Start With a Fake University

Chapter 703: The whole people began to participate in the wandering earth

Funny fish live broadcast platform.

   A well-known female anchor, Xiao Tuanzi, was still playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on the live broadcast yesterday. Tonight, I directly started a new game.

   The name of this new game is-"Wandering Earth".

   Xiaoduanzi never thought that one day, he would actually play this kind of domestically produced 3A masterpiece. In the past, many game manufacturers came to Xiaoduanzi to broadcast their games, but they refused.

This situation is actually very common in anchors. Generally, game manufacturers have released a game. When it needs to be promoted, they have already abandoned the traditional publicity method. Instead, they choose the anchors of major live broadcast platforms. These anchors have played the game live, thus driving the audience who watched the live broadcast to buy and play the game.

  The best way to do this kind of publicity is Guoyi Game Company.

   Many previous games of the Guoyi Game Company used this to spend money to invite well-known anchors of major live broadcast platforms to start playing this game, and then promote it, and finally made several popular games.


Just today, the well-known game anchors of major live broadcast platforms did not take the money to start playing this game called "The Wandering Earth", on the contrary, they watched the actual demonstration of the game "The Wandering Earth" , Just came to play.

   Moreover, the game "Wandering Earth" and the movie of the same name are extremely popular, and these game anchors even have a little suspicion of directly playing the game and rubbing the popularity of the game.

   "Wow, okay, brother cute!"

   anchor Xiaotuanzi bought the game "Wandering Earth" directly on the Feiyue home streaming media platform at nine o'clock in the evening.

   199 yuan.

   This money is not money at all for the big anchor Xiao Tuanzi.

   After purchasing the game, download it immediately.

   Currently, on the Feiyue home streaming media platform, the purchase and download channels for the game "Wandering Earth" have been opened.

  Countless gamers, like the anchor Xiaotuanzi, logged onto the Feiyue home streaming platform, and directly spent 199 yuan to purchase the game "Wandering Earth".

It has to be said that in order to cope with the influx of large traffic, the Feiyue home streaming media platform has done a good job of maintaining the server, so that countless netizens have obtained smooth purchases and downloads after entering the Feiyue home streaming media platform. Experience.

   "President Ding, hundreds of thousands of people entered the "Wandering Earth" purchase interface in an instant, and the data is still rising."

   An Yujia directly reported to Headmaster Ding about the situation tonight.

This scene.

   How does Ding Yue feel familiar with the game.

   On January 1st of this year, the Feiyue home streaming media platform was also so prosperous. That was when Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles officially opened for pre-sale.

   But Ding Yue believes that the sales of the game "Wandering Earth" must be much higher than that of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles.

After all, Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles are very high-priced commodities. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per unit, which is not affordable for ordinary people. Therefore, after the sales volume has exceeded more than 1 million, as of now, it is still back. There is a reason for not being able to break through two million. After all, it is not a few thousand dollars.

   And this "Wandering Earth" game is different, the price is only 199 yuan, who can't get it for a young man of 199 yuan?

   Even a student can get this 199 yuan.

Of course, for under-age students, the Feiyue home streaming media platform is not recommended to play games, and the games on the Feiyue home streaming media platform also have real-name authentication. After the authentication, adult players can play Feiyue home. Games on streaming platforms.

   "Principal Ding, sales in one minute exceed 100,000 copies."

  An Yujia continued to report relevant data.

   Feiyue home streaming media platform is under the management and operation of Feiyue Media, so An Yujia can obtain various background data of Feiyue home streaming media platform in the first time.

   "It's very hot."

   Ding Yue heard this, and even nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that it is a wise choice to release the game "Wandering Earth" during the celebration party of the movie "Wandering Earth" tonight. The two Dongfeng rely on their respective strengths to influence each other. It is also the game "Wandering Earth" tonight. The key to success.

   "Congratulations, classmate Peigou."

   Ding Yue came to Pei Gou's side, stretched out his hand, patted Pei Gou's shoulder and said with a smile.

   "Principal Ding, what congratulations to me?"

