards at Hogwarts, and then, there was no then, he was awakened in fear.

“Damn, this broken skill will definitely not be used in the future.”

Sentencing Ultimate Flash to death again, Leon got up to wash up, then ran to the Great Hall for breakfast, and went directly to the class of the modified Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class.

That’s right, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is already available, and it’s been two days, and many young wizards who have taken the class are bragging about the fun of the class, and even Snape’s reputation has improved a lot.

So the little wizards came quite early, not only the first-year wizards, but also the fourth-year wizards who were responsible for cooperation, but for Leon, this was the first time to take a new Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class.

At this time, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom classroom has been changed beyond recognition, the tables and benches have all been removed, and in the center of the classroom, there is a ring, similar to the pattern, a circle with a diameter of ten meters in the middle, and outside this solid circle, is a large outer circle that wraps the entire ring.

The other spare places are divided into one area after another, and in each area there are three targets, which seem to be used by young wizards to cast spells.

“This is the Duel Stage, but it’s so strange.” Hermione now leaned over to Leon’s side and spoke.

“My hen.” Leon is also a little confused about this, after all, the stage of the duel club in the original book is not as big as this, and God knows what such a large circle in the outer circle is used for.

“I know, the senior class has already taken classes yesterday, and they told me that the small circle in the middle is the ring, and the big circle outside is the waiting area and the viewing area, and the chosen little wizard will fight in this circle, lose his wand or be knocked out of the ring, even if he loses.”

Because it was taken with the fourth year, Penelo was also in this class, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was kept in Gryffindor, Slytherin first year, and Rakvenlaw and Hufflepuff fourth year students together.

The other first-year Young Wizards’ Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were the opposite, with first-year Rakvenlaw and Hufflepuff taking classes with fourth-year Slytherins and Gryffindors.

“I think I’m going to be ugly.” Harry also came over at this time, and said with a solemn expression.

“Why?” Leon asked rhetorically, but he didn’t think that Harry would find anything strange about himself, the last time he trained Harry, Harry had already digested it, and Harry calmed down and thought about it carefully, and felt that it made sense, coupled with Lily’s ear wind and respect for Leon, now Harry is positioning Leon as a target to catch up.

“Because I want to challenge that Cedric of Hufflepuff.” Harry replied seriously.

After listening to Leon, he subconsciously glanced at Lakvenlaw’s queue, and sure enough, he saw an oriental face, not good-looking, not ugly, in line with the aesthetics of Westerners to Orientals, but for Leon, the oriental perspective of the soul, it is really quite general.

At this time, Hermione smiled wickedly and whispered to Leon: “Harry was infatuated when he first met that girl of oriental descent from Lakvenlaw, and that girl seems to have a very good relationship with the guy named Cedric that Harry is going to challenge.” ”

“Hermione, don’t talk nonsense.” Harry complained awkwardly at Rehermione.

Leon is not strange, after all, Harry has this kind of encounter he knows, but for the relationship between Harry and Akibari, Leon does not intend to pay attention, because Leon knows that the two have no chance to go to the end, the values of the two are completely different, and now Qiuhang cares completely about Cedric, and Harry is just a spare tire.

“Then you come on.” Leon was so encouraging, he didn’t feel any suspense at all about whether Harry would play against Cedric.

Because of the current relationship between Harry and Snape, because of Lily’s existence, they get along unexpectedly well, so only Harry needs to mention that Snape, who is temporarily in the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class, will definitely fulfill the wishes of his future stepson.

“Leon, who are you going to choose?” Hermione asked from the side, after all, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class, junior wizards need to fight spells with senior wizards, of course, senior wizards are not allowed to use attack spells.

“Choose me, I’ll be merciful.” Penelo now proposed excitedly to Leon.

“You, you are not enough for me to fight.” Leon glanced at Penelope and complained.

“I don’t think Leon will be involved in this class, I heard Professor Snape say that Leon will be his assistant.” Harry said weakly at this time.

“Assistant? Why! He is only in the first grade, and if he wants to choose, he should also choose a wizard of the fourth grade. Penelo asked suspiciously.

Hermione unconsciously showed a smug smile when she heard this, even Leon’s strength did not know, how this girl from Lakvenlau could compare with herself.

And Leon did not explain the idea to Penelope, although many young wizards in Hogwarts knew that Leon had mastered the silent spell technique, but few people had actually seen Leon make a move.

Including the eight-eyed giant spider siege last Christmas, Leon only exposed his strength in front of the professor, and the little wizards only knew that Leon went out, and did not know whether Leon had participated in the war.

Now the people who really know their strength are probably the professors, as well as Hermione and Harry, and maybe Malfoy also knows, after all, this guy has been avoiding himself since the last time he was taught, even in class, trying to ensure that he does not appear in Leon’s sight, and there is obviously a psychological shadow.


Thanks to the 1340 tip of the old iron behind the inconvenient exposure, I just noticed it, sorry. But make sense, just subscribe, there is no need to reward, isn’t this money fragrant to subscribe, I said it several times.

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