Start With a Fake University

Chapter 678: I have not cultivated for so many years in vain

  Chapter 679 No cultivation in vain for so many years (seeking subscription)

  The wonderful national martial arts duel between the superstar of the national martial arts and the artificial intelligence robot, once again pushed this New Year's Day New Year's Eve party performance to a new level of excellence.

   "It's just amazing."

   "It's too intense, but I think humans still can't beat robots. As long as robots have power energy, it is equivalent to unlimited physical strength, but humans are different."

   "Sun Chengkang's martial arts strength seems to have grown a lot."

   "Is this Dabai? I usually look so cute and cute. I didn't expect to be able to fight like this."

   "I would like to call this show the best in the audience."

   "Although this program is also quite exciting and exciting, I still think the previous "Mechanical Ascension" program is more creative and exciting."

  "Yes, yes, I also like "Mechanical Ascension" a little bit more."

  Audiences are still very high on the "Cyberpunk 3077" program, but some people think that this program is not as exciting as "Mechanical Ascension", and other people think that this program is the best in the audience.


On the stage, Sun Chengkang and Dabai Guoshu battled back and forth, but just as the audience thought, Dabai has the powerful power energy of graphene battery, while Sun Chengkang is a mortal body and his physical strength is limited, so After the duel, Sun Chengkang felt that he was almost out of energy.

   "It's not working, it's not working, Da Bai, I'm almost dying."

  Sun Chengkang said to Dabai.

  Sure enough, Da Bai quickly stopped, and then came to Sun Chengkang.

  And at this time, a song "Immortals" sung by Jia Wenbo also came to an end, and this national martial arts showdown was also coming to an end.


  After both Sun Chengkang and Dabai stopped, there was a warm applause.

  Sun Chengkang and Dabai brought you a feast of national martial arts showdown. It deserves this applause. The audience in the live broadcast room also gave high praise to the performance of two people, no, it is a person and a robot.

   "It's really unfinished."

   "When is Sun Chengkang's next national martial arts PK? I must go to buy tickets and watch and support."

   "I really want a big white."

   "Don't think about it, this masterpiece is initially estimated to be worth more than one million yuan, and most people simply can't afford it."

  "Isn’t it all right to sell a house at home?"

   “There is a saying, this artificial intelligence robot, even if you have money, you can’t buy it. Otherwise, if you look at someone like Wang Sicheng, why don’t you buy a Dabai?”

   "As far as I know, this masterpiece by Principal Ding is unique."

   "Sun Chengkang can fight against the artificial intelligence robot, it is really amazing."

   "This can't help but remind me of Ke Jie's fight against Alpha Dog."

   "Speaking of the great white of Xia Country and the Alpha Dog of Yingjiang Country, who is more powerful?"

  "Who knows this, Alpha Dog was really good back then, and now after so many years of development, Alpha Dog’s strength has been unfathomable."

   "I really want to see a duel between Da Bai and Alpha Dog."

  After the show ended, Sun Chengkang and Da Bai walked off the stage together, and the applause continued until the host of the evening party stepped onto the stage again.

   "Dabai, good performance."

   Ding Yue complimented Da Bai after seeing Da Bai who had returned to him.

   "Thank you principal for the compliment."

   Dabai responded.

Then Da Bai stood beside his owner Ding Yue in a daze, while Sun Chengkang returned to the lounge, because the performance Sun Chengkang just now was too hard. After all, it was a real battle with Da Bai. The physical exertion was too great for a while, and I had to rest.

  After the end of the show "Cyberpunk 3077", there is another heavy link next.

  As everyone knows from the program list, the next trailer will be a sci-fi movie "Wandering Earth", directed by director Su Yangfan, and a sci-fi masterpiece produced by the School of Film and Television of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Feiyue Media, and many powerful actors.

  Before this, the confidentiality of the sci-fi movie "Wandering Earth" was still quite good. It was also a while ago that director Su Yangfan released some news one after another.

  Now, the trailer will be released tonight, and Feiyue Media will send "Wandering Earth" to the Film Bureau for review. Once the review is completed, it can basically be confirmed to be released on the Spring Festival file.

