
"You Chen!"

"I am going to kill you!"

"Suck your soul dry, turn your body into a zombie, and make you a puppet forever for my use!"

Zhong Fa's roar came from the 24th floor. Lin Ge killed the kid, which made him furious. He scattered the twin evil spirits who tried to stop him, turned into a thick black smoke, and flew out of the corridor.

Zhong Fa flew to the balcony, and the black smoke condensed into the terrifying face with green face and fangs. When he looked down, he happened to face Lin Ge who had swung to the 17th floor through the zipline.

Zhong Fa turned into black smoke and rushed directly from the 24th floor to the 17th floor, seeming to tear Lin Ge into pieces. However, Lin Ge stood motionless by the balcony, watching the black smoke sweeping towards him.

10 m.

5 meters.

3 meters.


Lin Ge saw the right moment and pulled the ropes on both sides. He saw the two rolled-up pillars on the left and right sides of the 17th floor balcony "swipe" open, revealing two yellow cloths with Bagua diagrams and "Edicts" on them. Zhongfa flew away.

Suddenly, the two yellow cloths shone with golden light, making the person who was illuminated unable to open their eyes. Zhongfa let out a miserable howl and stagnated in the air, and was actually illuminated from the black smoke.

Zhong Fa was blocked and could not move an inch. He saw his murderer hiding behind the yellow cloth, but he was unable to do anything.

At this time, he noticed a few residents running away on the lower floor. He yelled angrily, took out his hands, and his arms instantly turned into black smoke and stretched infinitely. He grabbed the two residents by their necks, lifted them up, and threw them towards the two Yellow cloth.

With a sound of "chila", the two residents were thrown into the yellow cloth. The huge impact caused the ropes above and below to be pulled directly. The yellow cloth rolled up on them and hit the wall of the corridor, hitting the wall directly. , the person wrapped in the yellow cloth died on the spot, and the blood instantly dyed the yellow cloth red.

Zhong Fa let out a shrill ghostly howl, and was about to settle a score with Lin Ge. When he lowered his head, he saw that Lin Ge was nowhere to be seen.

Because Lin Ge was injured in his left leg, he hid in the nearest room with his back against the wall. When Zhong Fa threw the residents over, the wall he knocked down was less than half a meter away from him. He was so frightened that he did not dare to breathe.

At this time, Zhong Fa flew downstairs, seemingly searching for traces of Lin Ge and Chen You. The souls of the residents he discovered along the way were instantly sucked dry.

Lin Ge was thinking about how to delay the next hour or so. He was now injured in his left foot and had difficulty moving, which greatly affected his movements. And more than an hour is enough for Zhongfa to clean the Tongzi Tower ten times. If he doesn't find a way to help Chen You and Ah Hao, once they die, it will be his turn.

Just when Lin Ge was unable to do anything, two black smoke gradually condensed in the living room, and twin evil spirits condensed in the air of the living room.

According to the "custom" of previous exchanges, although the two sisters look exactly the same, the one on the left is more ferocious. Because she committed suicide by hanging, she is a ghost. As for the younger sister, because she and her elder sister were twins and died at the same time, she was turned into a ghost. Her resentment was weaker than that of her older sister.

The two sisters were originally wearing white dresses, but when they were killed by the beast teacher, most of the skirts were dyed red. After turning into ghosts, four-fifths of the skirts turned bright red. Once the whole skirt turned completely red, that was The most ferocious ghost.

Unfortunately, after being severely injured by Zhong Fa, the souls of the two sisters seemed a little weak, and most of their resentment was dissipated.

They now come to Lin Ge to "fulfill their promise". According to the previous "deal", the two sisters helped Lin Ge trap Zhong Fa in the evil spirit space. After Yin Shi, the mission was "completed". In exchange, Lin Ge and Chen You had to help them die.

But as fierce ghosts, the two sisters don't care about the danger Lin Ge and others are facing now, and Zhong Fa is still searching for Lin Ge's whereabouts.

If Lin Ge doesn't fulfill his promise now, the two sisters will tear Lin Ge into pieces now without waiting for Zhong Fa.

Lin Ge has only cultivated Maoshan Secret Skills to level 4, so there is no way to save him in the afterlife. Moreover, according to Chen You, if you want to help the ghosts to be saved, you need to at least set up an altar to perform the method. To put it bluntly, this matter still depends on Chen You.

It's a pity that there is no reason to reason with Li Gui. Even if Lin Ge tells the truth, he will be torn apart by the twin evil spirits.