   Pei Gou looked at Principal Ding and asked suspiciously.

"At present, the sales figures of "Wandering Earth" are very gratifying." Ding Yue explained with a smile: "In just one minute, 100,000 copies were sold, creating 19.9 million copies. Revenue."

   "So hot!"

   After hearing this, Pei Gou's face was full of surprise, but after that, the surprise turned into joy and excitement.

   After all, "Wandering Earth" is a stand-alone game. Compared with the previous online game "Resident Evil", the stand-alone game has certain sales difficulties.

Because most of the domestic gamers are actually online gamers, the number of stand-alone gamers is limited, and "The Wandering Earth" can achieve such a result. It can be seen that everyone is about the "Wandering Earth" that Feiyue Game Studio has withdrawn. Is very much loved.

   is in the game division of major live broadcast platforms at this time.

Whether it is the anchor who played League of Legends before, or the anchor who played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, or the anchors of various games such as Overwatch, csgo, CrossFire, World of Warcraft, Yuanshen, etc., they have all paid attention to this. "The Wandering Earth".

   These anchors, like a swarm, flock to the Feiyue home streaming media platform, and then purchase and download the game "Wandering Earth".

   Although the game "Wandering Earth" is very big, the broadband fiber of many game anchors is very powerful, and the download speed is also very fast.

   Among them, the well-known big anchors who first entered the game include P teacher, Jian Zihao, Xiao Tuanzi, Da Xiaomei, Zhou Jie and a group of people.

   That's right!

   Among them is Jian Zihao!

   Jian Zihao is very concerned about the game "Wandering Earth" tonight, and Jian Zihao also opened a live broadcast. As a former professional player and the head coach of the League of Legends World Championship team, Jian Zihao's current popularity can be said to be quite high.

   And the most important thing is that Jian Zihao is a member of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group. It is normal for him to play this "Wandering Earth" for the first time tonight, and it looks like it should be.

   In fact, in addition to the well-known anchors on these major platforms, there are also many influential people, even celebrities, who are experiencing this "Wandering Earth" game tonight.

  There are many popular actors and singers among them.

  As a fan of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group's products, Wang Sicheng of Wang's Group, Wang Sicheng, was the first time to buy and download this "Wandering Earth" with his friends tonight.

   I have to say, Wang Gongzi can be said to be a strong supporter of Feiyue Group's products.

  Whether it is Feiyue Group’s Leap·Future New Energy Vehicles, or “Resident Evil” before Feiyue’s game, and Feiyue Animation’s animated series “Love, Death and Robots”, Wang Gongzi has seen it and bought it.

   "Brothers, this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group are really domestic treasures."

   Prince Wang smiled and said to the people around him when he downloaded "The Wandering Earth".

   "Yes, the last time I bought Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicle is really great, the experience is so cool." As the iron buddy of Prince Wang, Lin Xin said with a smile.

   "Feiyue·Future car is really good."

  Wang Sicheng also spoke highly of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles.

   Wang Sicheng, who has always driven a luxury car before, has been driving the Leap Future New Energy Vehicle that he bought for this period of time, which is just a car worth hundreds of thousands.

   "This game "Wandering Earth" also looks very good, why haven't you downloaded it yet?"

   After the prince finished speaking, he was already a little impatient.

   "It's coming, it's going to be done right away!" Lin Xin quickly replied.

   You must know that the electronic equipment and network used by Wang Sicheng are the most powerful in the entire network. Therefore, when downloading "The Wandering Earth", the speed is also very fast.

   "Let's go, let's go, Brother Wang!"

   Lin Xin said excitedly after seeing the successful download.

   Several computers of "The Wandering Earth" have been downloaded. Next, Lin Xin and a few others will start playing this "Wandering Earth" with Wang Sicheng.

   Tonight, since nine o'clock, countless online game players have purchased and downloaded the game "Wandering Earth", and netizens have downloaded it one after another.

   The big anchors of the major live broadcast platforms are downloading very fast. After the download is complete, they immediately start the game and broadcast live, and begin to explore the game world of the Wandering Earth Project.

