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Chapter 691: : Only the remaining players

After Dirumudo and Osamaru joined the battlefield, Uchiha Itachi was completely hopeless.

Struggling to death, the blade broke and the badge emerged.

This time is really over.

Until the last moment, there was only regret in his eyes and extreme vigilance towards Oshemaru. It can be said that since he participated in the event, he has been cautious and did everything, but he did not expect to end up in the hands of Oshemaru.

After Iskandar withdrew from the event, Ono Shemaru also trusted Weber's soul back to Iskandar.

"Your profession, I shouldn't be able to develop resurrection items." Oshemaru said with a hoarse voice, "I can introduce you to someone. That is my former companion named Tsunade, and her profession can be used. Elementary resurrection coin-this is one of the most perfect resurrection items."

"Okay." Iskandar nodded. "This time you won, but next time, Weber will beat you himself."

"I'll wait and see." Dashemaru's figure was slightly submerged in the faintness.

In this battle, he can be said to have won a big victory.

Not only has it eliminated the dangerous figure of Uchiha Itachi, but also eliminated a series of competitors. There are not many competitors left.

So, the most dangerous thing is Xiao Nan.

Da She Maru thinks of Xiao Nan and the two people next to her. The other is three people, and he is two people, and there is no positive advantage...

The stage of destiny slowly dissipated.

The onlookers did not know exactly what happened, but what they knew was that their king had not been overthrown, and they also had an inhuman army.

This is really a sad thing.

At this time, there are only seven people who still have the qualifications for the event.

God split fire weave, Joan of Arc, Osamaru, Xiaonan, Roger, Karp, Gilgamesh.

The players in this world were wiped out except for Joan of Arc and Gilgamesh.

After all, even if they have the power, they are just cute, not to mention that there are still people who are finished without opening the can, such as Weber... Suddenly, the silence thought of something, looking at someone involved in the chaos of time and space. The Mapo priest in the stream.

Did not die, was rescued, this is...Kishua Zelrich Shibein Ogu?

It is the famous gem Weng.

Silent did not deliberately pay attention, and really did not find that Father Mapo was actually saved by Jewel Weng-but he was only saved, or he was interested in the remaining power of the evil **** in him.

As if thinking of something, he narrowed his eyes in silence, but didn't deliberately do anything, his eyes were removed from Jewel Weng's body.

Because... this old man didn't dare to come in.

Was the restraining warning received?

If he doesn't come in, silence can't do anything. Now he only has the qualifications to negotiate with restraint, but he can't say that he has the power to crush.

In short, this event continues.

Silently looked at a certain remaining heroic spirit.

Lorelai was wiped out, and she could only keep warm with the Shenshouhuo Newspaper Group.

"God split, I want to regain the Loreley badge." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Joan said to the Shinshin Hoori beside her very seriously, "In any case, she also has the kindness to support me, if the badge If it is taken away, there will be no way to resurrect."

"Oshemaru?" Shenshihuozhi fiddled with his bangs and nodded, "That was my opponent originally, I will help you."

"Thank you, Divine Split." Jeanne gratified her grip on Shin Split's hand, but became annoyed again, "But how can I find that person? He seems to have a companion beside him."

The battle on the stage of destiny still left an impression.

Joan read it very seriously.

The heroic spirits covered in jet black armor were obviously with the Oshemaru, let alone whether they could be found, even if they were found, they would not be able to regain the badge.

"That's a person in the ninja world..." Shencrahuozhi thought for a while and suggested, "Or, let's go to Xiaonan? But there are not many competitors left, even if we call Karp, facing Xiao Nan, is still at a disadvantage. It's hard to say whether she will deal with the Dashewan with us or deal with us first."

One more sentence was not said.

Now, it looks like Xiaonan is the most powerful.

If the Oshe Pill is solved first, they will be the next one to be solved.

Joan also hesitated.

"Gilgamesh..." Joan suddenly thought, "That hero king is still alone today, and he doesn't hide his position. If this is the case, he is likely to be attacked."

"Hero King?" Shencra Huozhi pursed his lower lip, seeming to be seriously considering it.

If it was Jin Shan, then don't think about it, even if this arrogant person is set on fire and killed, he will not be in alliance with the rest of the "miscellaneous repairs".

But he seems to have other personality clones.

Kamikai Hoori feels a headache. She is really not very good at this kind of thing. In the past, although she was a pope, she was only in charge of fighting, but now the situation looks more and more difficult. I don’t know when. A group of people will come out to gather the fire.

"I really want to pray."

Kamikaze Hoori continued to play with her bangs. If someone familiar with her sees her like this, she knows that she has become entangled to a certain extent.

"You used to be a priest too." Jeanne covered her mouth and smiled.

"I'm a combatant... Those doctrines are just knowledge of spellcasting for me." Kamikazuhoori turned his head in embarrassment, but in his heart he really couldn't help praying to silence, just thinking about it. Subconscious choice after the aspect.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Shencrahuozhi was taken aback.

Is it true that he is here?

"It's the breath of heroic spirits."

Joan stood up immediately, and in an instant, the armor covered her original She knew who was here.

The knock on the door seemed to be just for politeness. After giving the people inside a little time to prepare, the door was opened directly. Outside was the blond king-Xian Shan who looked younger than Jin Shan.

"Excuse me, two ladies." Xian Shan greeted him as no one walked over, looked around, just stopped like this, "You should know why I came here, do you want to form an alliance?"

Kamikai Hoori and Jeanne looked at each other, their expressions a little surprised.

Although I just said whether to find Gilgamesh to form an alliance, he did not expect that the other party would come directly to the door.

Even if the person in front of him is not the arrogant Jin Shan, he is the King of Heroes.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you." Hyun Shin seemed to know what she was thinking, and said casually, "I just made a proposal that is in line with the interests. The worst is to give up this activity, which is nothing to this king. What an important loss."

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