Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 248: : Silence strengthens itself

  In addition to carrying soil, the villages of both size and forbearance also adopted similar methods.

   Investigate the information first.

   After all, this kind of thing is too unbelievable.

  Many people think that only after studying the forbidden surgery, Konoha can revive the dead fourth-generation Naruto.

  Acquisition of information is put first.

   But these have nothing to do with silence.

   He slept quite sweetly, and finally jumped on him by Yueju, and woke up with a meow.

"Are you hungry early in the morning? Yuju." Silently hugged Yuju and turned her head to see Icarus on the edge of the bed. After thinking for a while, she said, "Why not give you a sleep function?" Well, Icarus, lest you always be alone at night."

   Angels do not need to sleep.

   So Icarus watched by the bed every night.

   often helps Fei Ju cover a quilt or something.

  Although silence is used to, but it is still better to sleep, sleep is a quite enjoyable state for people.

   Icarus blinked and said, "Sleep, is it a low-power standby state? But my consumption in this form is already very low."

"Sleeping is to relax your mind and enjoy peace." Silence sat up, stretched out and looked at Icarus and smiled. "If you can't sleep, there is an important mode of relaxation in life. Speaking of it, also Time to think about your future evolutionary direction, Icarus."

   as an expensive angel.

  Icarus's current strength is certainly not weak.

   However, it must be strengthened.

  Not to mention these strong men in the Naruto world, each one will become stronger, saying silent plan, but to create a real chamber of commerce that spreads all over the world.

   There will definitely be quite powerful guests in the future.


   Icarus's expression didn't change much.

  Thinking in silence.

   As a mechanical race, if you want to strengthen, the price is relatively cheaper. After all, it is originally a modifiable mode. As long as the core remains unchanged, everything else can be changed, and the difficulty of strengthening is slightly less than that of the organism.

  Since the last time I got enough to buy Icarus, there hasn't been any big consumption for this period of silence.

  Kiye crowd, O snake ball, Luosha, Tsunate, Uchiha Itachi and others...

  Rough calculation.

   The total turnover is more than 400 million transaction points, after all, he sold more than 1,400 third-level cans.

   Even if the cost is deducted.

   The trading points in hand are now over 300 million.

Enough to buy some world gates that are not powerful doomsday worlds such as "Forbidden City" and "Resident Evil" for these energetic ninjas to score points, those zombies' bodies and residual souls can be exchanged for money of.

   But before that.

   first improve the strength of others.

   his own words.

  Continue to increase mental power, and buy some abilities that can be strengthened by mental power, such as magic, mirror, etc., which are often used.

   And Icarus...have.

"Icarus, I plan to strengthen your computing and analysis ability. There is a race ability that is suitable for you." Silent laughed, "In this way, I only need to add to you a different energy conversion function, you will grow up quickly."

   That's right, the silence refers to the machine-kai kind from "Game Life".

  Analysis, design, combat, a race that can theoretically learn to strengthen indefinitely

   is also the only race in that world that has succeeded in killing gods.

   And this ability.

   is suitable for Icarus, who will go to different worlds with silence, but the power of countless worlds will become her nourishment.

   Plus the continuous optimization of the system.

   Does not need to consume too many trading points, but also can create a true multi-element queen.

   "The host can do whatever I want to Icarus." Icarus looked at the excitement in silence, a slight smile appeared on his face.

   She is not so concerned about power.

   But he was very concerned about the silent expectation.

   "That's it."

  Since there is a decision for silence, I immediately started to prepare.

  The machine type only needs energy as a power source.

There is not much restriction on the energy itself, but the more efficient it is, the stronger it is, and it is best to be renewable and clean energy. The converter adds Chakra mode.

In this case.

  Icarus can rely on his analytical ability and constantly analyze the ninjutsu to master this power system.

   But think about the angel sister a serious seal.

   Then read the name of ninjutsu.

  Always feel happy on the screen.

  After everything was done in silence, he touched the top of Icarus's head and said with a smile:

   "Icarus, please work hard in the future."

   "Well." Icarus responded wisely, glad to see the silence, she was also very happy.

  However, this gave silence a new way of thinking. The power system of different worlds is itself a powerful resource. Just like this analytical ability, if it is in a simple world, it may not be too powerful.

   However, there must be an opportunity to touch the infinite world.

   That is really potential.

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with encouraging customers to continue their research and development. The ability of the spiritual teacher to improve to the star rating of the starry world.

   According to the setting of that world.

  'S previous star rating means that you can come and go freely on the planet, and the star rating has the ability to fly briefly between the planets. At the pure state level, it has already surpassed the six celestial beings.

   thought about it.

   simply added a primary ability to rewrite reality.

   The kind of gold oil.

   uses mental energy as the energy consumption, and the strength is also guaranteed, and there is no need to temporarily purchase teleport and the like.

   consumed a total of more than 120 million trading points, almost the price of 1.5 Icarus.

   has such power.

   Leave some trading points to protect yourself, which should be enough to deal with most situations.

  With the constant consumption of trading points, silently felt a powerful force like a rebirth, but did not become too addicted to it.

   He enjoys a fresh and interesting life more than the invincible lofty world.

   So next.

   can start thinking about how to expand the chamber of commerce.

  Silence with some anticipation puts his eyes on the outside world.


   Suddenly discovered that a man was sneaking to the door of Muye. .

  Uchiha takes the soil!

   This is a person who uses his life to interpret what is called "blackening countless times".

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