Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 915: : The first encounter of the new world

Silence uses the system to customize the function of personal travel through the world, and directly comes to this brand new universe, a brand new world.

The place where it appeared was a bustling modern city.

He blended into the crowd coming and going on the street without a trace, and it seemed that there was no protrusion, except for a super cute kitten on his shoulder that attracted many people's attention.

That's right, the silence brought Feiju.

After all, his current identity is the traveling merchant before he met Tsunade.

Feiju's cuteness still attracted some people. Several girls walking on the road couldn't move their eyes, and even wanted to come over to see if there was a chance to hit the cat.

However, the silent expression was calm.

The harsh siren resounded after this.

All broadcasts give out alarms at the same time.

"Weird people appeared on the twelfth street in N City, please evacuate nearby residents immediately, repeat, please evacuate nearby residents immediately, the danger level is ghost level, repeat..."

At the same time, the loud noise of the explosion came from the street in front.

Here is the street where weird people appear.

The young and beautiful young lady can't take care of the cute cats anymore, all of them are frightened to Huarong and run away.

The silent expression was naturally calm.

That's right, the world he is in now is the world of Superman.

Here is Saitama, who is the strongest and broke the limiter, and there are many other powerful heroes, and even the weird people in the villain camp, there are many strong ones.


If the rules for member selection are opened here, only a few people may be selected in the end.

Just like the situation in the world over the King of the Undead.

Saitama is really too strong, so powerful that the fate of the entire world lies with him alone. According to the rules of the silent design selection system, in this case, there is no place for the rest of the people in the river of fate.

Silent thoughts came back from thinking.

In front of me, there is already a large group of translucent things that look like huge slimes. No, it’s even more disgusting than slimes, because it looks more viscous and even exudes vomiting. Smell.

Silence is naturally not so uncomfortable because of such a smell, in fact, any unpleasant smell is difficult to get close to him.

At best, you can know what's going on.

The rest of the people around had already fallen to the ground one by one, rolling their eyes as if vomiting even stomach acid.

"Gululu, it's okay, are you a hero?" The large mass of viscous liquid was bubbling, and the smell seemed to be stronger.

Silence did not answer.

Huh, a man fell from the sky and stood in front of him.

Jackets, baseball bats, and classic shapes.

"It's an S-rank hero! Metal bat!" A citizen next to him who was holding his nose yelled in surprise, "It's just a ghost-level weirdo, how come an S-rank hero will come over!"

"Great, it's saved, vomit."

"Oh, hurry up."

"I can't take it anymore, vomit."

The surrounding citizens seemed to have reached their limit one by one.

"What kind of weird are you?" The metal bat placed the baseball bat on his shoulders, tilted his head, and looked at the weird like a snot bubble in front of him with his slanted eyes.

"Hahaha, I am an industrial waste liquid person!" The weird man laughed loudly. "Humans continuously discharge industrial waste liquids and destroy nature. That's why I was born. I want to put all waste liquids away. Give it back to you, feel it, this is your own taste!"

The grotesque figure continued to expand, the color gradually darkened, and the odor visible to the naked eye even began to spread from block to block.

The people who got close have already begun to roll their eyes and fall.

Even if it was a metal bat, he covered his nose at this time, feeling that his stomach was constantly rolling.

"Quickly solve it." The metal bat also showed a rare expression of disgust.

He raised the baseball bat in his hand and seemed to be about to rush up.

"You can't do this." A silent voice suddenly came, looking very calm, "He is immune to all physical attacks, and the blows only speed up the spread of odor."

The body of the metal bat suddenly stiffened.

Turned his head.

It seems to be a bit skeptical.

"If you're not a hero, it's best to stand farther." He didn't remember the hero silently.

"Hahaha." The weird laughter came again, "You better listen to him, if you call, I will explode, bang, I will swallow the whole city, no one can escape! "

His body is still getting bigger and his laughter is getting more and more wanton.

"Of course, even if you don't fight, the result is the same, hahaha."

At the same time, there was a mess in the command center of the Heroes Association.

"It says it's true."

"The metal bat has just been restrained."

"Can you hear it? If you can hear it, get out of there. The metal bat and the tornado have passed."

"It is still expanding, and the level of danger must be raised!"

"Warning, warning." Silent surrounding siren sounded again, "The danger level is increased, and the danger level is raised to the tiger level, and the danger level is increased..."

The original ghost level is a dangerous level that can only destroy a city. UU reading

The tiger level is the level of danger that can threaten several cities.

In this situation, even if it is an S-rank hero, it may take several to cooperate to solve it.


The metal bat cut.

Showed a grumpy expression.

But still did nothing.

Although he is a typical protagonist, he also knows what he can and cannot do. The aura of disobedience is not reckless. In the face of such a weird person, he can only do bad things when he rushes forward.

However, he still has things he can do.

"If it's okay, I'll **** you away." He grabbed a fainted citizen with one hand, with several on his back, turned and said silently.

Silence didn't do much.

Just turned around in the same way.

As far as his current identity is concerned, a weirdo, a hero, should not have any identity and stand in line, so he has no plans to take action.

not to mention.

He knew that the tornado was coming.

That little girl's superpowers can perfectly solve this monster. Speaking of which, at the very beginning, he exchanged the same motivation as Tornado.

I really miss that time.

"Hahaha, do you want to run now?" The weird voice came from behind, "Don't you think I can't attack like this? Dream, gas bomb! I'm going to poison you all to death."

Bang bang bang.

A series of foul-smelling gas bombs shot towards the silence and the metal bat.

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