"Jack, you come up with me; Lucy, you and V stay in the car and follow my instructions to turn off the surveillance cameras outside and the automatic turrets on the roof; V, I'll leave our backs to you. "

Jack and Lucy both nodded with serious expressions.

V patted his chest: "Wrap it around me."

Seeing Jack planning to get the heavy machine gun, Su Xiao stretched out her hand to stop him. Jack looked over with doubtful eyes, and Su Xiao shook his head.

"In indoor fighting, long guns cannot be used. Try to use weapons such as pistols, shotguns and submachine guns."

After he finished speaking to Jack, he turned to Lucy who was sitting behind him and said, "Lucy, get Jack a Sadara and a Super."

Sadara is a technical double-barreled shotgun, responsible for penetrating walls; Super is a smart pistol that can automatically aim.

With these two weapons, it is enough for indoor fighting.

Lucy handed Sadara and Super Style to Jack as instructed, and then she asked Su Xiao: "What about you?"

"Give me a handful of codes and two handfuls of modesty."

Typical is a smart submachine gun produced by Kang Tao, while Kenshin is a technical pistol produced by Arasaka.

This kind of weapon configuration also takes into account wall penetration and automatic aiming.

Lucy handed over the weapons Su Xiao asked for. Su Xiao first took the two Kenshins, inserted them into the holsters, and then took the Dianshi in his hand.

On the other side, Jack also put the Super into his holster and took Sadara.

However, he did not get out of the car immediately, but looked at Lidya Su, waiting for Lidya Su's instructions.

Although he is now the successor of the priest, he has dozens of brothers under his command.

But he didn't forget who to listen to now.

"Lucy, black out the cameras and automatic turrets now."

"Give me two seconds."

Two seconds later, the monitor on the wall, as well as the three monitors on the wall of the house inside the wall, all drooped, and the red light on them also disappeared.

Including the automatic turrets hidden on the roof, they were also cut off and hacked by Lucy.

"Jack, let's go."

After whispering these words, Su Xiao took the lead in opening the car door, raised the weapon, pointed at an enemy standing dozens of meters away at the gate of the wall, and pulled the trigger.


Then without looking at the result, he turned the gun, aimed at the other one, and continued the same action.

Originally, the people from the Salamanca Group who were standing guard outside the fence also became alert after seeing the stopped SUV.

Out of caution, he kept his eyes on the car.

Then, they saw the car door open and a gun barrel sticking out from behind the door.

Chu tu tu tu——

Three smart bullets drew a parabola in the air and penetrated into the head of the guard standing on the left side of the walled door.

The guard on the right was shocked and hurriedly raised his gun to fight back, but before he could point his gun at Su Xiao, the second round of attacks came.

The bullet penetrated his forehead, and the blood sprayed out on the wall of the fence.

"Jack, let's go."

After taking out the two enemies in one go, Su Xiao waved his hand, and he and Jack rushed towards the target house.

The door behind the SUV was opened immediately, and V got out of the car. She placed the kinetic sniper rifle on the hood of the car to provide cover for the two of them at any time.

Chapter 231: Eating hot pot and singing, suddenly got robbed by bandits (4K)

The distance of tens of meters passed by in the blink of an eye in just a few seconds.

Su Xiao and Jack have arrived at the door of the wall.

The two clung to the wall of the enclosure.

Su Xiao said in the communication channel: "Lucy, open this door."



The gate to the wall was hacked and opened to the inside.

The moment Jack opened the gate to the wall, he was about to rush in.

But Su Xiao seemed to sense something.

He hurriedly gave Jack a hand and pulled him back behind the bunker.

A large man about the same size as Dexter's pony appeared from the door of the house inside.

He was wearing a heavy-duty bulletproof suit, and his head, chest, abdomen, thighs, hands and feet were all tightly wrapped.

He holds a laser Gatling gun in both hands, but instead of blue fire, it shoots out red laser beams.

Da da da da da da——

The laser beam hit the wall where Su Xiao and Jack were hiding. The wall was hit with bricks and stones flying everywhere, and the smoke filled the air.


A stream of sparks flew out of the rogue soldier's heavy bulletproof helmet. It could be clearly seen that the area where the helmet was hit by the bullet was deeply dented.

But this rogue soldier was only beaten and staggered backwards. He did not fall down or die.

"Now I know how much the Salamanca Cartel hates Dante Gonzalez, to the point of using this monster."

V pulled the gun bolt hard, and a yellow bullet casing flew out.

Before the bullet casing could fall to the ground, V fired another shot.

She aimed at the same position, even if one shot failed to penetrate, but if she was hit continuously at the same position, she would not believe that it would not penetrate.

But the next second, something incredible happened to V.

The rogue warrior seemed to know that V's next shot was aimed at his head.

Therefore, after being hit by the first shot, he turned his head vigorously and lowered his head.

Let V's second shot hit hard from the side of his helmet, grazing with a string of dazzling sparks.

Then, he raised the Gatling laser and pointed the gun at V, who was dozens of meters away.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The rogue warrior felt that his left leg suddenly lost its support, and his body lost its balance and fell uncontrollably to the other side.

