Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 268: : 1 What must be done

Faced with the status quo caused by Tsunae's simple move.

Whether it's Zhao Meiming or Nagajuro, his face changed slightly.

What a terrible force!

They didn't even feel the flow of Chakra, can power alone be terrible to this extent? The legendary Lei Ying, famous for its strength, does not know whether there is such a level.

"You're called Nagajuro, right." Tsunade looked at Nagajuro with one hand on his hips, smiling. "Okay, I'm not insulting her, I'm just telling the truth."

She spread her legs and posed.

There was a loud noise.

The ground underfoot shattered.

The earth and stones were shaken and flew up.

Zhaomei Mingchakra had just mentioned it, and his eyes flashed, and Tsunato had already come to them with an afterimage.

There was even a layer of white mist on the raised fist.


A huge boxing wind exploded behind them.

The shock wave that was visible to the naked eye even turned into a fist shape, rushing towards the sky, and then the terrifying gust of wind scattered, so that the rest of the group was rushed out by the aftermath of the fist before even reacting. .

Zhao Meiming and Nagajuro were speechless.

Especially Nagajuro.

His body shivered like a child bullied by a scoundrel, trying not to let his tears fall.

You don't even need to look at the situation behind you to know.

If this punch is hit, it is absolutely miserable.

"Now, you should understand that I am not insulting you."

Tsunade withdrew his fist, still breathing white smoke, exuding the temperature after violent friction with the air.

Strong, too strong!

Even if it is beautiful, the eyes are also shocked with unparalleled, what really exists to resist such a fist?

And that kind of speed.

According to Meimei's feeling, at this distance, she would have failed even before the seal.

This strength far exceeded her expectations.

"Master Gangshou." The mute face beside was helpless, "This is your own home."

"Ah, it's miscalculated." Tsunade looked back at the messy ground, and was also depressed. "It's too strong to be a good thing. If you don't pay attention, it will cause damage."

If it's just strange power, it's better to say.

Just control Chakra.

But now, this power is the result of strange power and a large number of light groups that directly strengthen the body. It can be said that more than 40 million points have been smashed. Her body is already a complete superman.

"Master Gangshou deserves to be a senior."

Zhao Meiming squeezed out a not-so-good-looking smile.

She even doubts now.

Just Tsunade alone may have the strength to defeat the entire Wuyin Ninja Village.

It seems that reality is more exaggerated than what intelligence says.

"There are various reasons." Tsunade glanced at her, turned around, and said while walking, "In short, give you a piece of advice, let's be honest in the current Konoha, maybe a passing passerby You can't win, kid."

This sentence is a bit exaggerated.

Tsunade scared her deliberately.

"Is this power also related to that being?" Zhao Meiming couldn't help asking.

But no response was received, and Tsunai just waved her hand away from her and left.

Only the mission was caught in shock and daze.

Nagajuro bowed his head in shame at this time.

Looking at him, Zhao Meiming didn't have the heart to blame.

Fists clenched, there was a deep concern in his eyes.

She felt it too.

The reason why Muye still entertained them with the specifications of treating Omura was purely to see if they could be favored by the existence. If she could not have such terrible power, what would Muye do, she naturally imagined.

Uneasiness and anxiety began to surge.

But it soon became a determination to do something.

"Master Messenger." Mute stood aside and looked at Zhao Meiming. "Do you need me to take you to the residence?"

Tsunae can pat the **** and walk away, but she can't.

After all, the task is to entertain these people, which also includes surveillance.

"I want to wander around in Konoha." Zhao Meiming's face again had the usual smile on her face, "Just me and Nagajuro, is it okay?"

The mute hesitated and nodded.

In fact, they only need to be responsible for Zhao Meiming and others when they are in the land.

If you go out.

That was naturally monitored by members of the secret department.

Seeing mute nodding, Zhao Meiming also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems, as the Naruto and Tsunade said.

Whether she can see the existence or not, they cannot intervene, so they will not restrict her actions.

It was so decided.

However, although Zhao Meiming is determined to do something.

However, when she and Nagajuro went out and stood on the street, they realized

It seems that nothing can be done.

Until now she didn't even know the name.

The more this is, the more you can feel the mystery according to Zhao Meiming, even if you haven’t seen it before, you don’t even know the name, you don’t know the appearance, but even people with such strength and status as Tsunabe have that attitude.

Feeling a little thoughtful and terrified.

It's like being high above, and can easily dominate the existence of Konoha.

Even with this village in her eyes, she seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil.

"Zhaomei Ming, what should we do now?" Nagajuro couldn't help asking.

"Just walk around." Although Zhao Meiming felt a little uneasy, she still gave Nagajuro a reassuring smile. "Just like normal play, the information is always hidden in subtle places."

"Yes!" Nagajuro said.

The silence at this time also withdrew his sight.

There were two cheers.

He didn't expect that Wave Feng Shui Men and Tsunade set off his image so quickly.

If he is playing now, he is afraid to do nothing, only need to show his identity, he can shock Zhao Meiming, and then sell the jar without hindrance.

So, do you want to sell the jars directly, or do you want another two days?

It doesn't seem to be very good.

If it appears so simple, I feel a little sorry for the mysterious image created by Tsunade and Wave Fengshuimen, but if it is dragged on, it is also easy to give Muye a certain misunderstanding, for example, he actually does not want to sell Wuyinren Village jars or something. .

But Silence already has an idea.

"Icarus, Yueju, take you out shopping today."

The silence turned around and said to his own big and small inhumans.

Fei Ju is naturally happy.

This little milk cat is now more and more sticky and silent, sometimes in the middle of the night from his bed to the silent bed.

Icarus has no comments.

At this moment, Zhao Meiming, who originally held the idea of ​​investigating intelligence, seemed to be a little addicted to the prosperity of Konoha.

As the ninja world is the strongest and most prosperous village at this time.

Here, Konoha brings together almost all the commodities in the world.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd, the hawking that sounded from time to time, and various dazzling items are all unavailable in Wuyinren Village.


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