Start With A Quicksilver Fruit

Chapter 99 The Pterosaur That Ate Devil Fruit (First Update, Please Subscribe)

"Come on, Putis."

Chris sat on the back of the pterosaur, and the pterosaur spread its wings and set off a gust of wind.

"Mr. Chris, are we really okay?"

Brook was afraid that he would fall and be smashed to pieces, ~felt his bones were a little soft.

"Brook, all you have left is a skeleton. What are you afraid of if you don't die again?"

"Uh, yes, I can't die from the fall, because I don't have the body to die from the fall, yo.

Perona can fly by herself, but she still has some fear of pterosaurs, so she has been suspended.

Putis was flying over the island of Primordial, and a thick aroma was spit out from his mouth and drifted with the wind.

Stimulated by the fragrance, the ferocious beasts in the forest went mad and killed each other.

"Putis, can you control their will?"

If the killing continues like this, the Ingu Island will soon be bloody.

What Chris wants is an army of obedient beasts, not a group of beasts who only know how to kill.


Putis roared, and the ability of the perfume fruit was activated.

The crazy beasts calmed down one after another. Although their eyes were still blood red, they had stopped killing.

"That's right, that's it.

If you only know cannibalism, there will be no living creatures on Primordial Island in a few days.

What Chris wants is to enhance the ferocity of the beasts, making them more brutal and powerful.

As it is now, as time goes by, the beasts on this island will become more and more fierce, and this place will also become an excellent place for trials.

Only the strong can survive on this island.

"I said why the dinosaurs on the island started to riot, it turned out that someone came to the island.

A titan swung a long sword to overcome obstacles and came to Chris.

Chris has long known that there are two titans on Primordial Island. Judging by his outfit, it should be titan Dorry.

Putis let out a menacing roar, trying to scare him off.

Brook and Perona had already softened in fright and hid behind Chris.

"I didn't expect to meet titan here, it's an honor for me."

Chris jumped on top of the pterodactyl, just level with Dorry.

"Hahaha, I'm glad to meet you too, friend, the island of Primordial has not been visited by outsiders for many years.

Titans are bold in nature and like to make friends.

"Are you Blue Ogre Dorry? I heard that you and Brogy, another captain of the Giant Pirates, have disappeared for 100 years. Are you all here?"

"Oh? You actually know us? Yes, we have been dueling, but we haven't decided yet."

Dorry was a little surprised. He and Brogy have been here for almost 100 years, and he didn't expect anyone to know them.

"I want to move the island of Primordial, do you want to be my partners?"

Chris sent an invitation directly. The titans are very powerful, so they are very suitable to be partners.

And Chris wants to take Primordial Island away, so he has to say hello to these two titans before taking action.

"Take Primordial Island? Hahahaha, friend, are you serious?"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance, Chris turned his head to look, and another titan Brogy also came.

"Since I say it, I will definitely do it."

"We have been dueling here for 100 years, and we will not leave until the outcome is decided. If you want to take Primordial Island, of course we will go with you."

"But we'll just stay on Primordial Island, and we won't be able to help you if we fight."

Dorry and Brogy looked at each other and said in unison.

The titans are very committed to their promises. They said they would leave only if the outcome is too high, and they will definitely abide by it.

"Okay, it's better to stay on the island. I will arrange for the pirates to go to the island for trials in the future. It would be even better if you can give them some pointers."

Chris didn't ask too much, it was a surprise to get two titans, so let's take them away first.

"Hahahaha, these are trivial matters, now let us see how you took away the Primordial Island.

Chris extended his palm, aiming at the Primordial area below.


The Lion Fruit ability was activated, and the island of Primordial broke away from the continental plate, causing a shocking noise.

The animals on the island felt the danger and scattered for their lives.

This is the instinct of animals, even if they are controlled by the perfume fruit, it is inevitable.

The island of Primordial slowly broke away from the sea, as if a big hole had been dug in the sea, and the surrounding seawater poured back to fill the hole.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a sonic boom as the island lifted off and rubbed against the air. Dorry and Brogy on the island couldn't stand still for a while, and fell to the ground.

"Is this the power of Devil Fruit? It's amazing."

Dorry and Brogy have been on the island for 100 years, they don't know the Lion Fruit of the Golden Lion, but they know that only the Devil Fruit has this power.

"Hahahaha, that's amazing, Captain."

The titans worship the strong, and Chris has this kind of power, and he knows he is stronger than them without any competition.

Since they are stronger than them, they naturally call Chris the captain.

The island of Primordial disappeared into the clouds and was level with Thrillerbark. With a roar, the two islands flew towards the distance, and finally disappeared in the sea.

A few months later, someone passed by this sea area and found that the Primordial island had disappeared, which caused heated discussions.

Both the Marine headquarters and the World government speculated whether the Lion Fruit had been reborn, and sent a large number of people to inquire about the news.

The result was nothing, so let it go.