The rogue warrior who fell to the ground tried to stand up, but his chest was severely stepped on the ground by a foot.

Su Xiao, who was stepping on the chest of the rogue warrior, held the knife in his right hand and waved it hard.

A head wearing a heavy helmet rolled out, leaving a trail of blood.

Seeing that the enemy had fallen to the ground and was hiding behind the wall outside, Jack rushed up with Sadara, crossed the open space between the wall and the house in one breath, and came to the wall next to the door opposite Su Xiao.

Su Xiao scanned the room again to confirm the location of the enemies and hostages.

Synchronize the scanned images to Jack.

In the living room behind the door, three enemies used tables, chairs and sofas as shelters, with their guns aimed in the direction of the door.

Jack received the synchronized picture and smiled. Instead of rushing into the door, he took a step back, picked up the Sadara in his hand, and launched a charged waist shot at the location of the enemy in the room.

When the coil on the Sadara Technology double-barreled shotgun reaches its maximum charge, faint electric sparks begin to emit.

Jack released the trigger, and the bullet easily penetrated the wall, killing an ambusher hiding in the living room.

Su Xiao also moved to the door at the same moment, but this time he did not use the Dian Shi. Instead, he threw the Dian Shi to the ground and pulled out two Kenshins from the holster.

Just when the other two enemies were shocked by the sudden death of their companions.

Su Xiao stretched out his upper body and fired both guns at the same time. Kenshin, who was braving the blue fire, fired a total of six bullets, causing the brains and blood of the ambusher to spray graffiti on the wall.

After dealing with the enemies in the living room, Su Xiao first picked up the dianshi that had been thrown on the ground and carried it behind his back.

The indoor combat formula is not that easy to use. The remaining nine enemies

People are hiding in the four rooms inside.

At this time, you need to use humility that can penetrate walls.

Su Xiao held a gun in both hands and said "protect my back" to Jack on the communication channel.

Then he rushed into the house first.

Perhaps hearing his footsteps, someone in one of the bedrooms stretched his arm out of the door, raised a gun and shot in his direction.

Su Xiao rolled on the spot and hid behind the sofa.

Bullets hit the ground and the couch.

Jack, who was guarding the door, charged up and shot again. Although it was a shotgun, after charging, the range was beyond that of ordinary shotguns.

The fired bullets passed through the wall and directly blew away the enemy hiding next to the bedroom door.

Su Xiao also stood up from behind the sofa, and fired both charged guns at the same time. Bullets with blue fire penetrated the wall again, shooting down the other two enemies.

At this time, Su Xiao heard someone curse, and then threw a fragmentation grenade from another bedroom.

Lidya Su didn’t even think about it.

He kicked the frag grenade and kicked the grenade back.

A burst of panicked yelling was heard from the bedroom where the grenade was thrown, but before they could do anything else, they heard a loud explosion inside.

Then there were the pieces of flesh and blood that were blown through, spraying everywhere in the bedroom.

Su Xiao continued to scan.

A circle of red light that no one else could see centered on Su Xiao and spread in all directions, covering the entire house.

In addition to the two hostages, four enemies remain.

One of the enemies was hiding in the bathroom where the hostages were, and the remaining three people were staying in the other two bedrooms.

"Su, cover me, I'll push those three guys through the wall to death."

Jack said on the communication channel.

As he spoke, he began to charge up again.

But Su Xiao stretched out her hand to stop him and said: "No, I have a way to blast them out."

He took out a frag grenade from his tactical bag, pulled off the tab, but did not throw it out immediately. Instead, he kept it in his hand for two seconds before throwing it towards one of the two remaining bedrooms.


There was an explosion, followed by the sound of something hitting the bed.

Then, two enemies rushed out from behind the door of another bedroom, but Jack shot them down one by one.

After Jack reloaded his ammunition, the two of them went to the bathroom together.

A woman with bare feet was lying on the ground, and another young man who looked somewhat similar to Dante was held in front of him as a shield by the last enemy hiding in the bathroom.

"Don't move! Get out! Otherwise I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xiao raised his hand and shot him.

The bullet kissed his forehead, and blood spattered Jose's face at close range. The latter instinctively closed his eyes.

When he heard the sound of falling to the ground behind him, he subconsciously turned around, and then he saw the enemy who threatened him lying on the ground, his eyes wide open, and a wisp of blood came from the bullet hole on his forehead toward There was gurgling water outside.

The young man was so scared that his legs were weak. The floor was slippery, and it was even more slippery when he stepped on the blood that flowed from the dead enemy.

The young man looked at Su Xiao and others tremblingly, his eyes widening in horror: "Who are you? Please don't hurt me. My dad is a basketball star. He is rich. He will give you a lot of money."

Several people but no one answered his words.

Jack scanned the young man with his Qilusi prosthetic eye, then turned to Su Xiao and nodded: "Confirmed, he is Jose Gonzalez, the son of Dante Gonzalez."

Although the young man is not particularly courageous, his brain is very good.

After hearing what Jack said, unlike other kidnapped hostages in the movie who couldn't react for a long time, Jose quickly came to his senses.

"You guys..." Jose was stunned for a moment and asked tentatively in an uncertain tone, "Did my dad hire you to rescue me?"

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