Lin Ge couldn't help but feel a headache. Now there is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. If it is not handled properly, it will be dealt with here.


Lin Ge came up with a plan. Now there is no better way to solve the problem of twin evil spirits. If you continue to delay, it will be death. In this case, it is better to give it a try!

"You two, you two have a deep love for each other as sisters. I have a way to make you reincarnate as sisters in your next life. Are you interested in finding out?"

Therefore, Lin Ge once again showed off his magical ability of mouth evasion.


Chen You and Ah Hao arrived at the ground floor and arranged the remaining homemade explosives on the pillars and several key load-bearing walls according to Lin Ge's plan. After doing all this, the two need to face a difficult choice - to explode, or not to explode?

Even if the Tongzi Tower will not be completely destroyed by the explosion, the impact will be very wide. No one knows how many residents of the Tongzi Tower are still hiding at home.

If they don't explode, with Zhong Fa's current killing speed, all the residents will have their souls sucked dry by Zhong Fa without waiting until midnight!

"Brother You, what should I do?" Ahao didn't know what to do, so he asked Chen You to make a decision.

Chen You was in agony and felt miserable.

After being released from the police station, apart from collecting materials and layout, he spent the rest of the time working with Uncle Yan to persuade residents to leave.

However, at the end of the day, only a handful of people were willing to listen to their opinions and move away. Some of them did not believe what Chen You said, and some of them were because their children were lost and relatives and neighbors were helping to find them.

Fortunately, the latter made a decisive decision when Zhong Fa returned to his soul, and escaped from Tongzi Tower while Zhong Fa was trapped in the evil spirit space.

All that's left is moaning and groaning, not believing Chen You, or maybe he was frightened and fainted before, but now he came back to his senses and wanted to run away.

But, it's too late.

"Blow up!" Chen You gritted his teeth and decided to blow up the Tongzi Tower. If it doesn't blow up, it's all death, but if it blows up, there's at least a glimmer of hope.

The biggest reason why the walled towers on Hong Kong Island are prone to strange stories is "Feng Shui". Unscrupulous developers only think about how to maximize the use of the land. They would like to cram hundreds of households into one floor. Who cares about you? Feng shui layout.

The danger of the "Hui" type tube tower is that the Yin Qi gathers in the middle of the word "Hui", and over time, it forms a dead end of "powerlessness". Because of this, Zhong Fa fell to death in the center. His last breath in the human world not only sucked in the little ghost he raised, but also sucked in the Yin Qi that had gathered in Hui Xing Tong Zi Lou over the years, turning it into the most ferocious. Fierce Ghost Rakshasa!

Blowing up the Tongzi Tower and breaking the deadlock also destroyed the Great Yin Formation that gathered Zhong Fa's power to a certain extent.

However, Chen You originally thought that Lin Ge had seen through the key, so he arranged for Ah Hao to plant the explosives in order to break Zhong Fa's "game".

However, he ignored that Lin Ge was just a novice Taoist priest who had just started training for less than two weeks. He had only practiced secret techniques to level 4, so he didn't know anything about Feng Shui.

Lin Ge asked Ah Hao to blow up the Tongzi Tower. The point was not to "blow up" but to delay.

But he didn't expect that he was thinking of the third floor, while Chen You was thinking of the fifth floor.


The sound of explosions echoed in the dark night. The main columns and load-bearing walls of the "Hui" shaped tube building were blown away. More than half of the building collapsed in an instant. Smoke and dust billowed for a while, and the whole world was filled with darkness and smoke!


Wails, screams, and cries for help arose one after another in the billowing smoke. This place was like a purgatory on earth, which was unbearable to look at.

Under the night, a black figure floated in the sky, looking up to the sky to absorb the moonlight, and let out a soul-stirring ghostly howl.

After breaking the "death situation", the Great Yin Qi in Zhong Fa's body drained crazily, as if streams of green energy flew out of his body.

He wanted to prevent the flow of Great Yin Qi by absorbing the power of moonlight, but the powerless situation that "solidified" the dead situation had been completely destroyed.


Zhong Fa looked up to the sky and screamed, full of anger. He was killed by Lin Ge and Chen You. After his death, he became a fierce ghost Rakshasa and was defeated by the two. He was furious and resentful, and wanted to destroy everything he saw!

For a moment, wherever there were wails and cries for help in the ruins, a puff of black smoke flew away, sucking out the souls of the dying residents!


Chen You and Ah Hao stood in front of the altar in the center of the courtyard. Although the courtyard was also affected by the collapse of the Tongzi Tower, many formations were also destroyed. But the altar was still there, so Chen You ignored Zhong Fa's terror and began to cast spells against Zhong Fa.

