Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 228: Akihara Kagura, the person who surpassed all previous Hokages!

The rain in the sky is still dripping.

The water needles hidden in the rain are also falling down one after another.

Chakra was condensed in Senshou Zhujian's hand, and he waved his hand to scatter the water needles one by one, and he would not begrudge his praise for the strength of the enemy.

"Feijian, his water escape technique is much stronger than yours..."

"Brother, you don't need to say more."

Qianshou Feijian's complexion was a little ugly.

This is a technique he invented, but it turned out that Akihara Kagura, a little devil who he was not used to, used such a great power, which inevitably made the second Hokage a little uncomfortable.

"Found Kagura's location!"

Namikaze Minato was the first to see Akihara Kagura in the rain!

"Earth Dungeon Earth Dragon Bullet!"

Hiruza Sarutobi combined his hand seal and released the dragon head of an earth dragon, and the dragon head spit out mud bombs in the direction of Akihara Kagura!

Sarutobi Hiruzen kept moving, and his hands were sealed again. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of fire escape ninjutsu, adding flames to the clay bomb: "Fire escape · fire dragon flame bomb!"

"Three generations of adults' compound ninjutsu earth dragon fire flow!"

Namikaze Minato watched this scene with a flash of surprise on his face.

Accompanied by Sarutobi Hiruzen and the earth dragon bullets on the ground attacking together, the fusion of the spells turned into flame bullets and flew towards Akihara Kagura!

"Molten Escape Earth Dragon Magma Bomb!"

Akihara Kagura immediately raised his palm!

A particularly huge clay faucet stood behind Akihara Kagura, and suddenly opened its mouth to the sky and spit out magma stones, like a volcanic eruption. The magma wrapped the stones and fell towards the direction of the four Hokages. !

A stone wrapped in magma directly smashed Sarutobi Hiruzen's soil dragon head to pieces, forcing Sarutobi Hiruzen to dodge in embarrassment!

"Is this Melting Escape Blood Successor?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Akihara Kagura with some surprise. He thought of a ninja who had escaped blood from Iwagakure Village, but he was a little puzzled and said: "But it's a bit strange. The compound ninjutsu used by Kagura is directly in the body. Synthesized Chakra of two attributes?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slowly, and continued softly: "The compound ninjutsu mastered by Kagura has already surpassed the compound ninjutsu of the old man..."

"What a wonderful young man..."

Senshou Zhujian closed his palms and released his spell!

"Wood escape, the birth of the tree world!"

The roots of the vines drilled out from the ground and grew into towering trees, turning the battlefield into a huge forest. The giant trees slowed down the impact of the magma stones, and the roots of the vines continued to move towards the ground. The direction of Akihara Kagura spread away!

"Wood escape, the birth of the tree world!"

Akihara Kagura joined hands together to make seals at the same time!

A tree root came out from under his feet!

This tree root immediately forked, and countless vine roots grew out, heading towards the wood escape technique spreading from the Thousand Hands Pillar!

The two wooden escape ninjas manipulated the vines and quickly mingled together. Big trees continued to grow, and were quickly tied down by another thick vine!

This area...

It turned into an extremely dense ancient forest!

Senjujuma and Akihara Kagura are constantly vying for the control of this forest, and the roots and vines are constantly spreading towards each other!

"Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave!"

Standing beside Qianshou Feima, he spit out a jet of turbulent water quickly, and the high-speed jet of water quickly cut sections of vines like a water knife!

However, the movements of Qianshoubeijian can't affect the battle situation at all. The battle between two wooden escape ninjas with especially huge chakras cannot be decided overnight!

"Fourth generation, let's go, attack that brat directly!"

Senshou Banma quickly called Namikaze Minato to rush forward, and quickly arranged tactics: "Monkey, follow us, avoid the attack of the vines at any time!"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi could only follow Senshou Tomona's order, quickly followed behind them, and walked through the forest along their footsteps!

"Too much trouble…"

Akihara Kagura felt that it was difficult to win for a while, so he simply ended the competition between the birth of the tree world, closed his palms again, and opened his mouth to spit out a puff of smoke!

A thick smoke appeared throughout the forest!

