Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 253: : Have you ever felt powerless

   However, her words were very harsh in the unearthly ears with soil.

   for Kakashi.

   didn't care about her own life at all.

   Even if she died once, Lin’s tenderness has not changed at all, but ah, the world is sorry for her tenderness, and Kakashi who made her die once is even more sorry!

  Take soil is determined to truly save Lin!

   And at this time.

   "Lin -!" Kakashi exclaimed.


   turned his head violently with soil, and he saw that Lin had turned her head up and slammed her temples towards the spikes that pointed at her.

   This is suicide without any hesitation!

   The earthy eyes suddenly widened, and the past scene seemed to appear in his mind again.

   this time.

Does   Lin want to die in his hands?

   is almost instinctive.

   With soil drastically removed those spikes.

good chance!

   Kakashi only saw the mask man in front of him as he did not want to kill the hostage and lost the opportunity to exchange information, but it did not prevent him from seizing the moment, and his left eye, which had already turned into a kaleidoscope, swiftly ran.

   directly twisted the tree bound to Lin with the void.

  Lin's figure fell down.

   And Kakashi had seized the opportunity, and rushed towards the soil with a rush, and the strength he obtained through the taboo technique burst out without any hesitation.

   "Lin, run straight!" he shouted at the same time.

  Lin finally looked at him, turned around and evacuated quickly.

   Although she believes that she died better than Kakashi fighting.


   She knew very well that she couldn't convince Kakashi. The only thing she could do was leave, not become a drag.

at this moment.

  Lin wants to gain strength in her heart, stronger than ever.

   looked at Lin's heart in the silence in the sky and couldn't help smiling.

   The role of the spawn copy is to provide a powerful opportunity for the ordinary ninja like Lin to pass through the jar.

   is not prepared for the strong.

   However, don’t worry.

   Silence continued to move his attention back to Kakashi and the battle with the soil.

   faced the fierce offensive of Kakashi.

   with soil, just to avoid.

   He was also immersed in the fear of nearly killing Lin. If he hurt Lin, he could not forgive himself anyway, but he did not expect Lin to be so determined.

   committed suicide without saying a word.

   That's why he didn't chase Lin who had escaped.

  In the event that Lin was taken away, before he could speak, Lin directly committed suicide...

   thought of such a picture, with the soil can not help shivering.

   is the moment of distraction.


   was punched in the stomach by Kakashi with a punch, his figure flew out in front of the huge impact force, and hit the tree hard.

   "Don't distract you when fighting, you too underestimate me." Kakashi's clothes had been torn under the force of rage, revealing a bulging muscle, with muscles all over the blue muscles.

  Even when constantly suffering from side effects of forbidden surgery.

  His eyes also kept clear.

  Lin should have gone away, which made him a little relieved. Although I don't know if this guy has any friends, Kakashi has an intuition.

   This person is the most dangerous for Lin!


   Coughed twice with soil and stood up.

   Kakashi was a little surprised.

   He knew clearly that he had just hurt his internal organs with the punch.

   Mu Dun's resilience?

   This enemy is really tricky beyond imagination. Did he really come for the information of Konoha?

"I heard that you call yourself Uchiha spot." Kakashi took a healing potion and said, "If it was the adult, how could your strength be so weak? And it also controlled Mu Dun. "

  Although, the last thing he can do to start the taboo series is to be delayed.

   However, now he has to delay time.

   was dragged to the teacher, and everyone from Muye arrived.

   Twelve years ago, the Nine-Tail chaos was also caused by this person, and the death of the teacher and the maid, and the sacrifice of many leaves of Ninja...

  Kakashi gradually made up his mind.

   must not let this person go!


   looked at Kakashi in front of him, and suddenly thought of a solution.

  If you want to stop Lin from committing suicide.

   Then there is only the person in front.

  If it is threatening with his life, Lin might be able to give everything including life.

   Damn it! Very unwilling!

   The earthy eyes sharpened, and he continued with a hoarse voice:

   "Have you ever felt your own weakness?"

   Kakashi also noticed that something was wrong. The opponent's Chakra agitated, and the pressure was stronger than before. He didn't know why, this person suddenly turned his goal to him.

   But he will not flinch in front of the enemy.

   "Of course." Kakashi breathed slowly and took a short sword from behind. "But since then, I have resolved not to be as weak as it was then."

   "On the basis of the ridiculous power you gained from those ridiculous jars?" Uchiha's earthy tone fully demonstrated domineering and self-confidence.

   He plays the role of Uchiha spot.

   also made some kind of momentum.

   And the face under the Kakashi mask, obviously, was laughing.

   He fiercely inserted the dagger into his arm!

   shouted with a slightly painful voice:

   "I only regret now that I haven't bought enough jars!"

  If you are not hesitating, do not know if you want to obtain fate-like items from the taboo series.

   Today, it won’t be like Once again, Lin is in danger.

   So his regret is real.

  As the arm transformed into a leading arm, Kakashi rushed towards the mask man in front of him, and while the hot flame was sprayed out, his fist slammed into his face.

  He wanted to see if Uchiha spot is under this mask!


   No matter whether it is flame or fist, all of them have penetrated from the other party's body without hindrance, without any feeling of attacking the entity.

what--! ?

   Kakashi turned his head around inconceivably.

  With soil, he extended his right hand.

   "Will you not be powerless again?" One by one, flames burst out one after another, making a roaring sound, and then slammed down on the ground, "Now, this is when you feel hopeless!"

   Uchiha Fire Formation!

   Encircled by a cuboid with a hot flame, it completely enveloped the surroundings. The trees near the enclave almost turned into fly ash in a short time.

   This enchantment.

  The fire that uses the earth as a catalyst to amplify, even the power of the tail beast, is difficult to break through.

   For the strength of Kakashi in the eyes of the soil.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a real field of despair.

   Kakashi also felt threatened.

   The kind of incredible power that made his body penetrate the past, he has not yet figured out what is going on, but the secret enchantment of Uchiha, which should have been lost, is obviously to prevent him from escaping.


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