Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 840: : But you have no money

   The sudden expansion of membership suddenly disrupted all the layout.

   For Toni and Misaka Mikoto, it undoubtedly made the task more difficult.

   But it can still be considered simple.

   Their current strength is not comparable to that of a few members. Even if Guiwu Tsuji and his subordinates spent the entire novice period, their strength is simply incomparable.

   There are dozens of four-level tanks, and that is a huge gap.

not to mention.

   Here, there are also a lot of new members.

After thinking for a while, Toni said: "The focus of finding Ghost Mai Tsuji Tsuji has not changed, but before that, it is necessary to increase your strength. In addition, try to wipe out the remaining ghosts without membership. "

   "Is it just buying the jar?" Butterfly Shinobu's fingers were already pinched, "The jar can fulfill all wishes, and that includes resurrection."

   "Of course." Toni looked at Butterfly Ninja, her eyes seemed to glow, "Ninbo, since you have such a wish, then choose the medical jar. The resurrected items have the highest probability of appearing in the medical jar series."

   In the entire membership circle that Toni knows today, they are members of the medical profession, so few can be said.

   After all, not everyone has medical aspirations.

   The most famous at present is Tsunade.

   After the Chamber of Commerce reformed and opened the transaction, just selling resurrection coins made Tsunade a lot of money.

   Toni looked a little hot.

   If a guild is to be formed, the members who have changed jobs in the medical field will definitely be in hot demand, and there is someone with this potential right now.

   "The expensive." Butterfly endured her members and looked at the price displayed on it, feeling a little uncomfortable.

   Among all the pillars, she is already considered a richer person.

   But I can’t buy many cans for all my worth.

"I can support you." Toni slowed down her voice and revealed her little tail. "Money is only useful for newcomers like you. It is basically useless for members of our level. Forbearance, I am very optimistic. You, if you are willing to be my companion and join my guild, I can be responsible for all the funds of your novice period, so that you can reach the limit of junior members overnight. Not surprisingly, you can have it tonight. Will resurrect your sister."

   digging the corner of the wall with such a big light, many Zhu's faces changed a little.

   But Yoya Shiki's expression has not changed.

   Butterfly Ninja obviously hesitated.

   glanced tangledly at Yoya Shiki.

   She still respects this lord very much, and according to the concept of this era, changing the lord at will is obviously an act of being spurned.

Sanya Shiki Yoshiya smiled slightly: "The purpose of the ghost killing team is to kill ghosts. After sweeping away all the ghosts in this world, the ghost killing team should disappear into history along with the ghosts, and you should do it too. The right to choose the rest."

   This passage made Toni give him a surprised look.

   You know, he is also a member now.

   Naturally, he should understand that what is before his eyes is a broader world.

   But he still said such words.

   He did not intend to use his current identity to bind these members to his side all the time, and then continue his rights as the master in that wider world.

   This open-mindedness makes Toni a little optimistic.

"For your reasons, after you kill the ghost, you can join my guild." Toni waved a big hand, it turned out to be an invitation to all Zhu, and she showed a confident smile as a rich man. "Of course, this is just an invitation. No matter what choice you make, the ghost will definitely be killed, and as long as you agree, I will pay you all your wealth through the novice period."

  All the pillars couldn't help taking a breath.

   All wealth?

   The cognitions of members in their minds that they have digested can naturally understand what an astronomical figure is.

   To say bluntly, in this era, even the richest man in the entire country may not be so rich.

  If what Toni said is true.

   That means that they can quickly get this huge fortune, quickly open the can, and quickly become stronger.

Even so.

   These columns looked at each other, and no one made a decision all at once.

  Toni’s luck is actually very good. Although each of the pillars here has different personalities and abilities, they are morally up to the standard of "both righteousness and courage" in this era.

   promised Toni's condition that she would really change a lord.

   Naturally, caution is required.

   Toni recorded everyone's reactions and expressions, secretly surprised, but at the same time, there was also a feeling of finding a treasure.

   No one agreed at once, which means that at least no one is thinking of cheating her money.

   You must know that this kind of invitation means that she pays first in exchange for a promise that is not much binding.

   "Master Toni." In the end, Butterfly Ninja spoke first, and she showed a somewhat tangled expression, "Maybe, let me think about it."

   "Of course." Toni nodded very generously, "You can make a decision whenever we are in this world."

   At this moment, she was a little grateful that she did not behave badly when she first met.

   Among all the pillars, the one she values ​​most is Butterfly Ninja.

   Misaka Mikoto watched all this silently, a little envious.

   But there is nothing to do with envy.

  Who made her have no Toni can successfully recruit these people this time, no, even if it is only a part of the recruitment, the guild will basically take shape.

  If there is one of these people who can open a guild-type career...

   Misaka Mikoto is very envious.

  The meeting lasted until very late. During this period, it was not all about the ghost dance Tsuji Misara. It was more of a group of Mengxin who did not explain the situation of the chamber of commerce when they consulted some cognitions.

   And the big guys know everything without saying anything.

   until late at night.

   Toni and Misaka Mikoto returned to their rooms.

   And when they were about to part, Toni suddenly called Misaka Mikoto.

   "Mikoto, you almost want to give me an answer."

   Toni has a smile on her face, she can see that she is in a very good mood.

   "Do you have to give it now?" Misaka Mikoto's face collapsed suddenly.

   "I know, you have always wanted to build a guild by yourself, but that is very difficult." Toni spread his hands together, "But there are a lot of things to take care of."

   "I can do it too." Misaka Mikoto was a little unconvinced.

   "But you have no money." Toni hit the nail on the head.

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