Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 276 Mr. Jiraiya, why do you oppose me?

Orochimaru's guess made sense.

Even Jiraiya was shocked by Orochimaru's guess!

Because judging from a certain sense, Nagato is indeed more in line with the identity of the child of destiny than Uzumaki Naruto, and he is indeed bringing changes to the ninja world.


Where is Naruto's child?

When I was collecting materials, I met the child of Naruto Uzumaki, and took that child as my disciple, just to sacrifice the child, to let the child strip the tailed beast out of the body, and to let Nagato gather all the tailed beasts to resurrect war weapons. What?


the truth…

is that so?

After Jiraiya had this conjecture in his mind, a greater fear enveloped his whole body. After accepting Uzumaki Naruto as his disciple, because of Uzumaki Naruto's identity and character, Jiraiya always regarded that child as his own. Like a son, I put a lot of energy into him...

Now it seems…

Is this all for Uzumaki Naruto to learn sacrifice?

"Save Nagato first."

Fukasaku Sennin could understand Jiraiya's mood and could only sigh: "At least we must prevent Kagura from getting the Samsara Eye first..."


Shima Sennin also believed that Fukasaku Sennin was right, nodded and said: "No matter what you want to do, you must do it to prevent that little guy Kagura from getting the Samsara Eye!"

This is what they have to do.

No matter who the child of destiny is, no matter what the truth is in the future, it is definitely right to prevent Akihara Kagura from getting the Samsara Eye and to prevent the immortal eye and the immortal body from merging into one!

"Yes, we must stop Kagura first..."

Jiraiya acknowledged the reminder from the two immortals.


Orochimaru's expression was subtle.

Where did Jiraiya and the two Toad Immortals get their confidence?

Everyone besieged Pain's Six Paths together and were almost killed; Akihara Kagura alone solved Pain's Six Paths in ten seconds; how could they stop Akihara Kagura?

how to spell?

Hit him on the head!


Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru.

"I have to go."

Orochimaru interrupted Jiraiya.

"Orochimaru, this is really the last time."

Jiraiya stopped Orochimaru who was about to leave, and took the initiative to say: "Help me rescue Nagato, just like we did before, I will try my best to cover you and Nagato's escape..."

"you said…"

Orochimaru took a deep breath and could only nod heavily: "This is the last time. Since you are about to die here, I will help you one last time."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru's mouth suddenly showed a smile: "If it really comes to a last resort, I can help you take away the Rinnegan first..."

"Hey Hey hey!"

Jiraiya looked dissatisfied and muttered: "At this time, are you still here to take advantage of the situation?"


Orochimaru shook his head and ignored Jiraiya.

On the battlefield.

Buddha statues with literally thousands of hands have degenerated into forests.

The heretic demon was still roaring ferociously, but its limbs had been torn off, leaving only a bare body lying on the ground, unable to pose any threat to Akihara Kagura.

Nagato raised the black stick in his hand and was about to insert it directly into his eyes. A bolt of lightning hit his arm and knocked the black stick out of his hand!

"Senior Brother Nagato."

Akihara Kagura slowly fell to his side, and gently persuaded: "Why do you have to be so extreme? I just want your eyes..."

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The chakra in Nagato's body suddenly exploded!

Just like before, the moment this repulsive force hit Akihara Kagura, it bounced back towards Nagato's body, and Nagato's body flew backwards!

Konan quickly unfolded pieces of origami, trying to block Akihara Kagura's sight. She knew exactly what Nagato was going to do, but she would only support Nagato's decision.

If Nagato insists on destroying those eyes...

Konan believes that his choice must be right, so he will follow Nagato's idea and help Nagato stop Akihara Kagura before Nagato destroys his eyes!

"Wind Release·Cyclone!"

Akihara Kagura raised her hand and blew Konan away with a hurricane!

next moment!

Akihara Kagura's figure turned into a ray of golden light and caught up with Nagato's figure. He raised his fingers to clasp Nagato's eyes!

A long tongue suddenly grabbed Akihara Kagura's body and directly pulled Akihara Kagura's body back, narrowly saving Nagato!

It is Shima Sennin!

The Toad Sage quickly retracted his tongue as soon as he rescued Nagato. However, what he didn't notice was that the moment his tongue came into contact with Akihara Kagura, a Flying Thunder God mark appeared on it. !

"Disband the psychic!"

Orochimaru knew Akihara Kagura better than anyone else, and he spoke in a rage and ordered Jiraiya to immediately disband Shima Sennin's channeling!