In short, Chris's action caused an uproar, but no one knew that it was Chris who did it.

Chris has the thrill of being the one behind the scenes.

Gaya Islands.

Chris was walking alone on the street, and because of his handsome appearance, many girls and sisters were winking at him.

Both Brook and Perona were left on the island by him. With their current strength, it was useless to follow him. It was better to stay on the island to practice.

The original Gaya Island was destroyed because of the war between Chris and Golden Lion, and the current Gaya Islands were formed by the floating Sky Island of Golden Lion.

In a tavern.

"Hey, have you heard? Recently, there is a newcomer who is very fierce. The bounty has soared all the way, and even Shichibukai's invitation was rejected."

"That's right, that's right, I've heard of it too, it seems to be called Fire Fist Ace."

"I really envy him, he actually got Logia's ability, and became famous all over the world as soon as he debuted.

"I heard that he can blow up a ship with a single punch. Logia's power is terrifying."

As the most dazzling newcomer in 1517, Ace is talked about everywhere he goes.

Coupled with the fact that he was the first to refuse Shichibukai's invitation, he was pushed to the forefront.

"Hmph, what is Fire Fist Ace? Can he compare to Galaxy Chris? He is the strongest."

"Galaxy has now entered New World. I heard that he challenged Whitebeard some time ago, and they fought for 5 days and 5 nights regardless of the outcome."

"Galaxy can challenge the Four Emperors in one year, and will definitely become One Piece in the future!"

There are also people who are diehard fans of Chris and promote Chris by belittling Ace.

"Galaxy is a fart, isn't he a lackey of the government? If you ask me, Fire Fist is stronger, even the name of Shichibukai is dismissive.

It is Ace's fans who are talking. Because of Ace's refusal to be Shichibukai, he has indeed attracted the support of a large wave of pirates.

0…ask for flowers…………

Chris sat in the corner, listening to these people talking and bragging, and thought it was funny.

A group of people who dare not go to sea are here to point out the country, and they even talk about a kind of pride in the world.

Obviously the two protagonists they mentioned are by their side, but they can't recognize them.

Ignoring these people, Chris looked at a man at a nearby table.

He wears a cowboy hat with two smiley and sad faces on it.

The table is full of delicacies, but he will eat them up in a few clicks, and the empty plates are already piled up in a pile.

The waiter delivering food next to him was sweating profusely, and the speed of delivering food could not keep up with his eating speed. "Boss, another piece of meat with bones."

Before the meat in Ace's mouth could be swallowed, he was in a hurry to order another plate of meat.

"I'm sorry, this customer, the meat in the shop has been eaten up."

The boss nodded and said to Ace, for fear that Ace would be angry and smash his shop.

"Hahahaha, here we go again, Ace will eat up the meat every time."

"Captain, how big is your stomach, can't you eat enough?"

"Captain, if our money is not enough, you will eat it all."


The crew of Ace complained one after another, and they seemed to be used to this scene.

"That's right, that's it, let's go then."

Ace and others paid and left, leaving the tavern.

Chris also drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, got up and left.

Chris didn't expect to meet Ace here. He didn't plan to do Sengoku's mission, but now that he has met him, he must try his strength.

Ace is also one of the important protagonists in the world of One Piece. Being able to abuse him is something that all time travelers want to do.

"Hey, my friend, you followed us secretly, what exactly do you want to do?"

Hearing what Ace said, the Spades Pirates were all on alert, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find Chris.

"Ace, there is no enemy, you can't be mistaken, right?"

The speaker is Deus, vice-captain of the Spades Pirates.

"It's not wrong. You didn't find him because he was in the sky."

Everyone looked up at the same time, and saw Chris with his hands in his pockets, looking at them calmly.

"Hey, Ace, this guy is Galaxy, Galaxy Chris!"

Although Deus had no combat effectiveness, he collected intelligence very well and recognized Chris at a glance.

"Oh, Shichibukai?"

Others may be scared when they see Shichibukai, but Ace won't, not even the Four Emperors.

"I heard you had a fight with Whitebeard, how is his strength?"

Knowing that the person in front of him was Chris, Ace took the initiative to ask questions.

He has always wanted to challenge Whitebeard, so he wants to learn about Whitebeard's intelligence from Chris' text.

"Do you want to challenge Whitebeard? You are not far behind now."

Chris shook his head, the current Ace has not yet understood the cruelty of the world, and is just sailing with passion.

Because of the power of Mera-mera Fruit, he was so invincible in the first half of the Grand Line that he is a bit too arrogant now.

"Really, then try it!"

"fire punch!"

Ace strikes without saying a word, and his impulsive temper has not changed since he was a child.

Chris stood still, letting the fist of fire hit him.

ps: Ask for a subscription, ask for a full order, ask for a custom order, ask for flowers, ask for a reward, anyway, ask for everything.

The author is still desperately coding, with a guarantee of 10,000 updates every day, I beg readers to give the author some motivation, thank you very much!

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