There was scorching fire in this thick smoke, as if it might detonate at any time!

"This is our family's fire escape and ash accumulation!"

Hiru Sarutobi retreated after Zhanfei, reminding the two Hokages to exit the forest: "My lord, Minato, get out quickly! Kagura is going to detonate this forest!"


The figure of Minato Namikaze appeared beside Hiruzen Sarutobi in an instant by using Hiraishinjutsu, taking Hiruzen Sarutobi out of the range of thick smoke!

Qianshou Feijian jumped out from the forest of the birth of the tree world, his expression was a little ugly, and he said in a cold voice: "This is not fire escape and ash accumulation, this is the compound ninja technique used by that kid. There are other attributes of Chakra..."

With the spread of thick smoke...

All the trees and vines that came into contact with the thick smoke quietly began to decompose and disappear, as if they had never existed in this world.

"This is the compound ninja technique of Dust Dun and Fire Dun..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately recognized the existence of Dust Dun, and was a little surprised: "Kagura hid Dust Dunk Chakra in the thick smoke of ashes!"

"What a sinister and evil brat!"

Qian Shou cursed, but he could only watch silently as the thick smoke and dust mixed together and completely cleaned up the forest that was born in the tree world.

"What an amazing little guy..."

Senshou Zhujian was much calmer than his younger brother, and even praised him, but he turned around and asked, "Have we seen this kind of ability?"

"The people in Yanyin Village seem to be called Wu..."

Thousand hands reminded his elder brother.

"This is also the technique of the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi in Yanyin Village."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi completed the answer, and said in a deep voice: "I remember that Kagura once captured the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi, maybe I learned it at that time..."

"Kagura has also captured Dokage?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with some surprise.

"There is also water shadow..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded.


There was silence between Qianshouban for a while, but he still decided to finish the fight first, and we can discuss everything after the battle: "Beat that brat first, if we can't defeat that brat, it would be too embarrassing for Hokage face!"

"Then I'll go too!"

Namikaze Minato was a little happy to see Liexin, and his smile was a little warm and kind: "I also want to see how far the juniors in the village have grown..."

While they're chatting here...

A ray of light suddenly flashed before their eyes!

Akihara Kagura's body turned into a golden light and rushed over in an instant!

Namikaze Minato's body was about to dodge, but his speed slowed down a step, and his figure was kicked out by Akihara Kagura!

"So fast!"

Namikaze Minato's body flew upside down, still looking at the figure that was shuttling extremely fast in the battlefield in disbelief!

"Get out of the way!"

The flying body between the thousand hands must also dodge!

However, this golden light appeared beside Qianshou Feijian in an instant, and Akihara Kagura grabbed his wrist with one hand, smashing him to the ground forcefully, and a flying thunder god mark landed on Qianshou Feijian's body !

"Second-generation adults!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hurriedly wanted to rush up!

Akihara Kagura turned his head to look at the third Hokage who came back again, his fingers instantly stood on his chest, and a flame instantly forced Sarutobi Hiruzen back!

"Fire Escape Great Flame Bullet!"

"Fire Escape Great Flame Bullet!"

Sarutobi Hiruza hastily can only release the Great Flame Bullets at the same time!

Although they are two identical spells, there is a huge gap in size and power. One big flame bomb is tens of meters in size, and the other is only a few meters in size. It seems like two completely different spells!


Hiruzaru Sarutobi watched in disbelief that the fire escape technique he released was swallowed by Akihara Kagura's fire escape technique, and his body was instantly sent flying by Akihara Kagura's fire escape technique!

"I'm going up!"

Senju Hashirama punched Akihara Kagura with a punch!

Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm, brazenly greeted Senju Bashirama!

When Senju Bashirama's fist hit, a huge force instantly hit Akihara Kagura's palm, making his body tremble continuously!

A leaf-shaped mark of the Flying Thunder God quietly attached to Senshou Zhujian's body!


Just at this moment, a Kunai suddenly appeared in Akihara Kagura's peripheral vision, and from the corner of his eye, he had already seen the imprint of the Flying Thunder God!

"Screw pill!"

next moment!

