Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 577: : Triggering the destruction of the world

There is no exaggeration to say that it is the second most powerful person.

Even before meeting their leader, the demon **** Ortinus, Sol had never been defeated.

Today is his first defeat to someone other than the devil.

So after that kind of fear has passed, Sol is still continually panting under the red tide, not because of fear, but because of excitement.

"I've never had such an experience, Marianne!" He grabbed and grasped Marianne's arm, and Qingxiu's face was full of confusion. "When you lose to the leader, you can't experience anything, but it's over. Different times, I experienced this time! The feeling of failure! Although it is very uncomfortable, but, but...!"

He even started to have some incoherent speech.

For him who is constantly pursuing the battle experience, this defeat is indeed like the long-awaited desire to achieve the same feeling.

"Thor, you look so perverted now." Marian said with a smile, then stretched out her hand and raised her feet to touch the top of Saul's head. "But because I'm a companion, I won't despise you. "

Saul didn't actually care about Marianne's performance at all. He was completely immersed in his emotions.

"You shouldn't think that the battle is over." The bee-eater prayed for a sweet voice. "New lady, if you are weaker than this person, I think you still call some more people." Better."

The behemoth in the sky remained unresponsive.

The bee-eater is almost annoying after the fight.

Running over one by one, it might be too small to look at them a little, just how good it is to go together.

"No, I don't need it anymore." Marian shook her head. "Being able to defeat Sol, you have proved your strength. Now is not the time to defeat you, so the battle is over."

"Huh?" The biggest reaction is that one side is passing. He still can't move too much, but he is annoyed. "You want to fight, you want to end, and you want to end? It's too much of yourself!" "

It is so simple to want to end this matter now.

One side can pass without forgetting. If you want to find the imp, it is best to control a few magicians and get a deep understanding of the local intelligence.

The few who came to the door must not let them run away.

"I'm not talking to you." Marian looked at the other side, and the smile on her lips revealed a bit cruel and cold. "You who are easily defeated, are not qualified to decide anything, the world of magicians. It's cruel."

"Asshole!" One of the passers felt a tingle in his heart, clenching his fists, but had nothing to say.

If Misaka Mitsuki and Bee Eater pray to give up.

Even if he rushed up, he couldn't do anything at all.

Really, the victor is not him, what is he proud of?

"Although I don't care much about this person, my opinion is the same as him." The sound of bee-eater's prayer sounds like a sneer. "If you want to fight, just end, if you want to end, how can it be so good?" You should be my servant honestly."

She also sees that no matter how powerful these magicians are, the convenience of "excessive self-consciousness" is the same.

It is necessary to "reform" the twisted heart.

"It's really uninteresting, and it seems that I can only fight." Marian looked very uncomfortable. "I'm a non-combatant, and I don't have a suitable body around me that can be transformed into a weapon..."

She is indeed a contingency plan to prevent Sol's defeat.

But Sol's chances of defeat are too small and almost impossible, so she has no special preparation for this emergency plan, and she is only a logistics person. After all, she is a descendant of the Black Dwarf who claims to be able to build weapons of gods.

"Don't worry, Marianne, didn't you bring this sword with you?" Sol finally seemed to recover a little, gasping slowly while tidying up his clothes and slightly messy long hair , "The magical powers of the superpowers in the academy city are much stronger than we expected. If I were defeated, you will not be an opponent anyway, but as long as you have that sword, it is still easy to escape. of."

"That's right." When Marianne turned to Saul, the coldness and cruelty disappeared in her eyes, and she became casual and friendly again. "Fortunately, I brought this sword with me. It's good to go back." Heal the injury, Sol."

"Relax, Marianne." Sol smiled.

Obviously it was so unbearable just now, but now it seems to have restored that confident look again.

Watching Misaka Miqin and others froze.

"The magician really didn't have a normal one." Bee-eater seemed to be talking to Misaka Miki, "So is Marianne, and her attitude towards companions and enemies is completely two extremes."

Because of the occupation of the soul-drower, bee-eaters can easily perceive other people's attitudes and even mood swings.

Marian had unconditional trust in Sol.

They are also unconditionally cold.

"I feel like we will meet more of these people in the future." Misaka sighed and shook his head. "No matter, just settle it soon! Their confidence is this sword." "

The purple thunderbolt began to flash on Misaka's body, and his gaze also moved to the sword.

From the golden appearance alone, it is indeed extraordinary.

And it also vaguely exudes a breath of inexplicable palpitation.

There are weird.

Misaka Miki is obviously more serious.

In the world of copying Tsunato once taught her to never underestimate any enemies strategically, especially for members, after all, no one knows that the other party will open from the jar Whatever comes, even if the strength gap seems to be large, we must remain vigilant.

"Is this sword so powerful, is it really something extraordinary?" Misaka Misaki turned his attention to Sol.

That's right, she's cliché.

If Sol, a person who doesn’t know how to eat a grain of grass, grows one’s wisdom, then he can easily get more specific information.

"This is of course." Sauer really came, and his mouth habitually smiled. "This is the best weapon of our trickster magic association-the sword of war. It is the strongest human body can control. The magic sword is even enough to cause the destruction of the world!"

When he said this, his eyes were always tight on Misaka Miki.

It seems to want to know.

In the face of this power of "destroying the world", can this superpower who has gained power from an unknown existence still maintain self-confidence.

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