At this time, except for the lighthouse country, it was still in a state of information control, so no one seemed to mention the emergency nuclear accident detection organization, and the whole world immediately turned its attention to it.

Of course, Lighthouse Country is still in the process of rebuilding after the volcanic eruption of Stone Mountain Park and previous nuclear radiation events.

Theoretically, there is no fault with it, after all, the recovery of these aspects takes time, and the disaster interval predicted by Gu Shaozhuang is really too short.

Therefore, although the actions of the lighthouse countries are somewhat disgraceful, the rest of the countries in the world are stunned and cannot find any major faults.

At most, I can only sigh a few words, but I did not expect that this country, which has always prided itself as the world’s policeman, would naturally do this for the sake of interests, completely ignoring the degree of credibility it once had.

Worthy of you, kick the ball Dotsky.

On the other hand, both Europeans want to get some opportunities with this nuclear accident detection organization.

Those who have not been able to escape hope to survive, and those who have escaped hope to return home and regain their assets.

People in other countries are also deeply aware that if the whole or indeed most of Europe is hit hard economically, after all, the economy will naturally disintegrate when people are gone.

Then any country will be greatly traumatized and hurt, and will lead to a global disaster in the absolutely inevitable financial crisis.

“So I’d rather earn less than hope that this disaster will actually happen.”

Fu Huadong spoke to himself silently.

The driver on the side had no time to pay attention to what the employer around him said.

One was that he couldn’t understand Chinese.

Second, in such a high-speed flight, it is also necessary to complete the concentration to ensure safety.

And the asset predator on the side silently prayed that this time Mr. Gu could play a role in turning the tide like the previous volcanic eruption, even if it was to alleviate a little disaster as much as possible.

So he deliberately sat in the cab so as not to disturb the one.

After all, he also knows very well that even if he picks the bottom this time and obtains a large amount of financial assets, once the disaster really breaks out, he may spit out more.


At this time, Weston, who was sitting in a corner of the container on the fugitive freighter, also turned on his mobile phone and stared at the screen expectantly.

His expression was a little complicated, because it was not far from the territory of ukran at this time, so the communication base station that supplied the power source of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant that was about to erupt could also operate.

So his phone hasn’t lost its network signal yet, but because it came out in a hurry, the battery is estimated to be completely impossible to support after he arrives in the Americas.

“Daddy’s side is so uncomfortable.”

The child next to him seemed to be a little frightened and uneasy, twisting his body and lying in his mother’s arms, looking very restless.

His complaints are by no means willful, and the conditions of this freighter are absolutely harmonious.

After all, it was originally only used to transport goods, and there was no consideration of such a thing as carrying people, and under normal circumstances, unless there was an end of the world, who would use this kind of thing to transport people.

Of course, for Europe it is indeed almost the end of the world.

Therefore, after hastily remodeling, several temporary toilets were installed here, although they were not open-air, but the smell was very large, and almost the entire container was filled with the smell of excrement.

And also, it seems that this freighter is loaded with seafood and fish, and there is a smell of dead fish fermentation everywhere, it is not only the taste, but even you can step on a few if you are not careful to walk.

And then it will definitely be very memorable.

Coupled with the extremely small space, it is normal for anyone to find this environment unbearable.

But perhaps even the toddler felt the unusual aura of the freighter, so he did not show any reaction to crying in an extremely uncomfortable situation.

It’s just that he is a little afraid to try his best next to his parents, of course, he has no other choice, after all, although their family has spent a lot of money, the space obtained is only an extremely narrow corner.

Although at first they learned when they bought the ferry ticket that there was a space of nearly twenty square meters, they were clearly scammed.

“I knew that the Indu man was not very reliable.” Weston frowned like this and said unpleasantly.

“Forget it, after all, this freighter is the last passage to survive, and it is normal for his owner to want to make a little more money, it would be nice to be able to leave Ukran ” his wife said in a good voice.

“Besides, because of Lyons, we are at least assigned to the corner, and many things are much more convenient.”

“Well, too.” The anger of the middle-aged man came and went quickly.

It can only be a sigh.

Indeed, there is no easy way to deal with the current situation.

