Konoha Village.

Five years ago, after Uchiha Madara left Konoha, Senju Hashirama did not fall into despair. Instead, with the cooperation of his younger brother Tobirama, he managed the village in an orderly and prosperous manner.

He constantly improved the policy of the ninja village, used the money invested by the official government of the Fire Country as the starting capital, and invested heavily in the construction of Konoha Village. Tobirama even founded a ninja school to cultivate high-quality ninjas.

Regardless of family blood, regardless of high or low status, all children who can condense chakra, even civilians, can enjoy formal ninja education.

At the same time, Konoha Village also sent ninjas to accept tasks commissioned by various parties, so it obtained a large amount of commission fees and also promoted the economic growth of the Fire Country.

The Fire Country has sufficient financial funds and can allocate funds for military expenditures. It has long maintained a large number of ninjas in Konoha Village as a national military force. Coupled with its unique geographical conditions, the Fire Country has become the country with the strongest comprehensive strength in the world.

No one else.

At this moment, in a training ground in the Konoha Forest.

Figures were moving in the forest, and from time to time there were three or two crisp metal collision sounds, as if someone was fighting, and the breathing was rapid and dense, and it seemed that there were more than two people.

Only two muffled groans were heard, and the two boys flew out of the tree canopy at the same time and fell hard to the ground.

“It’s not over yet!”

A thorny boy rushed out from a hidden corner, made a seal with his hands, and shouted: “Wind Style: Vacuum Wave!”

He spit out a thin and transparent wind line from his mouth, and pierced straight into the tree canopy just now!

Broken leaves fluttered and flew around, and a cold voice came from the tree canopy, “Danzo, you have been hiding until now, just for this move?”

Danzo tilted his head, and the wind line in his mouth chopped down like a long knife, and the tree canopy was immediately split into two, and the branches and leaves were cut off.

A boy jumped up from the tree canopy, and the sun blurred his outline, leaving only a shadow.

A trace of regret flashed across Danzo’s face. He missed the target.

“Fire Style: Phoenix Claw Red!”

Then, Danzo’s eyes were lit up by the flames, and dozens of burning fireballs flew out from the shadows!

“Uchiha Kagami! Don’t underestimate me!”

Danzo shouted, changed his hand seals, and suddenly pushed out his palms, “Wind Style: Slashing Sky Wave!”

The wind pressure gathered in his palms, spraying out bullet-like airflow. Under the impact of this force, the fireballs were shaky and extinguished one after another in the turbulent wind.

But Danzo did not show a relaxed look, because he saw that in the extinguished flames, there were actually flying shurikens!

“Not good!” He screamed.


Countless hidden silk threads appeared in the air, and the shurikens paused slightly in front of Danzo’s face, and then shot back into the bushes like birds returning to their nests, and fell into the hands of the boy.

The young man fell to the ground, his black clothes fluttering in the wind. He stood with his hands behind his back and his back facing the crowd. The “round fan” family emblem on his back was very eye-catching.

“You lost.” Uchiha Jing said lightly.

On the ground, a monkey-faced boy with a pineapple head struggled to get up and said unwillingly: “I… I can still fight!”

“Hiruzen, I have shown mercy.” Jing’s voice was clear and cold, “The gap between the jonin and the chunin cannot be made up by numbers.”

“Humph, as long as I can still move, I haven’t lost!” Sarutobi Hiruzen glared at him, jumped up from the ground, drew out a kunai, and rushed straight towards the back.

“Well, let you see what the real power of Uchiha is…”

As the kunai got closer, Uchiha Jing still stood there without moving, without any extra movements, he just turned back and glared.

In the red pupils, three tadpole-like magatama turned slightly, and Sarutobi Hiruzen fell to the ground with a plop, motionless, like a kite with a broken string.

“What!” Mizuto Kado Yan and Shimura Danzo on the side exclaimed in disbelief.

‘This bastard has been playing with us just now…’ Mizuto Kado Yan pushed his glasses with a guilty conscience, ‘If he wants, he can end the battle in an instant! ‘

“Is this… the blood limit, the power of the Sharingan…” Danzo stood there in a daze.

At this time, Uchiha Kagami walked to Hiruzen, bent down to pick up the kunai, and placed it across the back of Hiruzen’s neck.

“That’s enough, right? If this were a battlefield, you would have died twice.” He said, “Whether it’s ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu, I can crush you and win easily.”

Danzo held down his shaking right hand and pretended to be calm, “Even so, you still can’t get our approval!”

Jing frowned slightly, “I have agreed to all your requests. I was promoted to a jonin. You challenged me, and I accepted it.Whether it’s a round-robin battle or a group fight, I’ll take it. Is it only possible if I lose to you?”

“That’s too arrogant, we’re not that weak yet!” Danzo snorted coldly.

“I know you don’t like me, but we’re all members of Konoha, so we still have to get along with each other. Only when we unite as one can Konoha become stronger. I really…” Jing sighed softly, “I really want to be friends with everyone.”

“Become friends? What are you thinking? You Uchiha has such a traitor, and you actually want to integrate into us?”

“What…what?” Jing suddenly fell silent.

Danzo seemed to remember something, and he became more and more excited as he spoke, as if this would be able to restore the dignity lost due to the defeat:

“Yes! That’s right, 5 years ago, your traitor brother defected from Konoha and killed so many companions, including many of our Shimura clan’s senior ninjas. You, Uchiha Jing, will never be able to pay off this debt!”

Jing’s voice became low, “Say it again? ”

“Hmph, I’m telling you, your damned traitor brother–ugh!”

The wind was blowing, and a kunai was pressed against Danzo’s throat. Because it was too sudden, Danzo didn’t even react. He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, a pain in his neck, and the tip of the kunai had pierced his skin.

Warm blood oozed out and instantly covered his neck. The wind blew and it was freezing cold.

Uchiha Jing slowly leaned over, with unspeakable hostility flowing in his scarlet eyes. A cold breath passed along the kunai, and Danzo couldn’t help shivering.

“I will bring him back to the village myself! This is also the only motivation that has supported me to practice so far!” Jing approached Danzo’s ear and said word by word: “Before that, you are not allowed to gossip!”

“Plop! ”

Danzo sat on the ground, gasping for breath with a look of shock.

“Uchiha Kamiya…” Mitomon En simply lay down with his legs spread out, letting out a long breath, his voice revealing a little fear, “That guy is so strong, that night, 16 jonin died in his hands, even Lord Tobirama was helpless against him and wanted to bring him back…”

He looked at Uchiha Kagami, his tone weak, “I’m afraid that only jonin strength is not enough…”

“Lord Tobirama recognized my determination and has agreed to accept me as his personal disciple, as long as I can learn that technique…”

Uchiha Kagami looked into the sky, the red sunset coated his eyes with a layer of golden light, that was the direction of the entrance of Konoha Village.

“Brother, no matter where in the world, no matter what the cost, I will definitely bring you back to the village with my own hands!”

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