Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 877: : Destiny is about to begin

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Nothing at all! ?

Gu Gefu was completely stunned.

He directly raised the badge in front of his subordinates.

"Look again."

The subordinate's gaze became even more weird, and he even began to greet the rest of the soldiers.

"Is there anything in the captain's hands?"

"No, nothing."

"We didn't see anything."

"Captain, are you okay, or did the two female magicians really do to you just now?"

"Do you want to chase them back!"

No soldier could see the badge in Geff's hand, and there were even people who reached out to touch it, but something strange happened. The palms of the others passed directly through the badge without touching at all. The feeling of encountering.

Gu Geoff can swear that the badge has never changed like this before!

He took the badge to find many people to inquire.

What exactly is this? What do those two ladies mean? Will they die? Will you encounter enemies that are enough to kill yourself?

All kinds of information flashed through Gurdjieff's mind, but in the end, he still rode forward.

This is a man who sees responsibility as more important than life.

Even if he knew that there might be danger ahead, he couldn't shrink back. As for the words of the two female magicians, he could only be more careful.

What he didn't know was that Otinus and Bismarck did not actually leave.

They just hovered quietly in the sky, and somehow concealed their bodies.

"As you can see, this Gujeff is one of the people we need to review this time." Ortinus explained to the camera, "He was originally in the destiny of this world, just a An insignificant little person who cannot change anything from birth to death, so even if he has the determination to protect the kingdom, he is not qualified to be a badge."

Otinus told the rest for the first time and became another restriction among members.

Position in destiny.

While the members were surprised, they also suddenly realized.

Indeed, how many people are there in a world, among the many beings, and how many people have a certain wish that must be fulfilled. When the beloved person dies, I believe that even ordinary people will have a kind of desperate need Perseverance and determination to save the beloved.

It's just a condition of wish, and there are too many people who meet the conditions.

"In the past, traveling salesmen did not have such restrictions." Otinus continued, "Therefore, there are actually some of you who are insignificant in fate. I believe you have this kind of consciousness, but you are lucky. Was met by the traveling merchant and valued it. This is the opportunity that distinguishes you from the rest of ordinary people. Now, the husband does not want to deprive these people of the opportunity. Therefore, this blank badge has been formulated to completely hand over everything. Gave an opportunity."

Her gaze under the wizard hat seemed to be staring at everyone, and every member couldn't help but straighten their backs.

Some people actually understand it when they hear it.

For example, hand fight.

Another example is those ordinary merchants in Naruto World.

Even some people in Pirate World felt that they were the kind of insignificant people Otinus said.

And they understood why he could have a badge in his hands, and why he could be the target of the review by the reviewer.

A lucky person.

This idea emerged in everyone's mind.

Regardless of whether he passed the review or became a member in the end, he is already a lucky man, because all members know him.

And at this moment.

Bismarck, who was silent from beginning to end, spoke for the first time.

"It's about to begin, destiny."

Accompanied by Bismarck's cold voice, the lens began to change and came back to Gu Geoff.

The members watched him come to a village like ruins.

I know roughly the mission of this soldier and the general background of this world.

It is exactly the magical Western Europe situation in the Middle Ages. There are major kingdoms on the continent, and the kingdoms war against each other and are hostile to each other.

But at this time.

The picture flowed suddenly.

Came to a village, a village chief who was being massacred, but it was not the villagers who died, but the foreign soldiers who had attacked the village chief.

The members saw a magician wearing a helmet and wearing extremely gorgeous clothes, saw an immortal knight, and saw a **** slaughter.

This person is not weak.

This judgment flashed in every member's mind.

Although it was just a simple shot, it was already an extremely profound magic, and the potion he took out gave people a very familiar feeling.

That's right, it was exactly the same as the red potion they had drawn out of the medicine jar.

"The strength of this person has actually surpassed the level of junior to reach the level of intermediate members." Otinus and Bismarck did not know when they appeared in the camera again. Heavenly ago, he was just an ordinary person, but now he has become the world's highest-level demon king of the undead, the king of the undead, and holds the power to destroy the world."

King of the Undead!

The moment he heard this name, O Shemaru's originally calm face changed.

This is also an undead.

What Silence had said to him suddenly appeared in his mind.

That was when he had just changed his job and just became a lich.

The world of the undead is a highly hierarchical world. The upper one has enough power to rule the lower one. If one day, you meet the true king of the undead, then you don’t even have the ability to resist, and you will be fully committed. Surrender.

Is this person in front of him an undead king who surpasses him?

Da She Wan's inner vigilance has been raised to the highest level.

The rest of the people who understand the nature of Dashewan's job change also began to pay more attention to Gu Aotian.

"He is the protagonist of this world, he is the blessing of fate, and he is also a curse." Bismarck's unique voice took Otinus' words, and her gaze also looked at the bone proud sky below, "but he The wish does not have the qualifications to become a member. Although this is not the main task of the reviewer, if you meet someone like this in the task, the reviewer can also choose to intervene to see if he can be qualified to become a member ."

To put it bluntly, the auditor is the salesperson of the Chamber of Commerce.

It is for the business of the chamber of commerce.

Even if it is something outside the scope of authority, but it can give the Chamber of Commerce a lot more, then this kind of thing is still worth doing.

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