"Flying Thunder God..."

Jiraiya suddenly understood something and suddenly looked at Shima Sennin: "Shima Sennin, quickly disband the channeling!"

Orochimaru was one step faster and kicked Shima Sennin away with a clean kick. He was afraid that Shima Sennin would attract Akihara Kagura!

"What are you doing..."

Shima Sennin took the initiative to cancel the channeling and left in a puff of smoke!

However, after Shima Sennin released his channeling and left, Jiraiya suddenly remembered something and said cautiously: "By the way, there is one thing I might want to say. Kagura should also have the mark of the Flying Thunder God on me. …”

When he accepted Akihara Kagura as his disciple, the relationship between master and apprentice was very good, and he would definitely be left with the mark of the Flying Thunder God...


Orochimaru's eyes trembled, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Jiraiya, this cheater!

Jiraiya has Kagura's Flying Thunder God mark on his body, and it only takes a moment to be solved. How else can he help?

"You stay here and die!"

Orochimaru cursed Jiraiya angrily!

"Okay, okay..."

Jiraiya could only smile and nodded.


Fukasaku Sennin looked at Akihara Kagura who was rushing towards Nagato again in the distance, and hurriedly shouted: "Little Jiraiya, if you don't save people, it will be too late!"

"Immortal Technique·Water Slash!"

As Fukasaku Sennin spoke, he spit out a high-pressure wave of water towards Akihara Kagura, as if slashing towards Akihara Kagura like a water sword!


Akihara Kagura glanced at the water waves coming behind him. His sage mode had not faded yet, so he directly raised his palm!

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

A more powerful high-pressure water wave comes across!

The two high-pressure water waves cut together in a cross. Fukasaku Sennin's water cut was obviously not strong enough and was cut off instantly!

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

Jiraiya formed a seal and released a city wall!


The city wall was split into two in an instant!

Jiraiya looked in horror at the high-pressure water wave falling diagonally next to him. This water wave directly cut a deep ravine into the ground!

Orochimaru took a deep breath and felt the horror of fighting Akihara Kagura: "Now do you know how dangerous it is to fight with your disciple? That guy can kill him with his water escape ninjutsu at will. All of us…”

"Then we must save Nagato!"

Jiraiya closed his palms and galloped towards Akihara Kagura. His white hair grew instantly: "The technique of messing up the lion's hair!"

The white hair that suddenly stretched out was like a dense gathering of ropes, directly entangled in Akihara Kagura's body!

However, as a spell caster, Jiraiya knew very well that his spell could entangle him for a second. He shouted loudly: "Nagato, leave quickly!"


Nagato looked at Jiraiya who saved him with some surprise.

Obviously before this, they were still fighting, and they even almost killed the teacher. However, just a moment later, the teacher was trying hard to save him...

"Escape to the lake first..."

Xiaonan immediately pulled up Nagato and whispered: "I set up a trap by the lake, which can stop his pursuit, and maybe kill him..."

"Don't destroy the Samsara Eye."

Orochimaru's figure quickly moved towards Konan and Nagato, and reminded him in a cold voice: "Now your eyes are the hope of saving the ninja world in the future..."


Nagato frowned, still not understanding.

Now it is clear that his Samsara Eye may become the source of disaster for the destruction of the Ninja World. How come it suddenly becomes the hope of saving the Ninja World?

"Escape quickly."

Orochimaru glanced at Nagato and Konan, and did not have time to explain too much. He just continued: "If nothing happens, Jiraiya shouldn't be able to stop Kagura for long, but he will use his life to cover your escape. Don't waste it. That idiot’s sacrifice…”

The other side of the battlefield.

Jiraiya and Akihara Kagura once again faced the master-disciple showdown.

Akihara Kagura raised her hand and slapped it on Jiraiya's long hair. A bolt of lightning spread from the hair towards Jiraiya in an instant!

Jiraiya's body was suddenly shaken by the electricity, and he fell to the ground tremblingly, even spitting out a stream of green smoke from his mouth.

The tall white-haired man climbed up again, with a helpless smile on his face. I don't know if he was lamenting his fate: "It's really interesting to think about it. I was almost killed by a disciple just now, and now I have to do it again." Killed by another disciple..."

"There's no need to say this, right?"

Akihara Kagura frowned, as if she didn't understand: "Jiraiya-sensei, if I remember correctly, I saved you just now..."


Jiraiya's momentum suddenly faltered.