  At this time, there is still more than a month before the Spring Festival.

  "Hello everyone, I’m director Su Yangfan."

  On the stage, Su Yangfan was already standing in the middle of the stage with the microphone.

  The next time is Su Yangfan and his sci-fi movie "The Wandering Earth".

"I believe everyone has seen my sci-fi TV series "Time and Time Contact". This time, I have the honor to lead a group of excellent film and television drama production teams at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to direct the sci-fi movie "Wandering Earth". Thanks to President Ding for giving me such an opportunity. I took the team for nearly two years and invested more than 150 million yuan to create a science fiction movie "The Wandering Earth" with top special effects and wonderful plots for everyone. Next, let us enjoy the first trailer of "The Wandering Earth"."

After Su Yangfan finished speaking, he invited everyone to look at the big screen of the stage together.

  Next, a two-minute trailer that Su Yangfan led and edited by himself began to play.

  In the trailer, a lot of key element information is given, and these key element information are hardly heard by the audience in this parallel world.

  For example, the sun is expanding rapidly and is about to engulf the earth.

   and human beings, in order to survive, use the power of the whole world to build planetary engines to push the earth out of the solar system to the neighboring star 4.2 light-years away!

  The trailer only lasted more than two minutes. After the broadcast, all the students on the scene exclaimed.

   "Damn, this setting looks great."

   "What? Propelling the earth out of the solar system?"

   "I understand why it is called "The Wandering Earth"."

  Not only the students at the scene, but also the netizens and viewers in the live broadcast room, they also said that this brain hole just exploded!

   "This brain hole is awesome!"

   "Fuck! Planetary engine, it sounds like a thief!"

   "The special effects look pretty good."

  "I like this subject!"

   "Science fiction is really our country so far there is no special top science fiction works, right."

   "A few science fiction movies are pretty good."

   "I don't know if it will look good after it is shot?"

   "Laughing to death, use the engine to push the earth out of the solar system? It's better to build a spacecraft to fly out of the solar system."

It has to be said that this first trailer for "Wandering Earth" gave the audience their appetites. The millions of viewers in the official studio of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences almost all looked forward to this science fiction movie. 's arrival

"Thank you all for watching the trailer of our "Wandering Earth". If not surprisingly, "Wandering Earth" will be on the Spring Festival, and I will meet you on the first day of the Lunar New Year. If you like this kind of theme or this intellect, welcome Everyone will go to the cinema to support, thank you all!"

  After playing the trailer of "The Wandering Earth", Su Yangfan said a paragraph and bowed sincerely to the big guy.

  After all, if a movie wants to succeed, it must be supported by the broad audience.

  The trailer for "The Wandering Earth" ended after Director Su Yangfan left the stage.

  Today's New Year's Eve Party of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be described as a wave of high energy and then a wave of high energy. After this wonderful session after another is over, the next session is what the audience is extremely looking forward to.

  Because, next time, Lin Zhirou will be on the stage again.

  And this time Lin Zhirou appeared on the stage, instead of singing the old song, but sing a new song!

  Lin Zhirou’s new song, the majority of fans are already waiting to see it through. Even if they are not fans, ordinary netizens are looking forward to what kind of songs this powerful young queen will bring to everyone this time.

   "Hello everyone, this is Lin Zhirou, we meet again."

After Lin Zhirou appeared on stage, she greeted the audience enthusiastically.

Needless to say, the students at the scene are all alumni and fans of Lin Zhirou. Naturally, there are cheers one after another.

  In the live broadcast room, without even thinking about it, all the barrage "wife" directly swiped the screen.

  If Ding Yue sees the barrage in the live broadcast of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, he will probably be mad, these people are really, don’t they have a wife?╭(╯^╰)╮

"I know that everyone has been looking forward to my new song for a long time. Today I brought this new song to everyone, and next year, I will actively work hard to release more new songs. If possible, I would like to release an album. "

  Lin Zhirou continued.

   Soon we talked about the new song.

