Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 339: : Dragon's transfer and grand prize

This is the first farming type career designed by Silence.

Equivalent to lord.

However, considering that the current dragon does not dare to have its own territory, it was changed to King Ren.

As Silent said, the power of this sub-professional depends on the condition of the people who trust him, and the role of the jar is to teach him how to make people better, and how to practice and nurture this luck. Dragon.

Of course, there are ways to use it.

The silent explanation is already clear.

In Long's eyes, there is first surprise, then silence, and finally determination.

"My strength will be stronger because of those who trust me, and I also respond to this trust." Long said.

He knew in his heart that the things he had been evading in the past could no longer be evaded. He not only had to overthrow the Tianlong people, but also to consider the things after that, and even from now on, he must find ways to make those who trust him, It's better.

This power connects his dream and everything with those people closely.

No hesitation.

He reached out and touched the little dragon.

The golden dragon lifted his head proudly and drilled into his body, turning it into a tattoo-like pattern, but it was not static, but kept walking on his body.

Some information also appeared in the dragon's mind.

This dragon of luck is still very weak.

However, the dragon can feel the emotions of those people from its body, including pain. Unwillingness, hatred, and the pursuit of happiness.

"It is indeed the way of the king..." Long murmured.

To gain strength from people, one must also assume people's responsibilities.

This is the fate given to him by the jar.

"It sounds like a great power." Karp looked at his son, his eyes somewhat complicated, but also proud.

Although he did not recognize Long's behavior, he recognized his son's achievements.

It is a son who can threaten the existence of Tianlong people.


Karp's eyes are also serious, "Dragon, you should know what happens once this power is known."

"Yes, I know." Long also stared at his father violently.

If one knows that his power comes from people, with the style of that rubbish, I am afraid that he will make a slaughter order regardless of everything.

If you can't solve him, you can solve the people who trust him.

Therefore, at least until he is ready, the information of this power must not be leaked.

"I won't say it," Karp said seriously. "But, I will beat you in a head-to-head matchup to see if your luck is stronger or my will is stronger."

"That's impossible, because--" Long turned his head, looked at the silence, and extended a finger, "I'm going to buy a thousand more cans."

"One thousand!?" Karp opened his mouth suddenly.

How much is it?

Hasn’t the Revolutionary Army always been poor?

How can I buy a thousand cans?

The dragon's heart was also painful.

This is almost all the money he can take out, and even take out a lot of the materials they reserve for emergency.


There is knowledge of development forces in the jar. He is confident that he can make all this money back in the shortest time. In addition, Kapu’s words have brought him a certain sense of crisis. He must be as strong as possible as soon as possible. Guard the power of people.

And spending money to buy power is the fastest way.

Long has decided to use that knowledge to rectify the interior after going back, and then find a way to grab some money from the hands of the Tianlong people, and let the cadres also look for the ship of fate.

"The third-level jar of the Thousand Kings series."

Thousands of jars appeared in front of me, raising my hand in silence.

Also deduct money.

This was the first big business that Silent did after coming to this world.

Actually, the Revolutionary Army does not only have such money, but their expenses are too great. In order to maintain the expansion and hiding of the Revolutionary Army, they need to consume a lot of money and give people a very poor feeling, so this thousand jars are indeed The limit Dragon can now take out.

"A thousand jars..."

Karp was a little envious, and even he couldn't make the Navy headquarters pay so much money in one breath.

This is billions of Bailey.

Long did not intend to get in front of his father, just opened the jar with a nervous face.

He still doesn't know what is in the jar of the Ren Wang series.

Opening the first jar, a beam of light poured into the body.

This is a light group that enhances power.

The first- and second-level royal jars basically do not improve their strength, so the dragon is the first time to feel the magic of this light group. While looking at his palm, his body is very comfortable, and he also feels the magic of this jar more deeply.

The light group just now has the strength of an ordinary navy soldier who has been training all the year round.

carry on.

The Renwang series is a fairly comprehensive series.

Power, wisdom, knowledge, and most importantly, the power of luck power supplement and use methods.

With just a hundred jars, the dragon clearly felt that the dragon of luck in his body had been enhanced a lot. Together with those skills, he greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

"From the third-level jar, there are some weak forces." Silently said slowly, "In terms of your strength, at least it must be a blue rare level treasure, in order to be regarded as a change in combat power. the power of."

Blue rare, purple epic, golden legend!

This is the ranking of the jar prize in the information obtained by Long and Kapu.

Each one is more than ten times the power gap!

Feeling the power of the three-level jar at this time, even the dragon can't help expecting the big prize.

At least, the blue rare is always available.

I don’t know if it’s because the three-tiered jar opened the European gas. With a 1% probability, it did not come out after opening two hundred jars.

Long is still suffocating ~ ~ After all, there are still a lot of remaining jars.

And... even if there is no grand prize, this amount of accumulation has brought him a change that even he is surprised.

Strength, speed, hole cards, the strength of the Dragon of Fortune is gradually revealed in front of him!

Finally, when there were more than two hundred jars, the first prize appeared.

Skills: King's Command · Beginning

Introduction: No one can disobey Wang's orders and consume luck. Let anyone obey your order. The strength and duration of the order are determined by luck. The cooling time is 24 hours.

"This skill..." Dragon couldn't help but take a breath.

Although the limitation is very large, the dragon still understands the power of this skill.

Especially in dangerous battles, life and death can be decided!

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