Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 269 Akihara Kagura’s conspiracy, Orochimaru’s speculation

The battle is getting fiercer!

Zilai only felt that he was in danger!

Payne's six paths completely blocked all his routes!

Every counterattack or breakout of Jiraiya will be easily resolved by the Penn Six Paths. The common vision of the Penn Six Paths allows them to have no dead ends. Jiraiya even wants to solve a Penn. He is approaching!


Ji Laiya kicked Shura Dao's body, and a long gash was directly cut on his leg by Shura Dao's sharp blade, and blood flew out from his thigh immediately!

"Huh... Are you going to die here?"

Jiraiya panted heavily, his gaze wandering constantly on Payne Liudao's body.

However, these six puppets were like emotionless killing machines, staring at him coldly and ruthlessly, ready to strike him fatally at any moment!

Ninjutsu will be absorbed by Hungry Ghost Dao, Physical Art will be blocked by Shura Dao and Tian Dao, and even if you break through the encirclement with difficulty, you will be attracted back by Tian Dao with the gravity of Vientiane Heaven!


Shura Dao stretched out his arms!

Cannonballs shot in the direction of Jiraiya one after another!

Jiraiya jumped onto the rock wall, but was wounded by a shell in the end, and his body was blown away, and he squatted on the ground while supporting himself!

"That's it..."

Jilai also narrowed his eyes, he had to think about the fact that this reckless action would kill him, he had to find a way to pass some important information before he died!

Whether it is the intelligence of Penn Liudao and Nagato, or the collusion between Akihara Kagura and Akatsuki, it must be passed on to Konoha's people?


Who can I entrust to?

It is also impossible to let those huge toads appear here. Once other small toads appear, they may be killed by Payne Liudao...

How can I do!

What should I do to pass on the information!

"No...this can't be done..."

"We must find a way, there must be a way..."

Jiraiya's brain spun rapidly, his mind became somewhat blank, and a figure appeared in his mind.

That was the last disciple he accepted in his life, Uzumaki Naruto.

The Great Toad Immortal once said that he would accept a child of destiny who would lead the reform of the ninja world, not Namikaze Minato who sacrificed for Konoha, nor Yahiko who was killed, nor Nagato, Konan and Akihara Kagura anymore …

the only one left...

It's Uzumaki Naruto.

That stubborn child...

It will definitely change the fate of the ninja world as predicted by the big toad sage.

Jiraiya suddenly felt a little relieved, maybe it would be good for him to die here, but in fact he didn't need to convey too much information.

The Hokage of the past has been reincarnated and resurrected by the evil soil. I heard that Minato has been teaching Naruto, and probably has taught Naruto to practice the sage mode or something...


If the previous Hokages were all in Konoha...

The power of the four Hokages may not be unable to defeat Akihara Kagura.

Akihara Kagura is just an experimental product of Mutun, and it should not be possible to be the opponent of the first generation of Hokage. In fact, it seems that I don't need to think too much about it...

Since he had already judged the Child of Destiny before he died, he only needs to believe in the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal, and quietly accept his fate of death...

Speaking of death...

Jilai also thought of his former best friend. He had heard about Orochimaru's death a long time ago, but he had never felt this way: "Speaking of which, what was that guy Orochimaru like when he died? I didn't expect I followed in his footsteps so quickly..."

"Mr. Jiraiya, goodbye!"

Tiandao Payne didn't care about Jiraiya's sigh before he died, and suddenly raised the black stick in his hand, and the other Paynes stretched out their black sticks at the same time!

Six Payne jumped up, raised the black stick in his hand and was about to insert it into his body, Zilai would never survive this blow!


Xiao Nan let out a low cry, and she suddenly looked up!


Suddenly a little white snake appeared on the cliff!

The little white snake grew bigger in an instant, turned into a giant white python, rushed straight down from the rock wall, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed Jiraiya's body into it!

The moment the long snake swallowed Jiraiya, it directly turned into countless densely packed little white snakes and fled in all directions. Under the witness of a group of Payne, it sneaked into every corner of the Akatsuki organization base!


The purpose of this snake is to save people.


Six Payne's attacks failed at the same time!

Tiandao Payne's expression suddenly changed, and the six Paynes acted at the same time, quickly chasing and killing the little white snakes who had fled at the base of the Xiao organization!

"what's going on?"

Nagato gritted his teeth tightly, and looked at the fleeing little white snakes anxiously: "Mr. Jiraiya's psychic beast is a toad, why is there a snake to save him..."

"Could it be Orochimaru..."

Xiao Nan immediately thought of the unfriendly Orochimaru.

"Then why did he come to rescue Teacher Jiraiya?"

After Nagato asked this question, he couldn't think of an answer himself, but urged him eagerly: "Now is not the time to discuss these things, we must quickly find out the location of Mr. Raiya, and we must not let him escape! "

Once Jiraiya escapes...

Akihara Kagura's identity will definitely be exposed!

