At noon.

In a small shop in Yingzhou, Treasure Island, which looks very local.

Gu Shaozhuang ordered a lot of special dishes, which are also full of color and fragrance, which makes people appetite!

For example, vegetables and eggs, peanut and pig’s feet, three cups of chicken and other familiar dishes, and there are many exquisite desserts and snacks outside the stalls next to them.

And right now.

Gu Shaozhuang found an extremely interesting thing, he was browsing the news hot spots on his mobile phone.

The entire circle of capital is completely boiling!

All kinds of news reports have ignited the enthusiasm of the people who eat melons.

[Unprecedented disaster in the country of cherry blossoms? After the volcanic eruption, the greedy capitalists went on the offensive against it! —— “New Economic News”.

[It is suspected that a large amount of money will short the country of cherry blossoms, and the economic disaster will be double! ] —— “Carrying the Financial Circle”.

[The curse of the vile Orientals has set off the ambitions of the capitalist world! ] —The Wall Street Journal.

[Sniper in the country of cherry blossoms?] A single-day loss of up to 2 trillion! ——Yinglan Financial Daily.

The corners of Gu Shaozhuang’s mouth rose slightly, with a hint of banter under his eyes.

Kind of interesting.

It seems that this group of people has not realized that this is not a simple act of profiting money.

Rather, organized and premeditated financial sniper warfare!

Of course.

The vast majority of people do this kind of thing as an afterthought.

When the whole world knows about this, I am afraid it has entered a white-hot stage.

Even he suspected that some keen capital tycoons already knew what was going on.

It’s just that they don’t say, they just hope for a piece of the pie!

After all, human nature is like this, one set behind the surface, and one behind the ambition.

Such a big cake, wait until these funds are killed and eaten, and then announce this news that will cause shocks in the world economic circle!

Gu Shaozhuang’s eyes became deeper and deeper.

The more he has contact with these capital speculators, the more he can understand the truth!

Time and news are of the essence.

If you know one step late, the result will be the same!

His eyes looked towards these guests solemnly, and all he saw were the tragic events of the destruction of their families!

Luck: [2 (Loss of parents)]

Luck: [0 (death)]

Luck: [3 (Encounter with natural disasters)]

Luck: [3 (Disaster amputation)]

Gu Shaozhuang swallowed a sip of water, lowered his head while eating, and thought at the same time.

From the current situation, one thing can be 100% confirmed, that is, in this area, all houses will collapse.

Because the people who are currently least affected by the disaster event, even if no one in the family has an accident!

But there will still be significant damage to family property due to the tsunami!

Of course.

Treasure Island Yingzhou belongs to the largest island in China, and it is impossible to visit all of them in one day.

Tomorrow will take another day.

Walk through several other areas to try to determine the direction of the tsunami according to the severity of the disaster.


The next day.

One o’clock in the morning.

Treasure Island Yingzhou Airport, a small number of passengers are waiting here.

In order to ensure his safety, Gu Shaozhuang simply left this place overnight.

At this time, please pass the information of other passengers in the terminal.

He could be sure that this flight was safe, and these people left Yingzhou ahead of schedule, so the luck values displayed were relatively high, and they belonged to the kind of luck that escaped.

“Passengers of flight TW4423 are requested to note that your flight is ready, please go to gate C11 to check your ticket!”

He boarded the plane with his luggage, then sat down and pulled out a map.

Various marks are made on it.

“This position, the whole army is destroyed!”

“This position is also the total annihilation of the army!”

“This place is weakly affected, it should be the ground in front to block the impact of the water flow!”

“And here!”

He basically had the picture of the tsunami in his mind.

It’s a wonderful feeling of having everything under control.

The only thing to consider at the moment is, how exactly will the disaster notice be published?

Or continue to advertise across the network?

Or is it another way?

But there are so many ironic videos in Yingzhou, which is enough to show that their news is lagging behind.

If you release it on the whole network, you can’t directly block it here!

Then it will appear again, with ridiculous results similar to the one in the country of cherry blossoms.

The entire ancient country of the East is boiling and talking, even international students and tourist groups have withdrawn, and even various reports are only studying the terrible effects of volcanic eruptions!

And the local residents do not have any sense of crisis!

Even Gu Shaozhuang doubted that if he simply published the whole network in China, this situation would be repeated on Yingzhou Island!

So have a more perfect entry point.

Let the people and citizens of Yingzhou here directly get this news.

In the face of a tsunami, as long as you prepare in advance, the damage caused can be greatly reduced!

Right at this moment.

Suddenly a child on the plane shouted, “Mom, look! ”

“So many people!”

Suddenly, everyone looked out the window of the plane.

“There seem to be stars?”

“So many journalists!”


“I don’t know much!”

“It should be a TV show, a little impressive!”

With the discussion of travelers.

Gu Shaozhuang’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought!!!

That’s right!

Television program!

Yingzhou Island has many popular TV programs in the past, as long as you choose the most popular and live broadcast column.

This kind of TV program should be watched by many people in the local area, then no one will be able to cover up the news.

His eyes became more and more burning, and it was finalized.

In the name of his “Shao Banxian”, he was interviewed by telephone online on a TV program.

Later, the disaster event of the “coming tsunami” was announced in public!!!

Almost no hesitation!

He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Fu Huadong before the plane took off, asking the other party to arrange it for him.

As long as there is money in this world, there is nothing wrong with arrangement.

Besides, with his identity gimmick, the program team can hardly refuse such a request!


Gu Shaozhuang took a deep breath, with a trace of solemnity under his eyes, and he took one last look at this airport and this city.

When disaster strikes, everyone will be in crisis.

It’s now close to the arrival of a massive tsunami…

There are only 48 hours, 12 minutes and 49 seconds left!

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