Compared to those who cannot leave Europe, they are lucky even in such harsh conditions.

Therefore, Weston just complained and immediately patiently comforted his child, “It’s okay to be at the place soon, when the time comes, I will buy you the toys you want, and any snack you want.” ”

The middle-aged man tried his best to support himself with a forced smile, not showing any tired and uneasy look, so as not to affect his family.

And children are children after all, too forced corners for their parents, with the size of children is acceptable, after getting the promise, they nodded happily and immediately agreed excitedly.

“Then you can’t talk without counting!” And the latter, who was also his father, also smiled a little—reluctantly, and then nodded.

“Of course.”

“Get some sleep, we’ll be there soon after some sleep.”

Weston’s wife also gently touched her child’s forehead, hoping that he would gradually calm down.

Soon, the movements of this family of three gradually turned into tranquility.

Although the surrounding environment is really bad, they have experienced a lot of things during the rush from home and then the bus to the ship, in fact, they have long been exhausted.

Finally, now I can barely relax, after all, at this time, I can only wait for the freighter to run, I can’t do anything, so I fell asleep.

Weston looked at his two wives and children who had gradually fallen into a deep sleep, and felt a little relieved, although he almost collapsed before, but at least in the face of disaster, he still succeeded in protecting his family.

I guess I did my duty.

I was also a little more relaxed.

He casually looked around and found that there were still many people in the same situation as his own home.

Although almost no one spoke in the entire cabin, even if they spoke, they tried to keep their voices as low as possible, but faintly there was always the sound of sobbing one after another.

Obviously, not everyone can face leaving their homeland, or even never coming back for decades, after all, there is the impact of nuclear radiation, and this matter can be calmed down.

Therefore, after seemingly being safe for the time being, these people also showed weakness and pain in their hearts.

“We really can’t go home again.”

“Why didn’t my grandparents come on board with us? Where did they go. ”

“Where is America? Are we going to the Lighthouse Country? I heard that it is very prosperous, and there is an amusement park to visit. ”

Of course, the only sound that can be heard is the innocent and childlike words of those children.

But it can’t hide the cruelty, because it seems that not all families have the spare capacity to provide the whole family to board this last life-saving ticket, and many people can only stay in their homeland and wait for death.

Perhaps I should thank the Indu man, if it weren’t for him, I might have died helplessly like the inhabitants of the city.

After experiencing some intense mental activity, Weston is now calm, recognizing himself, in a sense, it is indeed lucky, it just so happens that his subordinates can have a way to get a life-saving ticket.

Otherwise, he did not believe that there was no one richer than him in the city.

Weston was worried, his mind chaotic thoughts continuing.

Whether it is where to settle down after going to the Americas, what kind of troubles you may encounter, and whether you can return home after this disaster is not clear.

He is also fortunate that his company has a certain international scale, although the headquarters is established in Kiev in Uklan, but there are also branches in the Americas, and he may be able to find a little business for a living for the time being.

In this way, with the gold bars and beautiful knives he wears, he can almost rent a house first, and his children’s education should not be affected.

After working hard for a while, it should be able to stabilize.

All in all, the situation is tragic, but as long as you board this life-saving ferry, everything becomes different, and as long as people are alive, there is a glimmer of hope.

Thinking about Weston like this, I also relaxed a little in my heart, and gradually felt a little sleepy.

Although the environment is very harsh, the human body’s instinct is to need sleep to repair the energy consumed, so Weston is also double eyelids constantly fighting, and soon has a groggy feeling.

At this time, the various lives that were originally absent in the entire container also gradually stopped, after all, most people also felt tired after a rush, even if the conditions were bad, they could not resist the sleepiness.

But just when people are about to fall asleep.

But suddenly there was a rapid and sharp sound, resounding in this narrow and closed container.

It disturbs people’s hearts and runs towards tranquility.

Weston looked at his mobile phone a little confused, and an announcement popped up on it, and before he could look at what the content was, he found that the people around him-

Most of them, as long as they have a mobile phone, also make similar movements.

And the reason why there is such a loud noise in the container is also very simple, nothing more than because, at the same time, everyone’s mobile phones began to ring.

It is similar to the handiwork made by Shao Banxian before.