Namikaze Minato's figure instantly appeared beside Akihara Kagura using the Flying Thunder God Technique, raised his palm, and a ball of spiral pills hit Akihara Kagura's shoulder!

A mark of the Sword of Ninja Love took the opportunity to land on Akihara Kagura's shoulder!

Akihara Kagura clutched his shoulders and retreated instantly, his offensive came to an abrupt end at this moment, and several other Hokages also took advantage of this opportunity to gather together!

"Dust Escape·Spiral Pill!"

Akihara Kagura raised his right hand, and a ball of spiral pills glowing with white light gathered and spun in his palm, his eyes fixed on the figure of Namikaze Minato!

"The nature of the spiral pill changes..."

Namikaze Minato recognized his spell at a glance, and looked at the flying spiral pill with a full face of amazement: "This is something I couldn't complete when I was alive..."


Qian Shou Feijian was in a strange mood, and said, "It seems that this little devil has learned all the techniques of the four of us, and is even more proficient in these techniques than ourselves..."

"This insidious brat!"

Thousands of Hands seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked at his wrist, and saw a leaf-shaped black mark on his wrist: "That little ghost is really insidious! He even took advantage of it just now when he was approaching us. He left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on his body!"

Not only is there a thousand hands...

The other Hokages already have the mark of Flying Raijin on their bodies!

"It was impossible..."

Namikaze Minato smiled and explained: "As long as the caster's Chakra touches the target, the mark of Flying Thunder God can be left on the target... So when I just hit Akihara Kagura with the spiral pill, I also He left a mark on his body!"

Namikaze Minato is also very fast!

The Fourth Hokage, who is famous for his Flying Raijin technique, will not forget to use the spiral pill to leave the mark of Flying Raijin on Akihara Kagura's body!


Senshou Feijian also breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand towards Namikaze Minato: "Fortunately, when that kid attacked me just now, I left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on him, and we also Leave a mark on your body so that you can continue to fight..."

Just as Senju Tomona and Namikaze Minato were exchanging each other's marks of Hiraigami, they saw the figure of Akihara Kagura appearing beside Namikaze Minato in an instant!

A dust escape · spiral pill was pressed towards Namikaze Minato's body!

The figure of Namikaze Minato disappeared in place in an instant, followed by the figure of Akihara Kagura, and the bodies of the two flying thunder magicians disappeared alternately!

This scene dazzled the people present!

No matter how they looked with their naked eyes, they could only see the two figures constantly flickering and disappearing alternately, and then reappearing and flickering alternately!

"Between the door."

Senshou Zhujian looked at the two alternately flashing figures, patted his younger brother on the shoulder, and continued to praise: "It seems that these two little guys are more proficient in the technique of flying thunder god than you. I've never seen you do this before..."

"This may not be..."

The voice of Qianshoubei fell, and his figure disappeared in an instant, and three figures that flashed alternately appeared in the air!

Senshou reached out and pressed Akihara Kagura's body, driving Akihara Kagura to move towards Namikaze Minato in an instant, but was taken away by Akihara Kagura in an instant!

Three flying thunder magicians kept flying and disappearing on the battlefield!

"Dust Escape · Big Jade Helix Pill!"

A ray of light suddenly bloomed!

This group of rays of light is dazzling and dazzling!

The bodies of Senshou Banma and Namikaze Minato flew upside down. Their bodies were directly eroded and disintegrated in half by this brilliant light. Although their bodies were still recovering, they could not move for the time being...

"It's really troublesome to deal with the Flying Thunder God..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at the two Hokages he defeated with one move, frowned and said, "Fortunately, I am also a flying thunder magician..."


Senju Tomonama and Namikaze Minato couldn't move, they could only look at him speechlessly.

Akihara Kagura looked in the direction of the first Hokage, didn't say much at all, just closed his palms together.

Senju Bashima immediately understood what Akihara Kagura meant, nodded slightly, and closed his palms at the same time.

"Wood escape·The technique of the wooden man!"

"Wood escape·The technique of the wooden man!"

Two different thick roots grew out!

Two equally tall wooden figures appeared on the battlefield!