"The new song is hard to describe to everyone. I will sing it again in a while. Let’s listen to it. Then at 12 o’clock this evening, the digital music version will be launched on the Feiyue home streaming media platform on time. Welcome everyone to Feiyue home. Listen to my new song on the streaming platform."

  When Lin Zhirou said this, she did not forget to blink an eye.

  Just a blink of an eye is enough to make countless people shout that Awei is dead!

  When Lin Zhirou promoted her new song, she naturally did not forget to promote the Feiyue home streaming media platform to the school, because now the Feiyue home streaming media platform really needs too much traffic.

   "Okay, the music starts."

  After Lin Zhirou finished speaking, she was ready to sing.

  Everyone quietly watched the stage and watched the live broadcast, waiting for Lin Zhirou to bring this new song full of mystery.

  The melody gradually rises, it is vast and ethereal, long and long, giving people a very unique feeling, and it suddenly attracted people who listened to this song for the first time.

  Only Ding Yue is the only one in the audience, and he is no stranger to this melody.

  "The silent waves flooded the night deeply, and overflowed the corner at the end of the sky"

  Lin Zhirou’s singing is clear and ethereal, and singing this song is simply perfect.

  This is also the reason why Ding Yue chose this song for Lin Zhirou. The "Big Fish" fits well with Lin Zhirou.

  "The big fish swims in the gap of dreams

   staring at your sleeping silhouette

  Look at the sea and sky, listen to the wind and rain

  Hold your hand and blow away the vast smoke

  The wings of the big fish are already too vast

  I let go of the ropes of time."

  This song "Big Fish", from low chanting and shallow chanting to far-reaching and passionate, rich in layers and consistent with affection, the audience was fascinated by it, and they couldn't extricate themselves from it.

  Lin Zhirou’s powerful singing skills, not to mention how stable he was when he sang the song "Big Fish" live, this song was already easy to come by after Lin Zhirou’s constant practice during this period of time.

   "Watch you fly away, watch you leave me

  It turns out that you were born in Skyrim

  Every drop of tears flows to you

  Go back to the original encounter"

  After singing the song "Big Fish", Lin Zhirou herself felt a little bit unfinished, because when she sang this song, Lin Zhirou herself took the place, swimming in the lyrics and melody.

  The listeners feel that this song brings a kind of charming ethereal and quiet, and the melodious melody makes people intoxicated and can’t wake up for a long time.

   "Wow, this song is different from Lin Zhirou's previous songs."

   "It's really amazing."

   "This song is so nice."

   "It is indeed a different style, but I heard a little bit of national style from it."

   "Although it does have a bit of national flavor, the feeling this song brings is obviously different from "Blue and White Porcelain". "Blue and White Porcelain" is the most serious Xia Guofeng song."

   "God, it's so nice, it's really not enough to listen to it once."

   "Woohoo, please go to the goddess, let's sing it again."

   "Uh, no? I haven't heard enough yet!"

   "If you want to listen, you can only wait until twelve o'clock."

   "I have downloaded the Feiyue home streaming media platform, and I am ready to recharge as a member. I'm just waiting for twelve o'clock in the morning."

  "Feiyue home streaming media platform does not need to be a member brother!"

   "Really? This is simply the conscience of the industry!"

Regarding Lin Zhirou’s new, whether it is the students on site or the netizens watching the live broadcast, they all want to hear it as soon as possible, but even so, we still have to wait until 12 o’clock in the morning. Will be launched on the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

  Now, many netizens who watch the live broadcast have taken out their mobile phones or on the computer side to download the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

   Suddenly, the number of downloads on the leap home streaming media platform, which had already calmed down, has suddenly risen.

After Lin Zhirou sang the song "Big Fish", she said: "If you like it, don't forget that it will be officially launched on the Feiyue home streaming media platform at 12 o'clock this evening. My songs will all be The exclusive debut on the Feiyue home streaming media platform, welcome everyone to listen, thank you all."

After Lin Zhirou finished speaking, she bowed politely.

  Ding Yue watched Lin Zhirou’s propaganda from the stands, and nodded with joy. It seemed that he hadn't cultivated her for so many years in vain!

  (End of this chapter)

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