Could it be that the One found something? Or has a solution been found?

After all, after checking the information, many people know that this god played a key role in the previous volcanic eruption disaster.

Then this time it will not …..

Somehow, Weston suddenly remembered such a strange feeling in his mind, but he soon realized that it was purely an illusion.

Because the content that pops up on the phone seems to be officially sent, it has nothing to do with that oriental.

In a relatively small looking conference room, everyone was dressed very solemnly, and the expressions on their faces were also solemn.

“This seems to be the supreme commander of the countries.”

“It looks like something big is about to happen.”

“Surely it was about the prophecy of that oriental man this time, and finally the upper echelons want to respond positively?”

“What if you throw a bomb into this conference room now?”

There was immediately a discussion in the crowd.

But perhaps even in difficult circumstances, there is never a shortage of people who are happy in bitterness, and you can faintly hear a young man saying witty words.

At the same time, the subtitles are also quickly typed in the video.

Slowly announced about the establishment of a temporary nuclear disaster detection agency, although they had only posted on their official website.

But many disaster victims did not have the leisure to check these things, so this time they borrowed from the means used by Gu Shaozhuang before, and forcibly broadcast the news to everyone with the help of the communication function of their mobile phones.

At this time, the supreme commander of Ukran said in a sad and extremely serious tone in the video.

“I know that most of the people have lost a lot of confidence in us during the previous official inaction, and this is understandable.”

“But the next thing I want to say is very important, now led by Uklan, the major European countries have urgently established this nuclear disaster detection agency, in order to ensure that it will not be allowed…”

This supreme commander took a long time to form before he reluctantly spat out a few words.

“What the mysterious Oriental prophesied happened.”

Apparently he was very upset with the man who had caused him a lot of trouble.

“In fact, we have the key evidence to prove this matter, it is likely to be just a misunderstanding.”

Weston stared at the screen a little strangely, and although he only squinted in a slight trance just now, it also made him recover a lot of sobriety.

So he could see that the words that the Supreme Commander had wanted to describe this prophecy earlier were definitely not some misunderstandings but some more intense wording, such as deception and the like.

It suddenly made this middle-aged man a little dissatisfied, and at this time you still think that fooling the people for your own economic interests is really excessive enough.

But he didn’t say anything, after all, his children and wife and children were still asleep, so he silently turned down the volume of the mobile phone a little.

However, when he made these small movements, he found that many people in the container made the same move as him, and they instinctively provided some convenience for those who were sleeping peacefully.

This just proves that the people who can get on this last life-saving ship, at least the family conditions are relatively rich, so there will be this kind of hasty and polite display.

As for the poor, they can only die.

But the supreme commander in the video continues to tell his point.

“Of course, we have not relaxed our vigilance because of this, after all, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has not been repaired for a long time, and we have sent a top team of 15 people jointly led by various countries to inspect it.”

With the words of the supreme commander, the screen instantly skimmed the biographies of fifteen experts, although most of them did not know each other, but the information given above was quite detailed.

It is true that they are all the most professional cattle on one side, and at this time, no one must think that the upper echelons will cheat in this regard, after all, they are all things that can be found out at will.

Weston was keenly aware that even in this small container, there were quite a few people who let out a sigh for the rest of their lives, as if excited by the government’s actions.

In any case, if they can successfully prevent the disaster, they can now at least return to their homeland without wandering after suffering this crime, and they will not have the opportunity to return home until decades later, when the radiation has disappeared.

“I hope the citizens will not have more movement and confusion so as not to harm your own safety and property, we expect to release the results of that key evidence in an hour, and there is still some fire to go.”

The supreme commander of Uklan, although his tone was very confident, in fact, there was still a trace of panic hidden in his expression, but the so-called speaker had no intention of listening to it.

Weston suddenly felt his attention be directed elsewhere.

“In an hour, these people can actually be so efficient?” He was a little shocked.

Is this still the same country he knows?

He looked at his watch, and there were three limited-edition watches in total.

These things he carries with him purely to see the time, and to be able to urgently exchange money when needed.

At this time, there are only 30 hours and 21 minutes left before the disaster of a nuclear explosion of the destruction level…

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