It seems that there are only the last eighteen seconds.

But because of the speed of the meteorite falling, it reached more than ten kilometers per second.

This also means that in eighteen seconds, the terrifying meteorite is still tens of thousands of meters in the sky at this moment.

At the moment, time seems to be slowed down countless times…….

Everyone was praying.

Someone has to make the final decision, when to start intercepting!

In the Beacon Country as well as the adjacent border of Moxigo.

With the firepower of an unimaginably huge defense and control system, both sides have put the bottom line very low, allowing the other side to transport dangerous weapons to this position, which is actually a big gamble!

This time, the air defense and missile forces of the two countries were gathered to fight this terrible disaster together!

The supreme commander of the Beacon State’s Department of Emergency Secret Prevention and Control – Mason Brown.

The supreme commander of Moxigo’s Special Prevention and Control Department – Ken Bridges.

These two people have absolute authority, unimaginable missions, and behind them are the lives of millions or even tens of millions of people!

Whether or not this terrible disaster can be prevented depends on these short ten seconds.

From the discovery of this damn meteorite appeared, it was only four minutes to finalize the tactic, which was too tight.

Of course.

When that mysterious oriental man “Shao Banxian” issued a disaster announcement.

In fact, the two sides have made countless drills, so they can lay out everything in advance and have today’s situation!

There is at least a glimmer of life now.

The two ordered almost at the same time and said those two words that made people’s hearts tremble!



They launched intercontinental missiles first, because only intercontinental missiles can have a high altitude range of 30,000 meters.







Each side fired three intercontinental missiles, or six in total.

And the lethality of intercontinental missiles is extremely terrible, as long as it hits the meteorite, not to mention the diameter of two or three hundred meters, even if it is magnified ten times, it can be blown to pieces in an instant!

Of course, meteorites falling from outer space, after being grilled by the scorching temperature of the atmosphere.

Its density and hardness are far from being comparable to ordinary stones.

The launch of intercontinental missiles is very sensational, and weapons of this level will never be easily taken out under normal circumstances, but at this moment the target is indeed an even more terrifying extraterrestrial meteorite.

Once this meteorite falls, the energy impact caused is definitely no less than two or three nuclear bombs.

Just thinking about it makes people’s scalps tingle.



The ICBM was shot out and flew into the sky.

And those in the disaster area saw the last hope in the moment of despair.

They showed joy, like the last rays of light in the darkness.

It’s like seeing a straw on the edge of a cliff!

There were still tears in the corners of their eyes, but at the moment they also choked their voices, and they all looked up at these missiles flying towards the sky…

In fact, before the disaster, many of the world’s top scientific institutions simulated this interception of meteorites.

But the results were very disappointing, that is, it was almost impossible to do it.

Or rather, it depends on luck!

The speed is too fast, there is no way to aim and lock, you can only say that if you are lucky, you can hit.

But the probability of this kind of thing is also extremely low, even less than one percent.

The speed of intercontinental missiles can reach the terrifying Mach 20, that is to say, twenty times the speed of sound, but the problem is that the speed is very fast, and the size is also too large to rotate flexibly, so it is generally used for range strikes after aiming.

At this moment, it is used to try to intercept meteorites, which can be said to be a way under no way.

People in several surrounding cities are pleading.

They looked at the last hope, and they were praying in their hearts that they could hit that terrible meteorite.


“God willing!”

That clock in the city square, the second hand is gone!

A second passed.

It seems that every second touches the nerves of countless people, and the entire Lighthouse Country and the people of Moxigo are praying religiously!


After the ICBM is launched,




Another three seconds passed.

Bang bang…….

Bang bang…….

Bang bang…….

Bang bang…….

Subsequently, all groups of surface-to-air missiles were launched, and these belong to air defense missiles that can accurately track, locate, and intercept, also known as surface-to-air missiles.

These surface-to-air missiles generally only reach twice the speed of sound and have limited lethality!

But the advantage is flexibility and self-tracking to lock on to the target once the meteorite enters the range detected by the air defense field system.

These surface-to-air missiles can be directly head-on and intercepted!

An extremely spectacular scene, which shocked people’s hearts.

Countless people raised their heads and looked at this dense array of ground-to-air missiles, as if there were hundreds of missiles.

This picture was also filmed through mobile phones through the hands of some desperate people through the Internet and synchronized to the online platform.

They held up their mobile phones and allowed hundreds of millions of people to witness this last feared moment of disaster through the Internet!



Another two seconds passed.

Every second feels like a century.

Countless people opened their mouths in shock because they heard a deafening sound in their ears again.

It’s like a world war, it’s suffocating.

In the face of this meteorite fall from outer space, both countries are almost fully coming!!!





This launch is the most top-notch anti-aircraft missile technology, extremely expensive, but it is known as the most advanced missile defense system in automation.

The radar is capable of pinpointing targets at speeds of up to Mach 30 per hour at a range of 500 kilometers.

Other words.

This is the most likely killer to intercept terrifying meteorites!

Each such missile is worth thousands of dollars, dozens of times the cost of other missiles.

One missile costs three million dollars.

Even the lighthouse countries, which invest tens of billions of dollars every year to strengthen their strength, only have less than thirty missiles of this level in stock!

This time, a total of six of these most expensive and top-notch missiles were prepared.

Countless missiles shot out into the sky, as brilliant as a hundred flowers blooming!

However this time.

A desperate scene finally appeared in front of them, and countless people choked their breath, and they were trembling all over.

“Oh my God!”

“It’s terrible!”

“It’s the end of the world!”

They saw the meteorite in the sky, and although the naked eye could only see a small black dot, it was enough to suffocate.

All the missiles are heading towards this meteorite.

White smoke is drawn in the air, making people dazzled…

No one knows the final result.

Whether so many missiles can be successfully intercepted, people’s every breath becomes heavy at this moment.

Everything around loses its meaning.

Only the sky and countless missiles, and that terrifying meteorite!

At this moment.

It was as if all the sounds had disappeared and became dead silent.

The whole world seems to have turned black and white.

The whole world is counting down to the final moments, and there are still 7 seconds left before the terrifying meteorite hits the earth!!!

6 seconds…

5 seconds…

Passing by an intercontinental missile at an altitude of 10,000 meters means that the intercontinental missile did not hit!

4 seconds…

Countless ground-to-air missiles surrounded them.

3 seconds…

Even you can already see that the true appearance of that terrifying meteorite is such a huge and dark body!

2 seconds…

It has reached a position five kilometers above the ground, and a huge meteorite is visible to the naked eye!

The meteorite broke the wind with a terrifying screeching sound.

Everyone is already desperate.

They gave up the struggle and stood where they were, waiting for the final death.

At the last second when a meteorite hits the surface.

With a bang –

Time seems to be frozen in this moment!

The whole world is shrouded in white light, the powerful impact of the explosion makes it impossible to open people’s eyes, and the hurricane blows the hair of a young girl flying…

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