Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 947: : Poros, the overlord of the universe

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It seemed that the final answer was finally obtained, and emotions such as joy, tension, as if in a dream, etc. came up.

Instead, Jenos has no extra expressions.

It just looks a little dazed.

"Put away your badge." Silent passed a badge, then stood up, "Everything is inside."

The moment Genos touched the badge, relevant information would flood into his mind.

The silence did not stay to watch Janos open the can.

He is not idle for a while.

It spreads his consciousness throughout the universe.

In this world, in addition to hungry wolves, there is actually a "villain" who can also be eligible to get a jar.

That's right, Poros.

The leader of the cosmic dark matter pirate group, the overlord of the universe, is always looking for enemies with whom he can fight because of the too powerful and incomparable emptiness.

Then it was blown up by Saitama.

So, the power of Saitama... is really unreasonable.

Silence hadn't deliberately sought out Poros's thoughts. After all, although this person has good qualifications, his strength has exceeded the limit of junior members, and even surpassed the level of just stepping into intermediate members, and his strength exploded with all strength, enough to destroy a planet.

Can't let silence make money, and don't have the power of senior members.

Therefore, silence is just the intention of familiarizing yourself with the skyrocketing power, trying to find in the universe without deliberately using system positioning.

But just today.

He found it.

"This is fate."

The moment the silence stepped out of the apartment, the figure disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already in the universe a few light years away from the earth.

This is not the first time he has come to the universe.

No matter what kind of world it is, no matter what weird rules it has, the universe is basically the same. Stepping into this place, you have a feeling of stepping into a diverse world.

But now is not the time to sigh.

Silence still remembers his work.

In front of him, a huge spaceship was quietly suspended.

The spacecraft of Poros.

The length and width of more than ten thousand meters, in contrast, the silent figure is very small, but it is such a small figure, but with the terrifying oppressiveness, forcing the entire spacecraft to suspend in an incredible form. In mid-air, everyone inside could clearly feel that Dao was oppressing everyone's will.


Everyone on the entire pirate ship was trembling.

Except for one person.


He was shaking too, not because of fear.

But because of excitement.

It’s too strong. Although he has not met, he can still feel this incredible, even unabashedly strong. It’s different from any enemy he has faced before. It’s like this is not a creature at all. It is a huge star and a part of the entire universe.

Beyond life, beyond his perception of power.

"This is the person I want to find."

Poros stood up from his throne, and regardless of the rest of the people who were already unable to move, walked forward step by step, but without taking a step, a crack appeared in the armor on his body, and when he finally walked to the universe By the time of the entrance, the battle armor had all fallen into pieces and fell off his body.

And there are lines of terrifying power surging one after another. It also emerged from him.

This armor was not meant to increase his protection from the beginning.

But to limit his powerful power.

But now.

Even if the restrictions were lifted, even if he had entered his strongest form, Poros could still feel the unparalleled pressure from the line of sight watching him.

Without taking a step, I was struggling with all my strength.

It's like carrying a planet on one's shoulders, and facing the star, even a planet is extremely small.

How could anyone be so strong?

Poros raised his head.

Furiously looking at what was in front of him.

It was undoubtedly a creature, a creature with gorgeous clothes and eyes like vast galaxies.

"Are you a god?" Poros asked with difficulty.

He wants to fight, it doesn't matter if he burns himself out.

As long as he can fight to death with such a strong man, there will be no regrets in his life.

However, he couldn't do it.

The reason is simple, the existence in front of it is not allowed.

As long as you want to launch an attack, you can feel the pressure that is countless times over in an instant. It is a force that can't be struggling anyway, and even the fighting spirit in your heart is forcibly crushed.

Except for God.

Poros could not find the other titles.

"If you think it is, then so be it." The silent voice reached Poros' ears, something unexpected, and this voice was not as vast as he had expected.

On the contrary, it seems to be very gentle.

Silently stretched out his right hand slowly.

The same irresistible force drove Poros to slowly approach.


The silent right hand was placed on the top of his head, the huge one-eyed, and his head was lifted like this, UU Reading stared at this powerful existence that had never been seen before.

"I have come across the endless world, just because of your desire for your opponent." The silence did not open his mouth, but the voice was accompanied by will, and it was transmitted to Poros' ears clearly, "But for you at this moment In other words, treating me as an opponent is still too weak, and you are nowhere near as strong as you think."

The voice fell.

Messages flooded Poros's mind.

That is an endless world, countless members, countless battles, and fights.

Poros watched all this.

The heart gradually became excited.

He is already invincible in this universe, but there is not only one universe. Outside this empty and boring universe, there are countless universes and countless enemies!

This is simply the battlefield he dreams of!

Deal with Poros.

Silence doesn't need to say too much at all, just show strength to avoid being attacked by him, and then tell him the reality of the multiverse, Poros will naturally chase it fanatically, because he is too eager for the opponent.

Able to fight him with all his strength.

Even defeat his enemies.


Poros was already full of enthusiasm for the infinitely vast stage that silence had told him.

Then, silence retracted his palm.

Put it in front of him.

On the palm, is a golden badge.

Hold the badge and wait, he will enter that stage.

Poros got the answer.

Carefully took it with both hands, looked up at the existence that had crossed the endless world, and then slowly crawled.

It is not surrender.

It's just an expression of gratitude and respect for the strongest, but in his huge one-eye, there is endless fighting spirit.

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