Falling to the ground again.

"You...why did you..."


Before he could say the rest of the words, Dexter was struck in the heart.

Eyes widened.

Life quickly drained from the fat body.

Like a cowboy, Su Xiao blew in the non-existent smoke from the technical revolver's muzzle.

"Dexter, you can't blame me. In fact, I did plan to let you go. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself, because you didn't abide by our agreement and left."


The automatic door to the room was hacked and opened automatically by hackers.

V and Jack, armed with weapons, broke in from outside.

"Su, are you okay?"

The two of them didn't listen to Lidya Su's words and stayed in the car obediently waiting for Lidya Su to come back.

But after Su Xiao entered the Tight-mouthed Motel, she finally chose to follow him because she was uneasy.

Before Lidya Su could answer, the two of them couldn't help but gasped when they saw the scene in the room clearly.

Although when they came up, the two of them had already heard the sound of fighting coming from this room, and they vaguely guessed what happened in the room.

However, when they actually saw the bodies of Dexter and Ma Zai, they still couldn't believe it.

"What's happening here?"

"It's nothing. It's just that when Dexter saw that things were getting serious, he wanted to kill us to silence us so that he could be taken out, just like he did in Taipingzhou two years ago."

Su Xiao told the two of them what had happened before in an understatement.

Jack spat on the ground, "Fuck!"

"This dead fat pig!"

V kicked Dexter's body bitterly.

Seeing that she wanted to kick again, Su Xiao stopped her.

"Stop kicking, lest you get your feet dirty."

Then, he looked at her legs with concern.

"Does your leg still hurt?"

V's face turned slightly red and he said unnaturally: "No, it doesn't hurt anymore. Thank you for your concern."

"What, maybe it's not the right time for me to interrupt you two," Jack coughed and scratched his head, "Wouldn't it be better for us to leave here now?"

I originally thought that Dexter would help them take care of everything - that's what the middleman does.

The result was completely unexpected. Not only did Dexter abandon his responsibilities as a middleman, he actually wanted to silence them so that he could escape danger.

This made Jack feel a little panicked after realizing the current situation.

You know, it was Arasaka they got into trouble this time.

It’s not about cats, dogs, fish or shrimps.


They had just fought their way out of Arasaka's encirclement.

But if you think Arasaka is capable of this, then it’s just the pattern of Tono’s clothes.

Don't say anything else.

Arasaka really wants to kill them.

You don’t even have to do it yourself.

As long as a high bounty is given to the three of them, there will naturally be countless mercenaries, one after another, fighting to the death.

Even if you can fight again, how far can you fight?

One cannot be alert twenty-four hours a day.

There is always time to sleep and go to the toilet.

If it is a fairy tale novel, even if a Nascent Soul Master lets go of his defenses and a martial arts master who has practiced his martial arts to the extreme, he still cannot break through the Nascent Soul Master's defense.

And the Nascent Soul can kill these so-called martial arts masters casually, and can easily suppress the kingdom of mortals.

But in 2077, in this cyberpunk world, no matter how strong the force value is, it needs power to support it.

Even if a heavy hammer, who is at the top of the mercenary world in Night City, does not have Arasaka as a backer, once he is retaliated by the company, he will only end up with no bones left and no burial place.

It was Jack who had figured this out that he couldn't help but feel very regretful.

If I had known earlier, I should have listened to Lidya Su and V and shouldn't have gotten into this muddy water.

It's too late to regret it now.

Seeing Jack's remorseful expression, Su Xiao knew that the other party was already regretting it.

But he didn't say anything sarcastic like "See, I told you so" to Jack. Instead, he patted Jack.

his shoulders.

"Don't worry, Jack, don't worry. In fact, I have already expected this situation."

He was about to tell his plan when he suddenly saw that T-BUG was back online in the team's voice communication channel.

Chapter 155 You have to listen to me in my territory (3K)

"Hey Sue, thank you so much for just now."