At that time, the Akatsuki organization must have a hard fight to capture Kyuubi!

"Don't worry…"

Xiaonan quickly comforted Nagato, and said softly: "All the stone walls in this base are my origami, I can find out his location..."

Xiao Nan's palm flipped quickly!

The rock wall and ground of the Akatsuki organization base instantly turned into countless sheets of origami!

Some little white snakes that were originally swimming on the rock wall were directly wrapped in origami and suffocated to death!

These little white snakes may have realized that something was wrong. Some of the little white snakes suddenly increased in size and turned into giant white pythons, crawling towards the entrance of the base!

Some origami slowly turned into paper airplanes, flying around the base of the Akatsuki organization. Whenever these paper airplanes saw a swimming white python, they would quickly stick to the white python's body. Physically, blow their bodies into two pieces!


These origami are all hidden detonators.

However, even so, these white giant pythons sometimes turned into little white snakes, and sometimes turned into giant pythons again, and they scrambled to escape almost endlessly!

In terms of escape...

This little white snake has never lost!

"Can't let them escape..."

Nagato's palm quickly completed the handprint, and his body slowly floated up under the action of gravity, moving away from the Akatsuki organization base step by step.

Nagato stood directly at the gate of the base, folded his palms together, and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky: "Yuhu's art of freedom!"

The rain in the sky is getting heavier.

These rains contain Nagato's Chakra.

Any drop of rain falling where it shouldn't fall will be noticed by Nagato!


After all, this spell is somewhat redundant.

Because the moment a giant white python escaped from the base of the Akatsuki organization, it directly opened its mouth and spit out Jiraiya. The descendant of Mount Miaomu couldn't stay in the snake's belly for too long. If he continued to stay, his body might be suffocated and crushed Digest and die.

"Cough cough cough..."

Jilai also coughed a little retchingly.

Seeing Jiraiya's figure appearing, Nagato breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and channeled out of Penn Six Paths directly, intending to surround and kill Jiraiya again.


Jiraiya's words stopped Payne Liudao's movements.


Jiraiya looked at the white giant python, and said with an ugly expression: "You guy...haven't died in the hands of Uchiha Sasuke?"

"It's just a play..."

The giant white snake opened its mouth again, and spit out a long-haired man, who was the Orochimaru who had been hiding all this time: "If I am still alive, I will be hunted down by Hokage in the past sooner or later. Uchiha Sasuke just got away in the name of killing..."

"I saved your life with good intentions..."

Orochimaru shook his head, looked at Jiraiya who still had an ugly face, and smiled lightly: "Hehe, Ziraiya, if it wasn't for me, you would have been killed just now, at least express it to me a little bit." Appreciate it?"


Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya in front of him, and continued with a smile: "I watched a very interesting show just now, and I also learned some very interesting secrets. ..."


Jiraiya's expression was a bit ugly.

There has never been a more embarrassing time for Zilai than this time.

For a long time, Akihara Kagura has been regarded as the pride of Jiraiya, but he did not expect to be exposed to collusion with the Akatsuki organization, and this news was even heard by Orochimaru...


Kind of embarrassing and humiliating.


This time is not the time to care about face, and Jilai is not a person who values ​​face, so he hurriedly said: "Oshemaru, help me bring this news back to Tsunade..."

"Are you still trying to escape!"

Tendo Payne stood in front of Nagato, staring at Jiraiya and Orochimaru coldly: "No matter what happens today, it is impossible for you to escape from here!"

"Actually, I have known about the collusion between Akihara Kagura and Akatsuki..."

Orochimaru chuckled, but did not look at Tiandao Payne, but still looked at his old friend: "Jiraiya, do you need me to tell another more interesting thing?"

"What's up?"

He also frowned.

"Akihara Kagura..."

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya in front of him, and the smile on his face became more and more intense: "Actually, at the beginning, it was my spy who planted in Konoha, but unfortunately, that little guy became stronger and stronger later, and broke away from him." My control..."


Jiraiya's face suddenly became gloomy, as if it was about to drip water.

no wonder...

No wonder ten years ago when...

When Akihara Kagura and himself attacked the Akatsuki organization, Orochimaru was still watching the fun. At that time, he had colluded with Akihara Kagura!

That disciple of mine...

How many things are you hiding!

Orochimaru grinned softly, glanced at Jiraiya, then at Tiandao Payne and said: "Ten years ago, when Jiraiya kept chasing me, in order to distract Jiraiya's attention, It was I who ordered him to leak Xiao's information, and traced it to Xiao's organization..."

"I know."

Tendo Payne frowned, and continued impatiently: "In order to divert the attention of Jiraiya-sensei and Konoha, Kagura conspired with us to reveal your track to Jiraiya-sensei..."


Orochimaru's smile suddenly became ugly.

"Puff cough cough cough..."

Zilai also felt that he shouldn't laugh at this time.

Because my disciple has been in collusion with so many enemies of Konoha, but seeing the moment Orochimaru was deflated, I still couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Akihara Kagura!"

