Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 343: : The Power of 1,000 Jars

This is definitely the strongest punch Karp has ever made.

Even if it has not been completely dropped, it also brings a strong sense of distortion to everyone. The vast power is like a huge meteorite and it crashes down.


In the loud noise, a fist print larger than the island appeared in this sea, and then the leaping water. The navy on the coast could only see the waves tens of meters high roaring, and could not see the battle at all. Something happened in the center, but they were shocked by this spectacular sight like a bottom line.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

This will be a scene that can be created by the battle between human beings.

The real strongman is too far away from them.

And at this time.

The silence looked away a little, because he found that Kirby, Smog, and Duskey passed the test almost simultaneously.

Everyone opened his eyes.

Then, I saw the spectacular scene under the moonlight in the distance.

"what happened?"

Smog asked aloud, he still didn't get away from the illusion.

"It's nothing." Raising his hand in silence, the three men flew into the boat involuntarily. "Just Cap, and the yellow ape are fighting the dragon."

"Lieutenant General Kapu and General Yellow Ape?"

Duskey was taken aback, and then turned his head again, looking at the huge waves that spattered tens of meters high like a natural disaster.

Okay, so strong.

She and the general navy were born with the same idea. Is this really the power that manpower can exert?

"Want to see it?"

Silence didn't seem to rush to sell the jars to these people, but just gently patted the railing in front of him, and the mental thought swept through. The huge ship flew very quickly, and the next moment, it appeared directly on the battlefield. Over the sky.

This unimaginable scene, and the earth-shaking battles below, made everyone feel like they were dreaming.

"Both of them gained strength from me." Silence leaned on the railing and looked down. "However, Karp is going to lose because the dragon has opened more than 20 times more jars than he did. ."

"How could Lieutenant General Cap lose?" Kirby didn't seem to believe the same, grabbing the railing.

Smog slowly took out a box of cigars from his arms, ignited the last three in one breath, and sucked hard.

He also didn't think Cap would lose.

It was a monster-like existence that was not weaker than the general.

And now.

With the spread of shock waves, the most central situation in the battle finally finally showed in front of everyone.

Kapu maintained the exaggerated huge fist, and correspondingly, the dragon's right arm also had a golden light to form a huge dragon claw, completely catching Kapu's fist.

"Really blocked?"

The yellow ape was suspended in mid-air, the original expression was a little weird, and now it is even more weird.

The power of Kapu's punch, he estimated, even if Kai Duo resisted hard, he would be injured.

But Long stopped it unscathed.

This is the power obtained on the ship of fate?

"Old man." Long's face, with a very bright smile, "Your fist, and your determination, I have received it, next, let you see my determination, no, it is all called The determination of the noble oppressed people!"

Along with the words, the golden light burning on his body seemed to be more powerful at this moment, and a golden dragon circled from the golden flame to his right arm.

Karp's face changed slightly.

He felt an indescribable force oppressed him, and it was like a vast sea.

Suddenly grabbed his glove composed of domineering and green mans.



Everyone could hear a huge breaking sound, and Karp blushed, but he couldn't stop the glove, made of his will, from breaking at the next step of that great strength.

"Did you feel it?" Long stepped forward into the sky and pushed his right arm forward. "This is how people call for freedom!"


An indescribable loud noise, Kapu's huge glove completely shattered, and his body was hit hard by the dragon's claws rushed out of the dragon. Only a moment, the terrible air rushed his body high With the blood spewing out, it flew away like a shell.

"Lieutenant General Kapu!" Kebi shouted with all his might, but he couldn't even catch the direction of Kapu's flight.

Really, defeated.

That navy hero.

And everyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a defeat without resistance.

Smog stared deadly at the dragon bathed in golden flames below, and didn't seem to believe the result.

"It's terrible." The yellow ape's sigh sounded, but his eyes were given the calmness of the past, "Is this the power you have gained from the ship of fate? Did you just say a thousand third-level jars? Is it just a thousand jars of power that can be so powerful?"

He can see that the strength of the other party is afraid that it has exceeded the average general.

Part of his body has turned into yellow light.

The yellow ape is ready to escape at any time. After using the power beyond full strength, Kapu still defeated so easily. With his words, there is no way to leave this person.

Long glanced at him.

Seems to see that he has no war intentions.

Without any further action, he slowly said: "My enemy is not you, nor the old man, but the dragon, the yellow ape, the ship of destiny is where the wish is fulfilled, and how many people on this sea wish to be Destroy the Tianlong people? You'd better think about your future carefully, because the end of the Tianlong people is coming!"

Leaving this last sentence, his body flew high, rushed into the sky, and then flew away at a terrible speed towards the distance.

This was the last deterrent he left behind.


Where the yellow ape is invisible, the dragon's expression is full of pain.

Too bad!

Silently feeling the dragon's heart, he couldn't help but chuckled.

In all fairness, Long Kai has a lot of jars, but the level of strength between him and Kapu is already high. So many was not enough to make the gap between them so large.

However, the power system of the dragon of luck is special.

Its power is one-off.

It can only come from three places-people's luck, their own accumulation, jars.

It is simply not possible to recover quickly after the battle. Even after excessive use, it will have serious consequences. As the silence said, people will start to lose luck and lose their trust in him.

The battle just now, although simple.

But at least he consumed the luck in his hundred tertiary jars.

The number of supporters of the Revolutionary Army and the degree of trust.

It takes at least two or three months to accumulate so much.

Still impulsive.

Use these luck to treat the wounded soldiers.

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