Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 956: : Saiyan finally arrived

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Of course, with the power of silence, he can still see clearly.

Piccolo vented his attacks continuously at high speed.

And Saitama didn't make any response from beginning to end.

It's like a leather ball, being hit continuously, and even the whole figure is flying around high in the sky.

Finally, there was a bang.

Piccolo crossed his hands with a heavy hammer and slammed Saitama into the ground.

Even began to gasp.

However, it was difficult to hide the shocked expression on his face.

Piccolo definitely used his full strength just now, otherwise he wouldn't consume a lot of physical strength in this short time attack, but even so, he had an attack of his own that was useless.

And what happened next also proved his feeling.

Saitama lay in a huge pothole on the ground.

Look at the sky with both eyes.

After a while, he stood up slowly.

His posture was casual, and he patted the dust on his body, not even leaving any dust layer.

"How should I say it." He held his chin, looked up at Piccolo floating in front of him, "Better than the rest of the people I have seen, but... not to the point where I can be excited. what."

At this time, Saitama had never met Poros.

The previous weirdo, even if it was a ghost, was the kind of thing he solved with one punch.

In contrast, Piccolo is definitely not weak.

However, for Saitama, there is no difference between one and two. This kind of strength Piccolo is still far from his dialogue.

"...Who are you?"

Piccolo clenched his fists, and the veins on his body burst one by one.

Unwilling, angry.

Although he has now asked for his identity as a villain, he is, after all, the once demon of Piccolo.

And Saitama thought for a while, and replied solemnly: "We should be regarded as aliens."

"Otherworldly?" All the others were taken aback.

This world is also a technologically advanced world, not to say that the concept of aliens cannot be understood.

It's just that all of a sudden it's in a trance.

After the aliens, are there people from another world?

"People from another world...what's the purpose of coming to this planet?" Piccolo loosened his fist, and he was still very good at restraining his anger, "Remind you, our planet. ..... It has not been so peaceful recently."

"Ah, I heard about this." Saitama raised a hand, "Is there an alien invasion."

"Do you know Saiyans?" Piccolo was taken aback.

He is obviously from another world, but do you know Saiyan?

"Let me explain this." Silence walked up and explained as concisely as possible. "Don't worry, we won't do anything to destroy the world. The purpose of coming here is also very pure. I am just traveling. , By the way, take him to find some opponents who can fight with passion. He is in his world, but he is already invincible."

"It's not an enemy." Kobayashi exhaled a long breath and patted his chest, "I was almost scared to death. People who thought that even Piccolo couldn't win at all came..."

There was no way to say the rest, because he had already felt the death gaze from Piccolo.

He took two steps back abruptly and smiled.

Silence felt interesting.

Kobayashi's personality is indeed very timid, his strength is not strong, and his martial arts aptitude is also average. However, he will arrive at the front line in almost every dangerous battle, and he will even die for it many times. No matter how many, he will try his best. Play some of their own roles.

Such a mentality.

Actually very suitable for members.

After all, all he lacks is strength.

"You just said that he is in his world?" Piccolo returned his gaze to Silence, and keenly discovered the point, "Aren't you from one world?"

"Indeed." Silent smiled, "Then, let me introduce it formally. My name is Silent. I am a traveler who travels through different worlds. Saitama is a friend I met at the last station. The reason why I know you The situation in this world is because before I arrived, I had already roughly observed your world."

This explanation is sufficiently detailed.

Piccolo's eyes struggled a little.

I don't seem to know whether I should believe it or not.

The earth is facing a crisis at this moment, and if what the silence says is true, it is undoubtedly good news for them. After all, he has personally tested the power of one of them, not to mention that this is more mysterious and unfathomable. The "traveler".

But if they are also enemies.

It would be really dangerous.

And as the most powerful combat power on earth, Monkey King... but it was just resurrected at this time, and he was still on his way.

Just at this time.

Pick raised his head sharply.

Saitama also seems to have discovered something.

On the horizon, two light spots are rapidly approaching, flying straight towards a certain city.

"Come!" Piccolo was shocked and blurted out.

"Not good." Xiaolin flew up, his eyes widened, UU reading "That direction is the city, you have to find a way to intercept it."

Even Kobayashi can clearly know what the consequences will be if the Saiyans land in the city or fight there.

Perhaps none of the people in a whole city can survive!

"Let me come, then." Saitama turned into a serious face for a second, and the cloak behind him was silent. "Don't look at me like this, I am a hero of justice."

The rest of the people also seemed to be shocked by the sudden change in his style of painting.

Little Gohan's eyes even sparkled.

"Okay, so handsome."

Although he was still young, Gohan was already a little longing for the prototype of a hero at this time.

"The idea is good." Silent but shook his head, "But what do you want to do, you can't fly, Saitama."

"..." Saitama was stunned for a while, and then turned back into a salted egg bald head, "Yes."

Although he can quickly run over and jump up.

But it may not be able to intercept accurately.

Strong strength does not mean that the sense of direction is equally strong. This kind of interception still needs a little predictability and skill for the time being, Saitama, but a man who can't even hit a mosquito.

"No, you can't drag it anymore." Xiaolin immediately planned to rush forward.

But the next moment, silence shook his head.

"Since Saitama, you intend to help, with such a small matter, I will help you once."

As the words fell, Piccolo's gaze suddenly focused on the silent body, as if he was planning to see what he wanted to do.

But the next second.

Two spherical spacecraft suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Then smashed heavily to the ground.

There were two bangs.

Including the flying Kobayashi, the audience was silent.

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