Akihara Kagura and Senju Hashirama controlled their respective wooden figures and rushed towards each other, and the ground trembled instantly under the footsteps of the wooden figures!

Boom! Boom!

The two tall wooden figures opened each other's palms and clasped each other's palms tightly, desperately trying to knock the enemy to the ground!

this battle...

It seems that no one else can participate!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi watched this scene in amazement!

Even if he had seen the wooden man of Akihara Kagura, he had never seen a battle of this level. The confrontation between the two most powerful wooden ninjas in the ninja world was so powerful that it was impossible for any ninja to participate!

Akihara Kagura stood on the head of his wooden dummy, while controlling the wooden dummy to fight, while watching the opposite Senshouzhujian who also controlled a tall wooden dummy!

"Little guy, your wooden escape is really excellent..."

Senshou Zhujian had never experienced this kind of battle before, and there was a pleasant smile on his face!

The palms of Senshou Hashirama closed again, and the wooden figure was controlled to slam into Akihara Kagura's wooden figure again, wanting to directly knock Akihara Kagura's wooden figure to the ground!


Akihara Kagura shook his head lightly.

next moment!

The wooden man under Akihara Kagura suddenly disappeared in place!

The wooden man in Qianshou Zhujian lost his target and almost fell to the ground. His smile disappeared instantly, and his expression immediately became vigilant!

"What the hell..."

"The first generation of adults!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood below, reminding loudly with a face full of shock: "Kagura is behind you! Behind you!"


The reminder from Sarutobi Hiruzen is too late!

Akihara Kagura and his wooden figurine used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport behind the wooden figurine in Qianjuzhujian, controlled the wooden figurine to make a huge fist, and smashed it hard on the wooden figurine in Qianjuzhujian On the wooden man's head!

The wooden man between the pillars of a thousand hands is staggering and about to fall down!

"Wood Dungeon Wooden Dragon Art!"

Qianshou Zhujian hastily joined hands to form seals!

Three wooden dragons grew out of his wooden man again, and the wooden dragon rushed directly into the ground, like three ropes that played a stabilizing role, firmly stabilizing the wooden man's body!

"Is this going to kill you? Vacuum blade!"

Akihara Kagura frowned, opened his mouth and spat out gusts of Wind Dun and Dust Dun chakras, and created a huge vacuum blade in the hands of his wooden dummy!

Akihara Kagura controlled the wooden figure and swung the ninja knife in his hand, slashed at the wooden figure in Senjujujian, directly decapitated the wooden figure in Senjujujian, and a huge wooden figure's head was chopped off to the ground , rolling in the desert, the wooden man who lost his head and caster, slowly fell down!

Standing between the thousand-handed pillars on the wooden man's head, he rolled to the ground in embarrassment, and hurriedly manipulated three wooden dragons to meet the wooden man of Akihara Kagura, trying to stop the wooden man's attack!

The three wooden dragons face the wooden man without fear!

Akihara Kagura controlled the wooden man below him, brandished the huge Dust Dunnin Knife in his hand, and cut down the three wooden dragons abruptly, cutting off the bodies of the three wooden dragons directly at the waist. The three wooden dragons were divided into six sections It fell from the sky, and countless pieces of wood also fell on the ground!

The wooden figurine of Akihara Kagura looked down at the ground, like a demon king who had just completed the feat of slaying a dragon, looking down at the thousand-handed column room on the ground, quietly waiting for the warrior's next attack!


The other Hokage present looked at this scene in disbelief!


Qianshou Zhujian watched his wooden figurines and wooden dragons being killed, but he didn't feel any loss on his face. Instead, he continued to praise: "The wooden figurine technique you used is more flexible than the wooden figurine I control..."


"There is another trick you should have learned, right?"

Qianshou Zhujian closed his palms, and natural energy quickly poured into his body!

Akihara Kagura also closed his palms, and natural energy was also pouring into his body frantically!

"Fairy mode!"

"Fairy mode!"

Akihara Kagura and Senjujuma spoke in unison and entered the fairy mode almost at the same time!

"Immortal Art, Wooden Dungeon, True Thousand Hands!"

"Immortal Art, Wooden Dungeon, True Thousand Hands!"

