Verle, after a complicated mental activity, his mind was confused, but he continued to watch what was presented in the video.

The more general content than the previous part, which seems more general, and the specific measures to combat the disaster later, made the veteran feel even more uneasy and frightened.

“The people in the plateau area have now withdrawn more than 30 percent in less than a day after Shao Banxian issued a warning, and this speed will increase to an extremely high multiple after the arrival of various transport vehicles.”

As Verlex progresses in watching the video, the picture slowly transforms into some scenes and styles of the ancient plateau of the East, and then a shocking picture appears.

Countless people trek on this mountain paper with large bags on their backs.

By the way, you can also see some huge animals such as yaks in the so-called plateau area that Verlex can only see on weekdays similar to those seen on popular science channels, to carry luggage for their masters.

This line has been stretching, giving people the feeling that it is thousands of meters long, no, in fact, it should be said that it may be more than this number.

Meandering curves can be seen between the mountains in this plateau area covering several peaks.

“It’s definitely not something synthetic.” 、

There was a great sense of shock in Verle’s tone, as if he had seen something extremely amazing.

Of course, it is inevitable that, usually, this is definitely not a scene that can be seen in daily life, but more like a movie that can be made with special effects in a huge movie.

In a sense, it is indeed incredible.

Feuerbach, the blogger who made the video, also seemed concerned that his audience would question the authenticity of the video, thinking that the composite effect or the image of a certain movie was the result.

So I watched the scene in the long line with the greatest degree of perspective, and the picture changed so quickly that I could skip two or three pictures almost a second, and this process lasted for several minutes.

As long as you are willing to calm down and insist on pause, you will find that each picture is a different picture of people.

The picture includes men, women and children –

They are all the faces of the people of the ancient oriental countries, although they are tired, but they all carry a gesture of hope and longing, because they know very well that such a trek is a meaningful thing to avoid being traumatized under the disaster.


Verle, can only be so evaluated.

If this is a picture made by the ancient eastern country to deceive people for publicity, then the investment will be at least hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is absolutely impossible to complete it in these two days.

Moreover, it has not been long since that Shao Banxian issued a prophecy, even if you want to consider the possibility of that god calculating and the ancient country of the East, you have to carefully analyze it, can paying such a big cost bring any benefits?

The answer is that there is no benefit, so among the countless people who watch this video, even the most anti-intellectual, they have to admit it helplessly.

This is not false, only if it is true, it will be reasonable.

Indeed, the ancient eastern kingdom unleashed a feat unparalleled in the face of the possibility of superstorms on the plateau region.

He mobilized all the people, as well as a large number of troops and volunteers to escort the residents to their new settlements.

For the countless people in Europe and the United States who are watching, this is simply unimaginable.

You must know that in the previous nuclear leakage accident, although the government came forward to repair it, so far, their efficiency for leakage and pollution removal is less than half, and there are still many parties to argue for a long time.

Then there were several fundraisers for donations and a little tax increase.

But that ancient country in the East actually made such a miraculous mobilization ability under the influence of a super solar storm that all their European and American countries considered insignificant.

Although they could not question the authenticity of it, they still felt a great sense of absurdity in their hearts, were they crazy?

But at the same time, there is an even stranger feeling, hidden in the darkest part of the heart, although it seems too wasteful for the national level.

But in fact, I also want to enjoy such a service, it doesn’t matter how much impact the super solar storm has, but if I escape, it will definitely not be affected in any way.

Countless people who are watching this video feel a little sour in their hearts.

Then comes a picture of the finale.

It can be seen that those people boarded the plane in some places that could barely accommodate the flying device, and then drove to various places in the ancient eastern country.

It has to be said that this is the unique advantage that a powerful and vast Asian country can have.

Because even if they have to bear nearly 100,000 disaster victims, they can easily be resettled to some places and ensure that the standard of living is quite good.

The final content is about some military personnel and volunteers working on some equipment that is difficult to repair, such as the cables they have built in the ancient eastern countries in the plateau.

Specialized anti-magnetic storm materials were laid to ensure that these infrastructures could operate again after a solar storm, although on the surface they did not appear to be expensive appliances or powerful military equipment.

