Start With a Fake University

Chapter 786: Become an upstream player in the industry

"What's wrong with President An?"

Ding Yue saw An Yu Jiaan always seemed to have something to say, so he looked at her and asked.

As the person in charge of his own Feiyue Group, President An Yu Jia An certainly has some unique insights or insights that he can hardly detect. Therefore, if An Yu Jia, Ding Yue will generally adopt suggestions or improve the development strategy after listening to the suggestions. .

Now the next chip manufacturing is the biggest development strategy of Feiyue Group, and it must be closely linked with Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles.

After all, if chip manufacturing is not done, then Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles will not be able to apply domestically produced 5-nanometer chips on a large scale. If this is the case, there will be no way to compete with overseas car companies such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi. Their new energy vehicles are competing.

"President Ding, we have mastered almost the entire industry of the chip system, so what about the next cooperation with the National Core Technology Group?"

An Yujia asked cautiously.

National Core Technology Group is currently the largest technology company in Xiaguo's chip industry, and it is also a powerful and author of Feiyue Group in the chip field. Since Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has mastered the technology of 5 nanometer chips, it is definitely inevitable to bypass National Core. Technology Group.

Ding Yue also understood the meaning of the sentence An Yujia asked.

Now that I have mastered independent chip technology, do I still need the National Core Technology Group?

This is indeed a problem. After all, the lithography machine can be made by yourself, the etching machine can be made by yourself, and the chip can be made by yourself. If this is the case, in the eyes of ordinary people, what still needs to be done by the National Core Technology Group?

Ding Yue guessed that An Yujia meant to ask what to do next about the chip layout.

"National Core Technology Group has a deep industrial foundation, and it is definitely impossible for us to directly put aside the National Core Technology Group." Ding Yue analyzed and said: "What's more, it is hard for us to see it with our own eyes. Can't you fall down?"

"Principal Ding, I think so too."

An Yujia smiled and nodded, "Besides, there is another reason."


Ding Yue wanted to hear An Yujia's advice.

"Although we have mastered the corresponding technology now, it must take a certain amount of time and cost to apply this technology on a large scale. Perhaps the cost is not a problem, but time is an issue, and we are now leap forward and in the future. The situation facing new energy vehicles is more dangerous, so we can’t put aside the National Core Technology Group and do it ourselves now, because the speed is too slow."

An Yujia said with a serious analysis.

After Ding Yue listened, he was very satisfied.

It is worthy of being the CEO of Feiyue Group that I chose at the beginning. Whether in vision or thinking, he is top-notch and almost coincident with my own ideas.

Ding Yue thought so too.

Based on the current situation, its own Feiyue Group wants to engage in the chip industry, but it is impossible to engage in one-stop technical manufacturing in a short period of time, so it has to share some of it.

So what to share?

In fact, Ding Yue already had an answer to this point.

"So Mr. An, tell me, which part of the link should we hand over to the National Core Technology Group?" Ding Yue smiled and looked at Mr. An Yu Jia'an, and asked again.

"This is obviously the chip manufacturing link."

An Yujia calmly replied: "The manufacturing technology of chips is based on advanced basic equipment such as lithography machines and etching machines. There is no problem with the chip manufacturing technology of Guoxin Technology Group. What is missing is the lithography machine. And the basic equipment such as etching machine, and we must firmly control the manufacturing link of the basic equipment of lithography machine and etching machine in our own hands, that is, the core technology is in our own hands, and then we will make the "foundry" of chip manufacturing. "In other words, the "processing" link is handed over to the National Core Technology Group."

"Yes, exactly."

Ding Yue nodded with satisfaction.

This reason is actually very simple. Without the core technology and manufacturing capabilities of lithography and etching machines, the National Core Technology Group cannot become a leading company in the domestic chip industry.

As for the status of a leading enterprise, it is natural to leap into the group.

Who let Feiyue Group master the most core technology?

As for the future of Guoxin Technology Group, it will not be so pessimistic. The rise of Feiyue Group in the chip field will not cause a fatal blow to Guoxin Technology Group, because the industrial structure of Guoxin Technology Group will not change. He will still make chips. , Rather than making lithography machines.

In short, the future destiny of Guoxin Technology Group will be to become a chip production and processing enterprise like Dao Electromechanical, which is in the downstream link.

After Wucheng University of Arts and Science has developed all the independent technologies of the chip, it will be in the upstream link.

A simple truth is that how many chips you can produce and what level of chips you can produce from the National Core Technology Group depends on the equipment provided by Feiyue Group!

I will give you a complete set of 5nm chip manufacturing equipment, so you can produce 5nm chips.

If I don’t give it, then you won’t be able to produce. The reason is that simple.

"That's OK, Mr. An, let's talk to Guoxin Technology Group in this way next." Ding Yue handed the matter to An Yujia.

After all, An Yujia is already very skilled in dealing with Guoxin Technology Group.

A company as large as the National Core Technology Group can become a very good base for Feiyue Group to produce chips. Although it is not an industry under the Feiyue Group, the two are bundled together, and there is basically no problem.

Secondly, even if the National Core Technology Group is not satisfied with this kind of cooperation someday, Feiyue Group can better solve it if it wants to go further. After all, the National Core Technology Group is in the downstream. For downstream things, as long as the Feiyue Group is willing , In fact, you can build it yourself.

Therefore, the National Core Technology Group should be very clear about its own status, so naturally it will not do anything, unless they die within the National Core Technology Group itself.

"Good Principal Ding."

An Yujia nodded.

After hearing about the conversation between President Ding and President An Yu Jia'an, everyone else in the office was amazed.

This is really two people with great vision.