Chen You, plus the humanoid carrier of the technique "Ah Hao", the two of them tried their best to hold Zhong Fa back as much as possible.


In two minutes, Chen You and Ah Hao were defeated by Zhong Fa. The skin on Ah Hao's chest with "Imperial Order" written on it was ripped off completely by Zhong Fa. Chen You's hands were broken by Zhong Fa, but the other party did not kill him. It is to be tortured slowly!

Just when Zhong Fa was focusing on how to torture the dying Chen You, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky at the top of the ruins. He clenched the butcher knife with both hands and struck Zhong Fa with one blow.

Zhong Fa was split in half by this knife, turning into two black smoke and flying away, but the next moment it condensed not far away.

"Disciple." Chen You saw the person coming clearly and shouted two words weakly.

The person who came was none other than Lin Ge, but there was something wrong with his current state. The body was hunched over, with the head half lowered. Black smoke seemed to be floating around, with a ferocious smile on his face, staring at Zhong Fa, as if he was staring at some unparalleled delicacy, with a greedy and terrifying expression.

When Chen You saw this, he was horrified and tried to get up, but his hands had been broken, making it extremely difficult to just get up from the ground.

"Possessed by evil spirits." Chen You could tell at a glance that Lin Ge's situation was that he had twin evil spirits possessing him at the same time.

But looking at Lin Ge's state, he should still have some sense. In other words, possessed but not fully possessed. It should be the forbidden technique in "Maoshan Secret Technique" - "Ghost Sacrifice". Use your own body as a sacrifice to invite evil ghosts to come to you.

However, it is well-known "common sense" that evil spirits will absorb Yang Qi from people, and letting evil spirits possess you will consume a lot of Yang Qi.

This is true for evil ghosts, not to mention the evil ghosts that are several times more ferocious than evil ghosts, and these are twin evil spirits!

Lin Ge's massive loss of yang energy at this time would not only cause irreversible damage to his body, but also shorten his lifespan to a great extent!

Chen You never dreamed that Lin Ge would adopt such a dangerous method to deal with Zhong Fa!

Just when he was shocked, Lin Singer, who was possessed by twin evil spirits, was already fighting Zhong Fa with a butcher knife.

The twin evil spirits were not Zhong Fa's opponent, but now Lin Ge used himself as a sacrifice to let the twin evil spirits "merge into one". Coupled with the fact that Chen You and others broke through the deadlock of being "powerless to save the day", Zhong Fa's strength was greatly reduced, and the two sides barely managed a draw.


For ten minutes, Lin Ge endured all Zhong Fa's attacks and slashed with his sword. With each hit, green souls flew out of Zhong Fa's body. Either it's the Great Yin Qi, or it's the souls of the residents of Tongzilou that he absorbed during this period.

The faster the Yin Qi in Zhong Fa's body passed, the weaker he became.


Zhongfa continued to weaken, but Lin Ge's condition was not very good either. His yang energy was greatly reduced and his lifespan was also passing. Coupled with the strong resistance against Zhong Fa's offensive, the wounds on his body, large and small, were horrific.

Chen You stood up with great effort, threw himself on the altar, bit his tongue, and spit out the blood on the Five Elements Bagua plate in the center of the altar. Then press it with your chin and push it forward bit by bit.

The lower jaw stuck in the center of the disk was twisted and deformed by the rotating Five Elements and Bagua disk. The skin was torn, the flesh and blood was cut open, and white bones could even be seen!


There are still three minutes left, three more minutes to go, and when Mao hour comes, the Five Elements Bagua Pan can use the power of the sun to completely burn Zhongfa to death!

At this time, Lin Ge's arms had been broken by Zhong Fa, and he could only attack because of the twin evil spirits possessing him.

But he has run out of oil and the lamp is dry at this time. If he continues, he will lose all his yang energy and die.


With two minutes left, Lin Ge couldn't hold on any longer. Chen You also knew that if he continued to hold on, he would be completely helpless!


Chen You spit out the blood in his mouth on the money sword, took the hilt in his mouth, and rushed towards Zhong Fa!


The golden light passed through Zhong Fa's body, releasing all the remaining Great Yin Qi. Zhong Fa grabbed Chen You's arms and forcefully tore off his hands. Then, his hands covered Chen You's head and wanted to tear off his head.

"Hehe, hehe." Chen You stared at Zhong Fa and grinned.


Sunday is here!

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