Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 471: : Dream is more important than ability

Since Tian Tong Ju Zhi Cheng did not speak the power of the cursed child from the beginning, he lost his trust here with Robin.

Lies, words, inducements...

These language skills have some pediatrics for Robin.

After all, she grew up in constant fraud and betrayal.

After leaving the banquet, the first thing Robin did was to raise his hand and gently touch his chest, where a chameleon tattoo curled up appeared, and from there, Robin's entire body with his clothes became Be transparent and disappear completely.

She didn't know there was a camera.

Just beware of being followed.

Walking on the street in this way, palms invisible to the naked eye grew from all corners of the street, and each palm had an ear on it. Instantly, all kinds of sounds came to Robin. .

Huahua fruit has a good effect on intelligence investigation.

"First, let's investigate the situation of the cursed child." Robin said to himself, with a confident smile on the beautiful face that others could not see.


After Robin left, the green pheasant glanced at Dusty and felt that if she sent the girl out to investigate the situation, she would not get any useful news at all.

It may be easily misled.

After all, Duskie was too naive in some ways, just like the one who just joined the Navy.

He thought about it and stood up.

"Since you don't know what her purpose is, go and ask yourself."

Qing Pheasant doesn't like to make things too complicated.

"Wait a minute." Tsuneo also stood up, looking at this unusually tall and thin man from the other world, frowning. "Is it personally asking, are you going to fight with her?"

"It's possible." Green Pheasant turned his head. "Do you have any information to provide?"

"The number of jars you have opened has reached the limit." Gangshou's hands clasped his chest, even if his strength is not as good as the other's, but his temperament is true.

"...Yes." Qing Pheasant did not deny it.

This kind of thing only needs to be tested, and it can be seen that concealment is meaningless.

Gang Shou really looks like this, and then said a little irritably: "Theoretically, no matter what strength you are before, the strength after reaching the can opening limit is almost the same, because the limit itself is a unified standard, but- Different series still have different characteristics."

The green pheasant turned around.

This shows that he began to listen carefully.

The rest of the people, even Tian Tian Ju Zhi Cheng and Sheng Tian Zi, also tried to keep in mind the information about the warriors of the different world.

"I don't know what series you are. However, Xiao Nan's series itself is more powerful than you might think. Let me put it this way, if she is fully prepared, you may not be her opponents together." Gradually serious expressions showed that she was not alarmist.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

Xiao Nan's Fulu series is a money-burning series.

Similar to the Dragon series.

As long as it is well prepared, in terms of a single battle, it is almost invincible at the same level.

The endless fulu is thrown out, unless you have the ability to defeat her from the realm, otherwise the probability of losing is definitely much greater than winning.

Of course, the disadvantage is also obvious. If Fulu is exhausted, his strength will be greatly reduced.

"There is such a powerful series? That's really about seeing and seeing." Roger also stood up, carrying a chicken in his hand. It seemed that he was not only scared by Tsuna's words, but also looked forward to eager to try.

After all, he came here to take risks.

Defeat powerful enemies, defeat terrible monsters, and get treasure.

This is simply a dream adventure.

"If you want to shoot, don't expect me to fight side by side with you." Green Pheasant glanced at him, "Maybe I will still stand there, grab you One Piece first, this is also my task one."

The task of these naval members, ranked first, is to prevent the pirates from gaining a four-level jar dependency, and even arrest or kill them.

Then it's up to you to get a level 4 jar.

As for the warriors of the rest of the world, it is certainly good to be able to defeat them, but it is not the primary enemy.

"Hahaha." Roger just grinned. "It's really long-lost pressure, but despite your coming, One Piece will not be caught."

"Nasty self-confidence, I'm looking forward to the time when I'm grabbing you, Roger." Green pheasant put his hands in the waistband of the trousers and walked out.

"Luffy, Sauron, come together." Roger greeted Luffy and went out as well.

"Tsunade mother-in-law." Naruto looked at Tsunade, "What shall we do."

"Sister!" Tsunato slammed Naruto with a big bag and snorted. "Of course it is with you. If you really fight, this is a good opportunity to see your opponent's strength and cards."

Each of these guys is so rich.

It’s also One Piece and a Navy General.

Don’t mention the envy of Tsunate.

But no matter how envious, this kind of battle, they can only watch now.

"Ju Zhi Cheng." Sheng Tianzi looked at his minister, hesitantly said, "we..."

"There may be danger. Your Majesty, Son, don't follow along." Tiantong Juzhi Cheng said.

Although he loathed the gastrointestinal creatures, opposed to improving the current status of the life of the cursed son, and even promoted various things behind the scenes, but the respect for the Holy Son is true, this identity is noble, but there is not much ability, and heart The kind Holy Son of Heaven seems to be the only bright place in Tiantong Jucheng's heart.

He did not hope that the Holy Son would be in danger.

She did not want her to be involved too deeply in these wars of different worlds.

Even today's banquet ~ ~ is the Holy Son insisting on coming.

After Tiantong Juzhi said, Sheng Tianzi hesitated.

"There will be no danger." Tsuneo suddenly interjected, "This is a safe area, as long as your heart is not malicious to us, you will be safe, and if you are malicious, it means that you are ready to fight us. Preparation, after all, in Shen... that one’s rules, the heart is the criterion for judging one’s status."

Tsunade also saw the relationship between the pair of ministers.

Tian Tong Ju Zhi Cheng is not so much to think of Sheng Tianzi as a monarch, but rather to treat her as a descendant in need of care, and does not recognize her ability as a monarch.


The unwillingness and longing in the eyes of Sheng Tianzi were also seen by Tsunade.

The dream is in the rules of the Chamber of Commerce, but it is a precious treasure that can determine everything.

Far more important than ability.

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