Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 969: : Kobayashi one step ahead

After Xiao Lin heard the silent words, he quickly took out his badge.

Sure enough, a new mission message flooded my mind.

[You, who have increased in strength, need stronger enemies. Go to the planet Namek and defeat the five enemies who are stronger than you in the Frieza camp]

"Go to the planet Namek?" Xiao Lin was taken aback.

The attention of the others was once again attracted by this shout.

"What do you mean?" Piccolo was the most sensitive.

Because Vegeta is already "his own", he also knows where his home planet is.

Planet Namek.

This planet is said to have been occupied by Frieza, and even the Namekians have been seriously damaged.

"My next mission is to go to the planet Namek to perform." Kobayashi told everyone of his mission.

"It turned out to be against Frieza?" Vegeta looked at silence suddenly.

"I said, we have a complete set of training methods." Silent hands ringed around the chest, eyes deep, "Or, do you think that you can always get the pot with simple training? Training is just the beginning, the first step is completed. After that, I will find some suitable opponents for you. In this universe, no one is more suitable than Frieza."

Take a closer look at most of the people here who have enemies with Frieza.

Let’s not talk about Vegeta and Monkey King who are Saiyans, and Piccolo who is Namek.

And an earth person like Kobayashi...Efrieza's brutal character, once let him know the existence of the earth, what kind of threat the earth will face, can imagine.

Even Saitama stared at Frieza early—according to the silent statement, Frieza at this moment was enough to make him a truly passionate battle.

"Indeed." Vegeta's fist was also clenched, and a smile appeared on his face, "I'm going to settle the ledger with Frieza sooner or later."

After knowing the truth about the demise of the Saiyan planet, Frieza has been on Vegeta's kill list.

But-Vegeta is not stupid either.

"But I have to say that Frieza's strength is not something we can deal with now." Vegeta looked at silence, "You should know how strong he is. If you don't make a move, go to Namek now. The planet is just to die."

Vegeta, there is still a little expectation that silence can be shot.

Although I don't know how strong the silence is.

However, even thinking about it, it is definitely far beyond the existence of Frieza.

"Don't think about it." Silence naturally knew Vegeta's thoughts, and just shook his head, "This is your task. Besides, it is up to you to die. The Chamber of Commerce is not a pure welfare organization, we give it to you. , It's just an opportunity. Whether it can be seized or not depends on you."

In other words, how could the task have been so simple.

The more difficult the task, the greater the reward.

Only by having the courage to challenge, and possessing this luck and ability, can we obtain more power from the Chamber of Commerce.

"I'll go!" Xiaolin seemed to be determined.

"Xiao Lin." Tianjin Fan was a little worried, "You should already know that the one named Frieza is a very powerful person."

Even Vegeta, who seemed to them to be extremely powerful, had obvious fear when talking about this person.

If Xiao Lin met him head-on, he would definitely die.

"My mission is not to kill Frieza." Xiao Lin pretended to say lightly.

But looking at the concerned eyes of the rest of the people, the smile on their faces could not be maintained.

He clenched his fists, his eyes drooping.

"I know that my strength is still much worse than that of Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, and you guys." There was a trace of fear in his voice, "Going to the planet Namek, it is very likely that you will die. But... if you don’t go, relying only on training, I will never have the chance to catch up with you! I don’t want to experience the time when I can only lie on the ground and wait for Wukong’s rescue no matter how I train. !"

are you afraid? The answer is of course fear.

Xiao Lin has never been a man with courage.

But, as he said.

This kind of crisis, this kind of challenge, is his only chance. If he only relies on training, no matter how hard he is, he can only get a little closer to Wukong. Even soon, this little gap will be wiped out, even It is a further enlargement.

After all, it won't take long for Wukong to get the jars, or seven!

"I understand."

Monkey King walked to Xiao Lin, raised his hand, and patted Xiao Lin on the shoulder.

Xiao Lin raised his head.

Looking at this childhood companion.

"Go if you want." Monkey King smiled brightly. "I can understand your mood, Kobayashi, because I am the same. Nothing can stop a real fighter from going to the challenge. Don't worry, if You are really dead, and I will resurrect you no matter what."

"Goku..." Xiao Lin gritted his teeth, then lowered his head abruptly, "Don't tell me I seem to be dead, bastard!"

"Hahaha." The rest of the people laughed together.

Even Piccolo had a slight smile on his face.

Except for Vegeta, he still had his hands around his chest, expressionless.

"Boring." Vegeta spit out these words, then turned around, "Come here, I will tell you who are in Frieza's men. Give me as much power as possible to eliminate him, huh, you just Only this will work."

Kobayashi seemed to look at Vegeta in an incredible way.

This guy would take the initiative to help him.

It wasn't until Monkey King pushed his shoulder that he reacted.

"Come on." Monkey King gave a thumbs up.

Finally, after a few days of preparation Xiaolin boarded the spaceship to the planet Namek under everyone's attention.

The spaceship was left by another Saiyan.

Originally, Monkey King was still thinking about whether to wait until they all completed their tasks, and then everyone went again.

But Kobayashi refused.

He has fallen behind a lot, and there is no chance to continue to fall behind. Since he finally took the first step in the first task, he must cherish the hard-won result.

He intends to be alone, first to the planet Namek.

Find opportunities and complete your own challenges.

I have to say that after seeing hope, Kobayashi exploded with more brilliant courage than in the original plot, and inspired by this courage, the rest of the people all lifted up more powerful Determined.

Even Saitama, who was still a bit fish-catching, was also stimulated at this time.

Because he is also the target of Kobayashi.

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