Two Avalokitesvara statues with a height of over a thousand meters grew from the ground at the same time, and there were countless hands growing behind each Avalokitesvara statue!

Accompanied by the rapid growth of the Avalokitesvara Buddha statues, Akihara Kagura and Senjuzhu standing on their heads looked at the figures on the ground as if they were looking at a small black spot. Worried about their lives!

"Brother's Avalokitesvara statue is smaller..."

Qianshou Feijian has recovered, and the difference between the two sides can be distinguished at a glance.

"However, it is not easy to use it..."

Qianshou Feijian didn't care so much, he just sighed and said: "Even though that kid used a powerful creature as a sacrifice, after all, he still couldn't let the big brother get the perfect power as before..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi hesitated and did not speak.

Because Senju Tobima and Senju Bashima are the ancestors of Hokage in the village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi really can't say that Akihara Kagura is stronger than the first generation of Hokage, and said softly: "The talent of Kagura is the strongest I have ever seen in my life. The ability to learn any spell is very fast, even surpassing the original performer. I have given Kagura less than one night to learn this spell, and he has already learned it..."

"It's terrible..."

Namikaze Minato looked in amazement at the two Avalokitesvara statues that were a thousand meters high in front of him, but when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, he couldn't help but asked again: "Is his talent so powerful?"

Namikaze Minato nodded thoughtfully again and said: "I haven't developed the property change of the spiral pill before I was alive. He has already integrated chakras of many attributes, and even the chakras of blood successors..."

"To this extent..."

Looking up at the two Avalokitesvara statues, which are so high that they cannot reach the top, he said in a deep voice, "Maybe they are going to die together? But this is also a good thing. The eldest brother is a reincarnated body from the dirt, and that little ghost is still alive... "


The battle is not over yet!

Qianshou Zhujian has grown his Guanyin Buddha statue to the maximum extent!

"Avatar on the top!"

Countless huge wooden hands clenched into fists stretched out from behind the Guanyin Buddha statue controlled by Senju Zhuma, and suddenly stretched out and smashed towards Akihara Kagura's Guanyin Buddha statue!

This is the strongest blow of Senjujuma!

He once used this trick in the Valley of the End to solve the strongest combination of Uchiha Madara and Kyuubi!

"Immortal Law·Dust Escape·Buddha's Brilliance!"

Akihara Kagura controlled his Guanyin Buddha statue, and suddenly stretched out countless wooden hands. A ray of light slowly appeared in all the wooden hands. !

These rays of light gather together and bloom, as if they can illuminate the entire night!

Whether it was the Avalokitesvara statue in Qianshouzhujian or Qianshouzhujian himself, they were instantly separated and dissipated by Dust Dun!


clack clack...

With the dissipation of the Avalokitesvara Buddha statue between the thousand-handed pillars, some remaining wooden hands fell to the ground with a clatter. These wooden hands were all as huge as a tailed beast. When they fell, they fell to the ground like meteorites. The aftermath caused by the wooden hand hitting the ground caused the bodies of the three Hokages to crack open!

"It's a terrifying technique..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi saw Mushou next to him, and remembered the scene when he saw Akihara Kagura controlling Zhensen's hand to grab Mitsuo in Konoha: "The first Hokage-sama was too humble back then, to use this technique Write spells against tailed beasts..."

"That brat...won?"

Senshou Banma ignored Sarutobi Hiruzen's long-winded words, and widened his eyes in disbelief.

"It's normal, too."

Senshou Zhujian's body is also slowly recovering. This is a very honest man who took the initiative to explain why he lost: "The wooden escape technique used by this little guy has plenty of vitality, and the wooden dummy he controlled Kazuma Senshou, like his own body, can even use them to perform his own ninjutsu..."

"In terms of Mu Dun's accomplishments alone, he has already surpassed me..."

When Qianshou Zhujian said this, he said with some embarrassment: "And the little guy is good at many other techniques, and I don't know any of those techniques..."

"In this way..."

Qianshou Zhujian's eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and his expression became serious: "According to my observation tonight, he has already surpassed us in the fields we are good at."

The third update!

Slightly slower!

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