But in fact, to build this kind of infrastructure in that extremely narrow terrain, the ancient countries of the East paid a great price and cost.

So what they had to do after moving the crowd was to preserve the installations that had cost a lot of money once built.

These words are not understood by most European and American people.

But what they can see is —

The difference between the ancient countries of the East and those countries in Europe and the United States is that they gave priority to protecting the people in the affected areas before choosing to take measures to protect those electronic instruments from destruction.

Even if you don’t consider whether the impact of the super solar storm is serious or not, it gives those people in Europe and the United States an inexplicable sense of judgment.

“This is the disaster relief plan of the ancient eastern country, and then again, it is indeed better over there, even if they overreact, but for the people they are definitely willing to choose this overreaction result.”

“Instead of forcibly reassuring myself now that this super solar storm will be safe.”

Just as Verlex sighed, a subtitle section appeared at the end of the video, which was typed by the video blogger after consulting with his friends in the ancient eastern country.

The veteran was a little stunned.

“If people lose land, everyone and land exist, and if people lose land, everyone loses land.”

The bottom is naturally equipped with English subtitles.

After silently reading this sentence, even Verleus, a soldier.

He once swore to sacrifice his life for the lighthouse nation and be proud of his national identity.

Now his eyes were a little stunned, and he felt as if something was wrong with the current atmosphere, because he felt that he seemed to question the country he was in.

In the face of this disaster, is it not particularly good and so good?

Of course, there is a more important reason why this person thinks so, that is, as a native white man of the lighthouse country, he is born with an arrogance towards those Asian countries.

Verlex is unwilling to accept the fact that perhaps the ancient countries of the East have done too well in the face of this super solar storm.

But he preferred to think that under the influence of the damned capitalists and this not very good supreme commander, he failed to do well, and if the leaders were better, it would not be the way it is now.

But that’s not the point.

Obviously, Verlex alone could not be caught in a life of great shock and doubt.

It has to be said that before the super solar storm fell, although those capitalists and politicians tried to fool the people below as much as possible, they did not need to pay too much attention to the disaster, just a little calmer and more restrained.

But they themselves have come to the conclusion that they themselves have come to the conclusion after analysis by various sociologists and experts that staying in the affected areas is very risky and unreliable.

Like kicking the ball, Dotsky hid in a military base in Southeast Asia to ensure his safety, and other supreme commanders were not spared.

I don’t know where to go on vacation and escape disasters for a long time, so it seems that the control of speech is quite strict, and various media and social portals have been bought.

But in fact, due to the lag in messaging, after all, it is less than a day away from the disaster. All kinds of messy news are flying all over the sky.

As a result, this original exploration of the ancient eastern kingdom’s way of dealing with disasters should have been blocked early.

However, those who used to review the news felt that this news must be a smear on the ancient eastern country because the workload was too large.

After all, it was a video uploaded by my family, so it was not too censored, the content.

And by the time those upper echelons and capitalists realized that the measures taken to deal with the catastrophe that seemed to be in the ancient East were completely slapped in the face on their side, it was too late.

This video already has an amazing speed, quickly climbing to the top of the hot search.

Because no matter how much people believe that this super solar storm poses a small threat, they will also feel a little panicked.

After all, that Shao Banxian warned them so solemnly, it was inevitable that they would want to laugh at the measures of the ancient eastern kingdom by watching it, and then exchange it for their inner peace.

Although they clicked on the video and found that they seemed to be fooled, the measures handled by the ancient eastern country to deal with the disaster were too perfect and comprehensive, which led to even more unease after watching this.

However, the heat and traffic brought by it will not easily dissipate, which has caused such a result, obviously most European and American people will only feel congested and uneasy when they see this video.

Because it seems that after all, the treatment method of the ancient eastern country is in front, and the practice of not preparing at all on your side is like death.

But in fact, in just an hour or two, no one has the conditions to notify or remind the rest of the netizens not to click on the video, and of course they have no incentive to do so.

For ordinary people, even if they are blinded by the government, they don’t see any harm in watching how another country responds to a superstorm.

At this time, there are still 38 hours and 42 minutes before the solar storm that has swept through the entire northeastern hemisphere…

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