In the laboratory, everyone was staring at the solution in the instrument nervously, and time passed by minute by minute.

After 10 minutes, the liquid surface in the observation dish was still calm, and the solution was red gold and translucent without any ripples.

“Success… Success!”

Orochimaru and Hiruko breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and there was a deep excitement in their eyes when they looked at each other!

10 minutes has exceeded the possible range of error, which means that the reaction is stable and the gene liquid is perfectly integrated!

After 6 years of research and development, constantly changing experimental data, and countless failures, they finally succeeded after stumbling all the way!

“Congratulations, Guang.”

Shen Yu was sincerely happy that the experiment was successful. He had been planning for ten years, recruiting talents openly and secretly, and consuming a lot of manpower and material resources, and now he finally saw the results.

Guang narrowed his sparkling eyes, couldn’t help but cover his lips with his hands, and his delicate face couldn’t hide his joy.

She was happy, not because she was about to gain the power of Hashirama’s cells, but because of the smile on Shen Yu’s lips.

For so many years, she had watched Shen Yu’s steps and steps to today, and now she finally got what she wanted, and she was proud of it.

She calmed down and walked to Orochimaru and Hiruko.

After 6 years, the two had grown from the young and ignorant boys to 17 or 18 years old. The original condescending gaze gradually turned into a level gaze. Now, Guang even had to slightly raise his head to look at the two.

Not to mention that they tried their best to experiment for her, these two people, but she watched them grow up with her own eyes. Although they didn’t spend every day together, when it comes to caring, they are no less than Uchiha Nen of the Kannabi Bridge Base.

Therefore, she should thank her solemnly.

But Shen Yu followed her lightly, wrapped his right hand around her waist, and gently pulled her shoulder strap.

She looked up with some confusion and met Shen Yu’s meaningful gaze.

The two had been together for many years, whether as partners working together or as lovers relying on each other, they were a very reliable relationship, and the degree of tacit understanding was self-evident, so she instantly understood Shen Yu’s eyes.

‘Just say thank you to me, don’t bow to your subordinates, they still have to thank you. ‘

As expected by Shen Yu, Guang was stunned for only a moment, and Orochimaru and Hiruko came over with sincere faces and bowed deeply to the two.

“Teacher, thank you for your cultivation!”

This scene made Guang stunned.

Shen Yu walked forward calmly, leaned over slightly, raised his hands and gently lifted the two.

“No need to say more, this is all your own strength.”

His eyes were gentle, and his clear voice was like a spring breeze blowing past, making the two of them feel much more comfortable.

Unlike Uchiha Hikaru’s confusion, their gratitude to Shen Yu at this moment is completely heartfelt!

Although the ratio of this demon bud solution is only completely suitable for Uchiha Hikaru, this data is still of milestone significance, and the two people who participated in the research have gained different degrees.

Orochimaru, who focuses on genes and chakra, is more proficient in biological science and technology, and has a new understanding of life. Perhaps one day in the future, the technology of “cloning” will no longer be an illusory conjecture and theory.

And Biruhu, who is committed to studying demon bud grass, has a deeper understanding. He has tried to transform his body through demon bud solution. The specific plan is: using chakra as a medium, let the flesh and blood directly merge with the demon bud solution, so as to achieve a special physique like a hundred rivers returning to the sea!

This plan will also be the next research goal of the two.

“Do you remember what I said when I first met you?”

‘You all have some potential, and in my eyes, you are all good embryos…’

Shen Yu smiled and slowly spread his palms: “This is your potential!”

The two were shocked and cast their grateful eyes on Shen Yu, with an excited expression of “supporting Yu Long to die for the king”.

If it weren’t for this master’s insight, providing them with time and space, and giving them sufficient financial and material support, their talents would most likely be buried and frustrated.

The thousand-year memory of the favor, they will always remember this favor.

“According to the experimental data of the second generation Hokage, the successful fusion of the gene fluid should only be the first step.” Shen Yu said lightly.

“That’s right,” Orochimaru nodded in agreement, “The next step is to merge with the blood sample. After fully ensuring that there is no abnormality, the final injection can be completed.”

Her eyes were excited, “However, referring to the previous experimental records, as long as the first step is successful, there will be no problems in the future, MasterDon’t worry, father. We will be extremely alert and will not make any mistakes! ”

“Don’t be so confident, little brat. “Shen Yu shook his head unhappily.

Three weeks later.

Uchiha Guang gently sat up from the infusion table, looked at the empty bottle of reagent hanging above his head, and decisively pulled out the needle on the back of his hand.

She had just finished the intravenous injection of the ghost bud solution.

Shen Yu held the tray with both hands and placed it solemnly in front of Guang. On the tray was a needle of injection, which was crystal clear under the light and reflected a faint golden light.

Guang took a deep breath, raised her palm weakly, and picked up the injection.

After completing the injection of the ghost bud reagent, she now felt that the whole person was light, as if a gust of wind could blow her away. There was a soft and soft breath flowing all over her body, but there was no pain at all. The chakra almost stagnated, which was indescribable.

She looked at the sharp and slender needle and couldn’t help swallowing.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. “Shen Yu gave her a reassuring look, and in his deep pupils, beautiful kaleidoscope patterns were reflected.

Behind him, Orochimaru and Hiruko both shrank their necks and looked over here nervously. Hiruko was holding another transparent injection in his hand.

She knew that this was to prevent the experiment from failing. The buffer prepared in advance could fully eliminate the effects of the Kiyara reagent in the body.

She seemed to have made up her mind, closed her eyes, and with a slight push of her slender hand, the needle accurately pierced the artery at the neck and pushed in!

“嘤咛. ”

She frowned slightly, letting the needle fall to the ground and shatter, her body fell limply backwards, and fell into a warm embrace.

Shen Yu held his breath and concentrated, his hands embracing the beauty motionless, his scarlet pupils glowing, ready to perform pupil magic at any time.

The air around her fell into a dead silence, everyone stared at her intently.

Unlike the tranquility of the outside world, earth-shaking changes were taking place in her body at this moment.

The heart pumped vigorously, allowing the golden gene fluid to be transported throughout the body with the blood, penetrating into every cell, the genes were reorganized over and over again, activating the mysterious unknown sequence, and countless DNA molecular chains. Disconnected and connected one after another, exuding a strong breath of life…

At a certain moment, her eyes opened automatically, red light burst out, and three dark magatama swirled and merged, like three swifts circling freely in the sunset.

This is a transformation, and even more a rebirth!

Soon, in the astonished eyes of the three people, materialized white steam was discharged from every pore of her, and her frowning brows slowly relaxed. A completely different breath from the past spread throughout the laboratory like a tide.

She opened her eyes slightly, looked at Shen Yu’s worried eyes, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled unconsciously.


“Success, idiot.”

Outside the observation room, Orochimaru and Obiru were almost crying with joy. The two young men actually hugged each other at this moment.

“Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission!”

“Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission!”

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