It would be easy to go back to the Mox Gang and ask Lidya Su for help.

Look at the banknotes piled up on the table as high as a hill.

Jack's eyes widened.

"Dear me, I have so much money."

V also had a look of disbelief on his face.

This one commission made more money than the previous 100 commissions.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and finish the distribution and we can escape. With so much money, we can have a good rest for a while."

The other three looked at each other.

It was as if a consensus had been reached.

Of the 1.45 million on the table, they each only took 100,000.

One million and one hundred and fifty thousand were left.

There are fewer "hills" on the table, but not by much.

Lidya Su was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Jack touched his ball head: "You found this million in the safe of Phoenix Casino. We can't take it."

"What nonsense? We entered the Phoenix Casino together. Without you, even if I found the safe, I wouldn't be able to get it out."

V also helped: "But when dealing with the Dharma team, it was all down to your command from beginning to end, and we were able to defeat the strong with the weak. We can get a reward of 100,000 yuan, which is already very satisfying. There are many talents, Distribute according to work, this money should belong to you."

Lucy nodded too.

No matter what Su Xiao said, V, Jack and Lucy were unwilling to accept it.

There was no other way, so Su Xiao had no choice but to temporarily accept it for the three of them with tears in her eyes.

Seeing Lidya Su collect the money, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Brothers must also settle accounts.

V and Jack, two people who were born and raised in the Night City, have seen enough things about fathers being kind and sons being filial, brothers being respectful to brothers, and brothers being respectful because of unsettled accounts.

Money is a good thing, and no one will find it too much.

But just as Su Xiao values ​​them, they also value Su Xiao very much.

If the money is gone, you can make it again.

But when a friend is gone, he is really gone.

In Night City, finding a friend is harder than panning for gold.

Jack stood up: "Now that we've finished talking about the business, it's time for me to go... By the way, Su, do me a favor."

"What's the deal?"

"Do you know how to make a girl happy? Misty and I have been having some... frictions like those between young lovers, you know, so I was wondering if there was any way to make her happy."

"No, I don't understand," Su Xiao shook her head, "Jack, I really want to help you, but I really can't help you with this. You have found the wrong person."

"Okay, it doesn't matter. There's no loss in asking anyway."

Jack said hello to V and Lucy again.

Then prepare to leave.

V suddenly stopped him.

"Jack, wait."

She stepped forward and whispered something quietly to Jack.

Jack looked at her suspiciously.

"Really? As long as you do this, will Misty really be happy?"

V smiled very confidently: "Of course, believe me, after all, I am also a woman."

Since V said this, Jack decided to give it a try: "If it succeeds, I will treat you to dinner later."

After Jack took the elevator and left, Su Xiao asked curiously: "What did you say to him?"

"Secret." V put his finger to his lips with a smile on his face.

Su Xiao spread her hands: "Okay, if you don't want to, forget it, I won't force you."

V patted Lidya Su on the shoulder, "Then what are you going to do next? You've earned so much this time, shouldn't you ask your partner to give you a good rub?"

Su Xiaohao waved his hand angrily.

"Okay, what am I afraid of when I have one million in hand? You pick a place and tell me what you want to eat... But it's already very late now. Are you sure you don't want to go back and take a nap first?"

"You can sleep every day, but the opportunity to make money doesn't come every day." V ​​looked at Su Xiao and then at Lucy.

"Lucy, what do you like to eat?"

"Me?" Lucy obviously didn't expect that V would throw the question to herself.

She wrinkled her face and thought hard for a while.

Finally, he shook his head: "I can do anything, whatever."

"You can't do anything casually. Today we are going to fight the autumn wind." V left.

He walked behind Lucy and put his hands on her shoulders, as close as good sisters.

"Then... sushi?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Lucy finally came up with a dish that Chinese people would like and foreigners would not reject.

V patted Lucy on the shoulder: "Okay, sushi is sushi. I know there is a very high-end Japanese restaurant in Japan Street."

Lucy couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"High-end? Wouldn't that be too expensive?"

V smiled at her: "It's okay, anyway, a wealthy person will pay for it today."

"Yes, don't worry, I'll keep it with you, and I'll make sure I won't leave the two ladies to pay for it through urine escape."

Lidya Su stood up and went to pick up the white windbreaker on the hanger.

V pushed Lucy's back and pushed her into the elevator.

Just as Su Xiao also walked into the elevator, the elevator took the three of them all the way down.

A communication request suddenly popped up on the tactical eyepiece.

The name shown above is Rebecca.

Let's go back in time a few hours.

The Mann team gathers in a box somewhere in the afterlife.

Mann sat proudly on the sofa, next to Dolio.

Rebecca and Sasha sat together, the two little girls sitting in cute and cute ways.

Pyrrha was sitting on a sofa alone, with her hands spread out and her head leaning on the sofa, looking at the ceiling.

"Mann, what kind of commission is this time that we need to handle?"

"This commission is very risky, so if you don't want to do it, I can completely understand, but when it is done, the rewards will also be very generous."

Pyrrha waved his slender fingers: "Boss Mann, it's meaningless if you say that. When have we not advanced and retreated together, and lived and died together?"

Rebekah, who was sitting across from Pyrrha, was ruthlessly tearing things apart.

"Brother, you have only joined our team for a few days, and you are going to live and die together?"

"Xiao Nizi, put your head over here. It seems that I need to instill Onisang's love into you."

"Then let's try it!"

It was customary for the two siblings to quarrel.

Sasha stops a grumpy Rebecca.

Mann also put his elbow around Pyrrha's head, forcing the two to separate.

The chickens and dogs jumped for a while before finally calming down.

"What kind of commission is it?"

"The middleman needs us to get a piece of biotechnology data. The data is in the biotechnology building in the company square..."

Everyone except Mann stared at Mann for a while.

It was Dolio who asked on behalf of everyone.

"Then what? The one at the back is gone."

Mann spread his hands and his old face turned slightly red: "No, that's all."

"Why did the old captain give so little information this time?"

Since cooperating with the old captain, the old captain will take care of everything.

Try to make the Mann team as fully prepared as possible.

Like now, it was the first time that I didn't know anything except what they were going to do.

Kind of like their previous previous middleman.

Chapter 102 Lin Ke is dead! (4K)

"This, ahem..."

Mann's eyes looked away uncomfortably.

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, but others couldn't tell.

In addition, he is the team leader, and he has always looked like a reliable big brother.

Naturally, no one would suspect anything.

But Dolio, who knew Mann best, still saw the clues.


Mann looked up at the sky.


Mann looked down at the ground.


Mann turned to look out the door.


It wasn't until Dolio got angry that Mann stopped pretending.

"Don't get excited, Dolio, I just got distracted and was thinking about other things."

Dolio said with a kind face: "Oh? What's the matter? Can you tell me about it?"

"It's nothing, just don't mention it."

Originally, Mann was sitting with his sword, and Dorio was sitting next to him.

Now Dorio suddenly came closer to Mann, with a serious expression.

Mann felt a little guilty and moved a little to the side.

Dolio comes closer.

Mann moved out a little further, and Dolio moved closer.

The whole sofa is so big, sooner or later it will be moved to the end.

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