Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 289: : We have seen it very early

The two previous so-called eras were nothing but illusions.

but now.

The silence is about to begin.

The words fell, and when the planet turned again, he rushed directly to the planet with Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan was unable to resist.

All the rapid changes in the surroundings, she still floats lightly in a form that seems to have no entity, floating less than half a meter away from the ground.

On the earth, the rain was falling down in misery.


One ninja after another jumped with weapons, and one of them rushed directly towards her.

Xiao Nan's subconscious defense.

However, the ninja went straight through her body.

"Did I not say that, this is the long river of time, located in Yuren Village thirty years ago." Silence floated beside her, and her right hand was still resting on her shoulder. "For this era, you It does not exist and cannot affect everything here, you can only observe."

It was at this time that those ninjas wearing Yuyin Ninja Village's forehead hit a group of wood leaf ninjas, and immediately started fighting.

The collision of weapons and the sound of fear before death seemed to pull Xiao Nan back to that period.

Ninja War.

Yuyin Ninja Village fell into war.

"At that time, you were only five years old." Silently said, "It's really cute."

Following his line of sight, Xiao Nan looked sharply into the distance.

There, the three children were trembling and hiding in the corner of a mound.

Nagato, Xiaonan, Yahiko.

Xiao Nan couldn't remember when this was. It was very common for them at that time. She was holding a small bag in her hand, which contained the soldiers' food pills they had found from the ninjas at the risk of their lives. .

This is not just their food.

Still some chances for the remaining orphans to survive.

Xiao Nan stared blankly at the other two children.

Face full of nervous Yahiko, a long door with some fear.

Eyes, a little redness.

Before meeting Zilai Teacher, that period was the most dangerous and the most difficult period of her life. As an orphan, it was difficult to survive on such a battlefield.

However, at this moment she looks.

The fate of the three people was from that time, but now, she is the only one left.

Xiao Nan held back the tears.

Turning his head to the man in front of him, he asked, "What is your purpose?"

What she said in this man's mouth, took her to the past time and space, with a suspicious attitude.

But one thing is certain.

No matter what this man wants to do to her, she has no resistance.

"Did I not say that? You are not worth my purpose now." Silence gave her a gentle smile, "I can know everything from the past in the course of time, and naturally include you, I treat you Understanding may be better than yourself."

Xiaonan pursed her lips and said nothing.

And at this time.

Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation from the long gate in the distance.

Xiao Nan looked over, but found that when he fled from one mound to another, he accidentally dropped the bag in his arms to the ground, and a few black and autumn autumn pill grains fell out.

As a matter of course, at that time, I stopped and bent over to pick up. This is an important thing.

However, Nagato and Yahiko didn't find out that she didn't keep up until they reached another mound.

This is on the battlefield.

There is no doubt a fatal danger.

Xiao Nan shook his head suddenly, as if there were memories to emerge from his mind.

Then she rounded her eyes and turned her head violently, looking at the man standing beside her.

She remembered.

Silence moved her hand away from her shoulder, so she walked towards her thirty years ago step by step, and the footprints gradually appeared behind her. Finally, the five-year-old Xiaonan raised his head and looked at this in horror. The adult in front of me.

As she remembered.

The future Xiaonan squeezed his fists.

The expression was shocked.

She has recalled what happened, but how is it possible! ?

At this moment, right in front of her.

The silence gave a five-year-old Xiaonan a gentle smile, raised her hand, and gently touched her head. On the forehead, a beautiful blue flower appeared, and he bent down again, using a gentle Said a word.

——Live well.

In Xiao Nan's mind, the memories that belonged to that time kept coming up.

She raised her hand and touched her forehead.

There is a same blue flower.

Not the original one.

But it was from that time that she began to use such flowers as the only decoration on her hair.

in memory.

For a long time, she couldn't recall the man's appearance. What she could remember was that sentence. Sometimes she wondered whether it was a dream. Over time, this memory gradually faded away. In time.

And now, she remembered.

Looking at the man who had returned, Xiao Nan bit his lips.

"what the **** is it?"

I have seen this man thirty years ago, and even left traces of this man on my body.

And all this.

It actually happened in front of my own eyes!

"Did I not say that? This is the time and space thirty years ago." Silent smiled, "General existence, can not change the real past, but I am different, this is my realm, so, We actually met very early."

Xiao Nan stared at the man in front of him.

People who can reach the past and even change the future.

For such an existence.

Isn’t it omnipotent?

In contrast, Nagato really does not qualify as a god.


"Why do you want to say that sentence?" Xiao Nan murmured and asked, although she gradually forgot why, but the sentence to live well has always been engraved in her heart.

When Yahiko died, she faced despair.

This sentence has always surfaced in her mind.

Even just now.

When Nagato died, also appeared.

She didn't know who said it to her, or when she was told to her, but she always remembered it.

Now she knows.

Saying this to her is the man in front of her.

"If you want to ask why, it is hope that you can live." The smile on the silent face seemed to expand a bit more. He walked step by step and said slowly, "Xiao Nan, you see yourself as a support The pillars of the two bridges of Yahiko and Nagato, I hope to see them take Yuyin Village and take this world to peace, but in my opinion, the real bridge is never them, but you."

Changing the cause and effect of the past without causing too much impact does not require consuming too many trading points.

Not only can she understand her existence, but also a wave of goodwill, and promote her to become an agent.

The best of both worlds.

Wonderful book house

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