Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 307: : 1 week of work

If we say that before this wave of silence, this warship still looks like it was artificially manufactured.

So now, it is completely a mysterious product.

The whole body is dark red, with blue energy lines all over the body, and the light is flowing. From time to time, some light red hexagonal barriers emerge, and the dense cannon is even more frightening.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge muzzle in the center.

The huge barrel with an exaggerated shape is framed by two red turrets, and there is a hollowed-out place in the middle. There is an energy group that is constantly blooming like electric current, and even a small amount of current flows through the barrel occasionally.

Even people who do not understand the beauty of sci-fi will experience a strong visual impact the first time they see this giant cannon.

There is a feeling of "very scary at first glance".

On both sides of the entire battleship, the emblem of the chamber of commerce was drawn with golden lines, and the highest peak appeared. The same flag fluttered above the banner, with black background and golden patterns, dancing with the wind.

"It should be enough to have this shape." Silently looked at the entire warship after the transformation.

The sense of shock is absolutely enough.

In total, it costs about two Icarus's prices, and the strength is also very strong. Not to mention destroying the world, if you want to destroy the islands of ordinary size, you can still achieve one shot.

"Captain..." Bismarck behind him suddenly asked, "Are you really trying to conquer the world?"

"Uh." Silence turned his head, "Feel too exaggerated?"

"I'm not questioning the captain, but... if the leader of this world sees me now, there is a high probability that they will feel threatened and take measures to take my current equipment status.. .... Counterattack alone is probably enough to conquer the world." Bismarck said truthfully.

She is well aware of the nature of war.

There is no need for extra actions, just "detecting threats" is enough to break out of war.

"It turns out that you are not vomiting, but rational analysis." Silence suddenly realized.

Although it is known that Bismarck is not good at expressing emotions, without telepathy, it is really easy to misunderstand the meaning of the other party.

"Make complaints?"

Bismarck did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Nothing, no need to care." Silent laughed, "Because what we are about to do, as long as we exist, it is a huge threat to the leaders of this world. In this case, it is better to show your strength, when the gap exceeds To a certain extent, there is no so-called war."

The ruler of this world is the Dragon.

To be honest, the rule of the Tianlong people is the fundamental reason for creating the competitiveness of this world.

Natural villain.

Considering the financial situation of the Tianlong people, the silence is not ready to be sold to the Tianlong people, otherwise the balance will be too easily destroyed.

Since there are restrictions.

The delivery of contracts requires more consideration.

Therefore, silence requires more time and more temptation.

And before that.

"Bismarck, start stealth cruise mode." Silent commanded.


In Bismarck's eyes, countless data streams slipped through, and a hexagonal translucent barrier surrounded the entire battleship, then disappeared.

From the boat, nothing has changed.

But to outsiders, there is nothing here.

Some are just a calm sea.

"It's time to start working, Bismarck, you can help me, maybe you can make some suggestions." Silence stretched out a lazy waist.

"I will do my best to serve you, Captain." Bismarck seemed to have a smile on his face.


Looking at her in silence, she suddenly thought of something like that.

As soon as he raised his hand, a one-person portrait appeared.

That's right, it's Bismarck's standing painting-the glory of iron blood.

"Did you really sit like this in your seat? I used to think it was pretty." Silence looked at the girl in front with some expectation.

"How is this possible." Bismarck slightly opened his eyes. "Wearing such clothes will give the subordinate an overly rude appearance, Captain!"

"Yes, what a pity." Silent smiled at her, "but you have no subordinates here. Would you like to try it on? I think the temperament is very suitable for you."

Even Bismarck couldn't help but look reddish at this time, and seemed to look at the silence with some distress, "Ship, Captain, please don't tease me on purpose."

"Hey, you see it." The silent smile seems to have expanded a bit. "It doesn't matter if you don't dislike it. There is a beautiful girl with a lovely character next to it. It is always a joy for men. Thing."

"Cute personality... am I?" Bismarck was surprised.

I did not expect to get such a comment.

Speaking of it, I have just heard that she is pretty.

It seems that this is the captain's preference.


Will she be like this character?

Bismarck seemed to hesitate for a while, but said aloud:

"I understand."

"What do you understand?" The silence froze slightly.

"Although thank you very much for your love, it's just..." Bismarck's face seemed to be slightly reddish, but more things were helpless, "I'm not very good at dealing with other people's emotions, so... some The place may not satisfy the captain, please forgive me."

She has no confidence in this aspect.

"Hahaha." Silence couldn't help laughing, "I mean cuteness like this, Bismarck."

"The captain's smile now makes me a little unsure what to do." Bismarck said looking at his captain helplessly.

She is ready to face all kinds of teasing in the future.

However, the silence was only a few laughs, and then walked towards the office.

"It's time to start work, come here."


Bismarck was relieved.

Although it's fun to tease the ship's mother, silence still quickly puts away all kinds of thoughts and focuses on the planning work that she loves. In fact, it is this kind of focus that will keep him single while on the earth.

Seriously analyze the information of this world ~ ~ analysis camp.

Decide on methods and steps, perfect settings

All of this took him about a week. During this period, Nami asked him to buy more than one hundred secondary cans, which she robbed from Bucky and Luffy.

"Is it still possible to establish fate in this situation." Silently looking at the three people who had already experienced Usopp's plot, they seemed to be thinking deeply.

Although, Nami gained strength.

But this also seems to make their adventure easier.

If you think about it carefully, the plot of the whole story, at least the early plot, is that the protagonist and the group of people go to one place after another to take risks, meet various enemies, and all win.

The result is that if you win, it doesn't seem that gaining strength affects the direction, at most it's a slightly different process.

Wonderful book house

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