   Overnight, it seemed that all the netizens were discussing this "Wandering Earth" game.

   In the circle of friends, all major social platforms have been recommended to the screen by various Amway and other players of the game "Wandering Earth".

   It's the next day.

   Articles and introduction videos of the first wave of game experience have appeared on platforms such as Douyin and Xiaopozhan one after another, and the number of views can exceed one million in a short period of time.

   It took only one night, and the sales of the game "Wandering Earth" exceeded one million copies!

   In the daytime the next day, sales continued to rise, and "Wandering Earth" instantly became a super-popular domestic stand-alone game!

After Ding Yue got up, he went to Erwang. On all major social media platforms, you can almost see topics about the game "Wandering Earth", just like when the movie "Wandering Earth" was popular, and Feiyue·Future When new energy vehicles were popular, they were exactly the same.

   There is a feeling that the whole people are beginning to participate in wandering the earth.

   Ding Yue originally planned to have an all-night "Wandering Earth" last night.

But when I remembered the last time I played "Resident Evil", I played all night, but the next day I slept right into the afternoon and it was almost evening. Later, I took a lot of time to correct my normal work and rest time in the future. I got it back.


   Ding Yue endured a hand last night, but simply experienced the "Wandering Earth", let Pei Gou and others teach himself the basic operations, and then Ding Yue went back to sleep.

   Today, Ding Yue is ready to experience "The Wandering Earth".

   From the morning, after Ding Yue had breakfast, he called Pei Gou, Liu Lang and the others, formed a six-person team, and started playing "Wandering Earth" online.

Although it is the first time for Ding Yue to play, but with Pei Gou, Liu Lang and Zhang Tianming and the other group of game creators, Ding Yue can be said to play smoothly, even if it is such a smooth and smooth feeling. , The game experience is very cool.

   Unknowingly, one morning passed.

   "Principal Ding, are you going to the cafeteria for lunch?"

Whenever it’s time for lunch at noon, Wen Ruohan, the secretary, would remind Principal Ding, lest Principal Ding is too obsessed with his work and forgetting to eat lunch. This is also Principal Ding’s mother, that is, Aunt Zhang, the manager of the Five Canteen. Instructed Wen Ruohan.

   Yes, Zhang Yuping once told Wen Ruohan, that Wen Ruohan, as Principal Ding’s substitute secretary, must tell Principal Ding to stare at Principal Ding for every meal.

   Wen Ruohan is naturally to keep it in mind.

   So when it was time for lunch, he reminded Ding Xiao that he was going to have lunch.

   However, looking at the way Principal Ding is playing the game today, it has been all morning. It is estimated that Principal Ding is not going to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

   "What? Is it time for dinner so soon?"

   Ding Yue raised his head, UU read www.uukanshu. com asked.

   In the process of playing the game, the time is almost as fast as the running water, and I don’t notice it.

   "Yes, Principal Ding, well, I'll go to the cafeteria and pack it for you."

Upon seeing this, Wen Ruohan basically determined that Principal Ding was not going to go to the cafeteria for lunch. There was no way. In order for Principal Ding to eat every meal, he had to go to the cafeteria by himself and bring the food to Principal Ding. came back.

   "Okay, thank you Xiaowen."

   Ding Yue nodded directly, and then continued to say to his teammates Pei Gou and Liu Lang who were using the voice, "Let’s continue, no, do you want to eat?"

   "It's okay Principal Ding, we ordered takeaway!"

   Inside the voice group, Liu Lang's voice came.

   "Okay, let's continue, he has to get this task done for him today!" Ding Yue has been completely substituted into the game.

   I have to say, this "Wandering Earth" has a very vivid picture and high playability, so it has a strong sense of enthusiasm. It is easy to indulge in it when playing.

   Of course, as an adult, it doesn’t matter if you indulge in a game without affecting your daily life.

   "Good Principal Dading, then I'm going to eat, I will bring you lunch back soon."

   After Wen Ruohan finished speaking, he took three steps and made two steps, and quickly left the administration building and went to the fifth cafeteria.

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