Orochimaru clenched his teeth, and his voice suddenly became louder: "Akihara Kagura, come out and tell me how much you have kept from me..."

"Is Kagura here?"

Jiraiya immediately looked around anxiously.

"He told me that you came to Xiao to organize the reconnaissance..."

Orochimaru glanced around, suddenly feeling a little uneasy: "Wait... Where is that guy hiding? Why didn't he show up according to our agreed plan? What exactly is he trying to do?"

what happened?

Where's that bastard Akihara Kagura?

Didn't that bastard promise that he would come too?

What the hell is that bastard trying to do? If you want Jiraiya to die here, why would you let yourself save him? You can't just want yourself and Jilai to die here too, right?

"What the hell is that guy thinking..."

Orochimaru's heart sank suddenly, he remembered the fact that he was cheated by Akihara Kagura, and felt faintly that he had fallen into a trap...

"Kagura is not here."

Nagato is very confident in his Utora Freedom Art.

Because the Rain Tiger Freedom Technique can find any hiding enemies, no one can escape the rain in this area, and he has already sensed that there is no one else around.

There are only Jiraiya and Orochimaru here.


Orochimaru's arms couldn't help shaking.

that bastard...

Have you lied to yourself again?

Tendo Payne looked at Orochimaru, and continued calmly: "Oshemaru, if Kagura doesn't want me to kill Jiraiya-sensei, just tell me..."

Tiandao Payne's expression gradually became indifferent, and a black stick began to condense in his hand: "Or, do you want to use these words to drive a wedge between my trust in him? You want me to let you and Zilai Is the teacher leaving too?"

"Don't think about it."

"No matter what, you will die here today!"


Orochimaru trembled with anger.

Not because of Tiandao Payne's words, but because of the fact that he was deceived!

That bastard deliberately ran to the laboratory under the root, telling himself that Jiraiya went to the Akatsuki organization to scout for intelligence and might die there, and when he said that he could not defeat Nagato, he made a promise with himself that he would definitely appear...


What the hell is that bastard trying to do?

"Oshemaru, don't think so much..."

Jilai also looked at Orochimaru who seemed a little sullen, and repeatedly comforted his old friend. He looked at the enemy in front of him and continued to ask: "Thank you for saving me. Speaking of which, Orochimaru, we have How long has it been since we fought side by side..."

"I don't know, I have no interest in fighting..."

Orochimaru took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, he only knew that he must have been fooled by Akihara Kagura now.


Things have come to this point...

Maybe that bastard Akihara Kagura is trying to catch him and Jiraiya all at once?

or... wait...

Orochimaru's eyes fell on Nagato's reincarnation eyes, thinking of Nagato's speculation about the eyes of the sage and the body of the sage, he had a vague premonition in his heart.

Something that Nagato said reminded him...

Both the Immortal Eye and the Immortal Body are the powers of the Immortals of the Six Paths.

The owner of the Immortal Eye may not be able to possess the Immortal Body, but the owner of the Immortal Body may not be unable to obtain the Immortal Eye...

after all…

Replacing the eyes is just a minor operation.

Orochimaru's heart sank lower and lower, and he couldn't help but have a guess.

that bastard...

Wouldn't it be because he and Jiraiya consumed Nagato's power, and he would suddenly appear with the eyes of the sage who harvested Nagato? Otherwise, why would he come to the Xiao organization to save Ziraiya?

It must be so!

It must be so!

When Orochimaru thought of this, his arms trembled even more!

Orochimaru has already thought of the ending between him and Jiraiya!

When they consumed enough of Nagato's Chakra, and even died in a battle with Nagato and Payne, that bastard Akihara Kagura would definitely come out and attack Nagato!

Nagato is still talking about his covenant with Akihara Kagura here, Da Shemaru will not believe that Akihara Kagura will abide by any covenant...

Because Orochimaru himself is a victim of the covenant!

"Hey, Orochimaru, what are you thinking?"

Jilai also looked at Dashemaru's uncertain face, and then looked at the rain in the sky, and smiled nostalgicly on his face: "Did you remember our most dangerous battle? Land of the Rain, when we face Sanshohan Hanzo..."


Orochimaru turned his head and scolded Ziraiya, with a hint of anger in his eyes: "If I had killed the three little ghosts from the Kingdom of Rain, this kind of thing would not happen now, maybe my life It's because you, idiot, are going to die here!"

"But then..."

Jilai also frowned and wanted to defend himself!

"Ji Lai Ye!"

Orochimaru interrupted Jiraiya, looked angrily at his old friend who was a little astonished, and said, "This battle must be a conspiracy of your disciple. If the situation is unfavorable after a while, I will run away immediately!"


Jilai also fell silent immediately, looking at Dashemaru's angry face, he nodded slowly: "Okay, I will cover you."

The second update!

Konoha Sannin who hasn't fought side by side for a long time, unfortunately Tsunade can't get along...

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