“You will die today–”

The last word just passed by, and Tobirama disappeared. Shenyu’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he moved, turned sideways, and tilted his head! The movements were done in one go, without any hesitation.


Blood spurted from his right face, and the burning pain made his face slightly distorted. Tobirama, holding a kunai, suddenly passed by his side without any warning.

Shenyu’s reaction was quite fast. He swung out his right hand quickly, and the shadow of his arm was like a long whip. With a “snap”, he tightly grasped Tobirama’s wrist, and the force was so great that his kunai fell out of his hand.

He tightly grasped Tobirama’s wrist, and the palm of his other hand spurted out blue light, and “Autumn Dew” turned into an ice-blue sharp blade, piercing Tobirama’s heart directly.


Tobirama’s body disappeared again. Shenyu noticed that the air behind him was slightly flowing, and a piercing chill rushed straight to the top of his head, but he didn’t have time to look back. His bloody pupils looked back hurriedly in fear.

The dim light was blinding, Tobirama held the kunai in reverse and stabbed at his eyes fiercely!

“I succeeded!” Tobirama’s eyes were gloomy, and the tip of the kunai cut through the air, making a long and sharp sound.

Silently, the kunai stabbed into the air, and Shen Yu’s body disappeared out of thin air, and instantly appeared five meters away. He staggered and almost fell.


Shen Yu’s breathing was disordered, and even though he was out of danger, his eyes still flashed with panic, like an alert young animal.

He almost had his right eye blinded by Tobirama!

However, compared to him, Tobirama’s expression was more intriguing.

“Space-time ninjutsu? Your pupil technique not only has the effect of recovery? But also space movement?” He frowned, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

“Compared to Lord Tobirama, it’s still a lot worse.” Shen Yu pretended to be relaxed.

Tobirama’s face returned to normal, and he spread his hands and said, “This place has long been engraved with the Flying Thunder God’s mark. I can appear in any position. This is the cemetery I built specifically for you!”

Shen Yu subconsciously scanned the surroundings, in the low grass, in the broken tree cracks, on the edge of the cracks on the ground, under the water, between the stone walls, on the rocks… Countless Flying Thunder God’s marks came into his eyes, and one Flying Thunder God Kunai after another was scattered on the battlefield, mixed in the messy weapons. If it weren’t for deliberate search, it would be difficult to detect!

At the moment he was distracted, Tobirama teleported in front of him again, and the kunai flashed a cold light.

It was too late. In front of Qianshou Tobirama, Shen Yu had no time to perform the instant body technique, and could only activate “Heaven’s Constant Standing”. His right pupil subconsciously turned faintly, and he appeared out of thin air at the position where Tobirama had just been.

From the perspective of an observer, the two blurred for a moment in the heavy rain, and switched positions in the blink of an eye, which was simply a magical skill.

“In addition to teleportation, the wound on the right face is gone. Can this eye technique not only restore injuries, but also restore spatial positions? These positions… are not random.”

Tobirama launched an attack while analyzing the battle.

In a flash, he appeared in front of Shenyu again like a ghost seeking his life, and the kunai went straight to his right eye.

“You can’t escape, I can teleport to any corner of this space!”


The kunai pierced through the palm, blood splashed, Shenyu grabbed Tobirama’s fist with his palm, and the tip of the blade stopped an inch in front of his eyeball! The cold light passed by, reflecting the delicate luster of jade on his kaleidoscope.

“Didn’t teleport away immediately? Is there a cooling time or…”

Tobirama narrowed his eyes. His attack this time seemed sharp, but according to the agility Shenyu had shown in the past, he could predict his attack in advance and jump away with his time and space eye technique at the first time.

As soon as this thought came to mind, Shen Yu disappeared by teleportation.

“Swipe”, a shadow quietly appeared above the wooden man’s head, which was the position of Shen Yu about 3 minutes ago.

“The pupil technique of the left eye can be immune to my water escape, and the pupil technique of the right eye… is it time travel? Not only can it be instantly transferred to the previous position, but it can also restore its own health state, but it seems to have a 1-second cooling time and cannot be activated continuously…”

Tobirama’s mind quickly analyzed the information, his eyes were as calm as water, “Since he has not left this range, it means that the time he can go back is limited, about a few minutes…”

After a few short rounds of testing, he almost figured out Shen Yu’s ability.

The moment Shen Yu landed, he summoned Susanoo without hesitation.

The ribs were intertwined, the arms grew, and the meridians quickly filled the gaps, gathering into solid flesh and blood in an instant.

The second-level Susanoo appeared in less than half a second. Its huge body stretched out in the cold moonlight, and its lines were solemn and tough.

The half-giant clasped his hands together and condensed the strange-shaped weapon.The blade, but this time the gathering of chakra did not stop. With the filling of rolling black gas, the tail of the weapon suddenly extended and finally turned into a majestic spear!

“Are you finally willing to use this trick?” Tobirama did not pursue, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The Susanoo spear swept across, and the tip of the spear drew a perfect circle in the rain curtain. The arc was dark and deep, and it looked more like it had cut through the space, leaving behind a dark void.

Then, the arc suddenly shrank like a black hole, and then expanded with a bang. The powerful blow tore the earth apart, like a storm passing through!

With Susanoo as the center, the ground cracked and flew away inch by inch, and the broken wood and rain were swept up by the wind, following the arc to a farther place, and even the wooden man and the huge wooden Buddha were swept away!

Without the blessing of Hashirama, these woods were no different from ordinary trees.

When the impact slowly subsided, only bare ground remained at the original place. The giant trees, puddles, Flying Thunder God Kunai and marks were gone. The area within a radius of one kilometer was flattened by a single shot!

A little away from Susanoo, the space was slightly distorted, and Tobirama’s figure flashed again, but he did not continue to attack Shenyu.

The moment he appeared, he threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, but the target was not Shenyu, but an irrelevant direction.

The kunai exploded with a puff of white smoke during the flight, and the second Tobirama appeared out of thin air. He grabbed the kunai, twisted his waist in mid-air, and threw it in a different direction.


When the third Tobirama appeared, Shenyu frowned. In the dynamic vision of the Mangekyo Sharingan, the trajectory of the kunai left a straight long line in the air, faintly surrounding himself.

He had already seen through Tobirama’s intentions. With a flip of his wrist, three shurikens broke through the air and caught up with the Flying Thunder God Kunai in the blink of an eye, and it seemed that he was about to successfully intercept it.

However, the fourth Tobirama appeared ahead of time. With a clanging sound, he waved his kunai to block all the shurikens, took advantage of the situation and leaped over, and occupied the four corners of east, west, south and north with the remaining three, surrounding Shen Yu in the center.


At this moment, a ray of red light shot up from the front of a Tobirama.

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”

Three rays of light followed closely behind, piercing the sky like a monkey soaring into the sky.

The beams of light connected with each other, extending a deep red barrier, and encircling, blocking and covering a radius of 100 meters!

“Linking with Instant Shadow·Flying Thunder God·Four Red Yang Formation!” The four Tobirama shouted in unison.

Shen Yu’s heart sank hard, and a chill rose on his spine.

He felt the strong blocking force from the shield, the air became heavy, the meridians were stagnant, and his chakra was sluggish by several levels, not as smooth as before!

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