But he already had a reason to refute, and he slowly shook his head, with a sigh on his face: "Kagura, you want to take away Nagato's Rinnegan, and you want to use the power of the Rinnegan to destroy the ninja world. This is Something I can’t just sit back and watch…”

"Kagura, you are my best disciple."

Jiraiya looked at Akihara Kagura and said softly: "In my many years of traveling in the ninja world, I have never seen anyone with as powerful a talent as you..."

This is a fact.

The ninja world is so vast that it contains many wonders.

Jiraiya has traveled to many places and seen many different kinds of ninjas, but he still thinks that the Akihara Kagura in front of him is the most talented ninja, and he has even fulfilled his talent.

The three types of blood successors have surpassed everyone in the ninja world. In addition, they are proficient in all five-type ninjutsu. In addition, they have also mastered the time. Space magic, fairy magic, forbidden magic...


This disciple also worked hard to practice his physical skills.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya felt that there might not be a latecomer as powerful as Akihara Kagura in the future. No one in the ninja world could be his opponent.

This is the most frightening thing.

A terrifying genius with no blind spots or weaknesses.

If it weren't for Nagato's Rinnegan and the war weapon gathered by the tailed beasts, no one in the ninja world could have stopped Akihara Kagura from destroying the ninja world...

"Your talent should not be used for killing..."

Jiraiya looked at Akihara Kagura and said softly: "Danzo has had a great influence on you. You should know by now that that guy is not a good person. In the life of a ninja..."


Akihara Kagura picked out her ears and seemed a little impatient: "You are not a person who is good at preaching, so why don't you stop preaching here? Danzo-sama does have some shortcomings, but he also has things worth learning from. Excellent character..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Jiraiya and continued slowly: "I have always remembered Danzo-sama's teachings. If you find a goal, you should never waver in your will. No matter what others preach or stop, you must persist in your determination. You are doing the right thing..."


"I did the right thing."

"The source of chakra is wrong..."

"The emergence of ninjas is wrong, and the ninja village system is wrong. That's why there are so many wars in the ninja world. Even temporary peace cannot solve the conflicts between people. In order to avoid more people suffering from war in the future suffering..."

"I've been thinking about..."

"Finally I got an answer."

"The first answer must be destruction."

Akihara Kagura slowly closed her eyes, and then opened them suddenly: "Destroy everyone in this ninja world, and let everyone who knows war and disputes disappear..."

"There is no point in a dead world..."

Jiraiya shook his head. He definitely didn't think what Akihara Kagura did was right. No one could do the right thing.

"I know…"

Akihara Kagura raised her eyebrows and asked a question that made Jiraiya think: "I have a question, how were humans born?"


"How did you appear in this world?"


Jiraiya couldn't answer the first question, but he knew the second question very well: "Thousands of years ago, the Six Paths Sage created the ninja sect, and there have been ninjas since then. The ninjas of that era were able to understand each other through chakra. There was no dispute…”


"Ninjas were created by the Sage of Six Paths..."

Seeing that his teacher finally got to the point, Akihara Kagura showed a smile: "Teacher Jiraiya, I am your disciple, and I have heard the stories you told countless times, so I also thought of the second answer..."


"Since ninjas can be created by the Sage of Six Paths, why can't we just kill everyone and create new ninjas?"

"Those created ninjas will be like newborn babies, as innocent as the ninjas created by the Sage of Six Paths thousands of years ago..."

When Akihara Kagura said this, she seemed to be fascinated by the story of her future creation: "I will destroy this dilapidated world. The ninjas of this era are ignorant, and they can fight for a little benefit, so they will Brother Nagato was born..."

"However, he thought that the power of the nine tailed beasts gathered together could destroy the ninja world, but the power of destruction often means that it may be used to create."

"I knew the truth about tailed beasts and heretic demons earlier than you. Even when I mastered the Wood Release Blood Successor, I knew part of the truth about this ninja world. I also knew why this world is full of wars. I I also know how to create a world without war and where ninjas understand each other..."

"That is to recreate a world where ninjas were born like the Sage of Six Paths thousands of years ago..."

"That new world..."

"No war, no sorrow, no despair."

"The ninjas in the new world will understand each other just like the ninja you said..."

When Akihara Kagura said this, there was even a little sadness on her face: "Teacher Jiraiya, I have always followed your teachings, why do you want to oppose me?"

Continue to make up for it...

I’ll make up for yesterday’s update, and also make up for Kagura’s logic loop.

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