A company that was previously known as the supremacy of the chip industry, National Core Technology Group, has now become a downstream general existence directly in front of Feiyue Group.


In the technology industry, whoever masters the cutting-edge technology first is the boss!

"In that case, Brother Yue, in the future, will our chips be provided by the National Core Technology Group?" Huang Youjie asked after listening to the conversation between Ding Yue and An Yujia.


Ding Yue nodded.

"Then what chip do I need? Can we make it ourselves?" Xu Bin asked suddenly.

Xu Bin, as a computer expert, naturally has a great demand for chips, but Xu Bin’s chip demand is different from that of Feiyue Group. This is big, not that big.

Xu Bin's demand is large, it is a single chip, and it is the top chip demand.

The Feiyue Group is different. Feiyue Group is because Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles need chips, and a car needs a chip. These have already sold millions of cars, and the demand for chips is naturally large. What's more, the leap of the Feiyue Group. In the future, new energy vehicles will be sold more. After the overseas market is opened up and unimpeded, let alone, the demand is estimated to be the same in the tens of millions.

The two are not the same.

"Abin, we can manufacture the chips you need by ourselves, and we can make the top-notch, the most powerful chips in the world, and we can even move on to the three-nanometer chip technology!"

Ding Yue said to Xu Bin with a smile.

"That's OK!"

Xu Bin nodded and said: "If there are 3nm chips, then it is really possible to build a meta universe."

"Can a three-nanometer chip be realized?"

Ding Yue didn't know much about this aspect of technology, so he looked at Xu Bin and asked.

After all, I had previously explained to Xu Bin and Pei Gou that they wanted to create their own meta-universe plan.

"If nothing else, the 3nm chip level technology can realize the calculations at the meta-universe level, so I want to give it a try, but now, I can only use 5nm chips for experiments. See Seeing that the top computing power of 5nm chips is not enough to support us in the meta universe."

Xu Bin replied.

“It’s okay. We have mastered the entire 5-nanometer technology. The next thing we have to attack is 3-nanometer, and the research and development of a single chip technology will definitely be faster than the entire process. I think it will take you at most one year. The cutting-edge 3-nanometer chip can be used."

Ding Yue said to Xu Bin confidently.

Even if the research on chips requires a long time and a lot of funds, Ding Yue has a university system in his hands. No matter how high the price is, he must upgrade the technology in this area and strive to make his own meta-universe earlier. Plan to get it started.

"Hey hey, that's good, as long as the hardware technology keeps up, then I can definitely get it for you in terms of software. In fact, I am really looking forward to the Metaverse Project."

Xu Bin said with expectation.

"It seems Abin, you are very confident." Ding Yue said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Yuan Universe?" Huang Youjie asked curiously after listening.

Huang Youjie naturally knows what Metaverse is, but Ding Yue has asked Xu Bin and Pei Gou from Feiyue Game Studio to prepare for the Metaverse Project. Huang Youjie only now knows.

"As we have more and more technologies, isn't Brother Yue preparing to build a meta-universe? The meta-universe may be a major trend in the future, so we need to rush to make arrangements. I still know this."

Xu Bin smiled and said to Huang Youjie.

There is actually nothing that can’t be said with Lao Huang. The reason why Lao Huang doesn’t know is because Lao Huang has not asked before, so there is no need to tell him specifically. As for Lao Huang now asking about it, then tell him Up.

"Fuck, it's the virtual reality world?"

After hearing the words, Huang Youjie said with excitement and expectation: "If this is created, besides eating and drinking Lazard, can we all do things in the meta universe?"

"Hahaha, theoretically, it can be like this." Ding Yue smiled and nodded.

"Isn't that... In the meta universe, we don't need to go to the classroom for class, and we can go to class directly when we stay in the dormitory?" At this time, the secretary Wen Ruohan said excitedly.

It turns out that Wen Ruohan also heard the dialogue between President Ding, Director Xu Bin, and Director Huang Youjie.

"This is a good suggestion."

Ding Yue heard the secretary Wen Ruohan say that this thing about class is combined with the meta universe, which is indeed a very good way.

Wasn't it popular to take online courses before?

But after all, online courses are only video online teaching, which is still different. Metaverse is different. In addition to eating and drinking Lazar, everything else can basically be realized in the virtual world.

In this way, after the meta-universe world is created at that time, it is really possible to create a virtual Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the meta-universe.

In reality, there are the North and South campuses of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In the meta-universe, there is a virtual Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. The most important thing is that the number of students in the virtual Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is not limited.

What this refers to is unrestricted, that is, it is not restricted by infrastructure. After all, if a university wants to recruit more students, first of all, the basic supporting facilities and educational facilities must keep up, but in the meta universe, no need.

Because the things in the meta-universe can be directly virtualized, just like virtual reality. It looks no different from reality, but things are virtual.


Even if things are virtual, the knowledge learned in the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the meta-universe can be used in reality. Wouldn't it be great?

Ding Yue was immediately awakened by the words of secretary Wen Ruohan, and there were many thoughts in his mind. The establishment of his own virtual Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was also imperative.

Even after the initial results of my meta-universe plan, the first meta-universe thing created is my own virtual Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. You can practice it at that time. If it is really feasible, then virtual Wucheng Arts and Science. With the establishment of a university, students can be recruited in the meta-universe, and then professors can teach the students knowledge in the meta-universe. After the students have learned knowledge in the meta-universe, they can return to the real world and transfer the knowledge to the real world. Used in all walks of life to promote the development of the entire world.

This kind of imagination seems very good.

"We can build a virtual Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, what do you think?"

Ding Yue immediately looked at Xu Bin, Huang Youjie and others, and wanted to ask what they thought.

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