"How to say?"

"As soon as I exited the hotel subnet, Arasaka's hackers almost caught me in cyberspace. If it hadn't been for your reminder, my brain might have been fried by now."

"You're welcome, are you still staying at your original position?"

T-BUG didn't answer immediately.

He seemed to be hesitating whether he should tell Lidya Su the truth.

But after some struggle, she finally told the truth.

"No, I have already come out. It is only a matter of time before Arasaka finds my place to live. It is not safe to stay there."

"What's going on over there? You should have left the Chambee Hotel by now, right? Did you and Dexter meet at the Keep-Talse Motel?"

"What did Dexter say? Have you arranged a way for us to leave the city?"

After T-BUG finished speaking, he saw Su Xiao's expression was strange and couldn't help but wonder.

"Why don't you speak? Did something happen again?"

"Dexter is dead."

"What? What's going on? Could it be someone from Arasaka..."

"It has nothing to do with Arasaka, I killed him."

Afterwards, Su Xiao quickly and simply told what happened in Room 204.

"You mean, Dexter is going to sell us all?"

T-BUG is a bit unbelievable.

All right.

Actually it's not that unbelievable.

Two years ago, when the news about what happened in Taiping Continent spread, T-BUG could still find out something even if he wasn't in Taiping Continent.

When something happens, leave others behind and run away alone.

Dexter has already done it once.

Again, it doesn't seem so unbelievable.

Thinking of this, T-BUG felt relieved.

"But without Dexter, how are we going to get out of the city? Since Arasaka will come looking for me, he will definitely send people to your residence to stay. Now the city is full of Arasaka spies, we..."

"OK, OK, calm down. Can you calm down first? T-BUG, I have a place where we can hide safely for the time being. I will send you the address and we will meet there."

Half an hour later.

A coupe stopped in front of a low building on Goldsmith Street in the industrial area in the north of the city.

The three got out of the car.

In front of them are two rusty fences.

Abandoned car wrecks, trash cans and vending machines form a landscape behind the fence.

There is a pattern that looks like a skeleton spider robot on the wall on the left, and the rolling door on the right is covered with various graffiti, showing the artistic talent of the street painter.

Jack's face was full of doubts: "Is this right here? This is the safe house you mentioned, Su Xiao?"

"Yes, that's right, come with me."

Lidya Su waved and then walked away first.

V and Jack followed Su Xiao, and then the sharp-eyed Jack suddenly saw something incredible.

"Hey, wait, that's not..."

What frightened Jack was that after they stepped into the fence, two security turrets hidden in the wall suddenly rose from it.

Two red dots shot towards the two of them.

"Danger! Get down!"

Without thinking at the time, Jack subconsciously knocked down Su Xiao and V next to him and used his body to protect them.

The two red dots fell on Jack's body.

But the expected metal torrent did not follow.

A red dot fell on Jack's body, as if to identify friendly units, the security turret moved its muzzle and retracted into the wall.

Jack looked confused and got up from the ground a little embarrassed: "What on earth is going on?"

Su Xiao stood up first, then pulled V up from the ground.

The desperate action Jack had just made subconsciously made him feel warm in his heart.

He opened his arms and smiled at the two of them.

"Welcome to my territory."

One time before, he and Lucy were completing a certain task in the industrial area in the north of the city.

Found this place by accident.

At that time, the two warning turrets also aroused Su Xiao's curiosity.

Su Xiao scanned it with the tactical eyepiece.

No one was found in the house, only a body.

After Lucy hacked into and remotely closed the two security turrets, Su Xiao entered the house and conducted some investigation and learned the truth.

The corpse in the room is the owner of this room.

He is a hacker.

Just like T-BUG.

However, when invading other people's subnets, they were counterattacked by the other party's offensive defense wall.

Just hung up.

So Su Xiao unceremoniously took this unclaimed land as his own.

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