"You guys wait here." Lin Ge stepped into the house, took out the flashlight, turned it on, and searched around the house.

Neither Qiqi nor Deng Zixuan noticed that after Lin Ge walked into the living room, he held a flashlight in one hand and a black-edged butcher knife in the other.

Lin Ge carefully opened the toilet door. Although it was a bit dirty, there were no corpses inside.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing, the door of the room was closed tightly, and the screams of Qiqi and Deng Zixuan came from outside.

"Lin Ge, Lin Ge! Are you okay?" Qiqi knocked on the door, her voice a little anxious. Obviously she and Deng Zixuan were not in danger, but they were a little worried when they saw Lin Ge locked in the room.

"I'm fine, I'll be out soon." Lin Ge looked around. If he were in the "Zombie" world at this time, he would be able to spot the evil ghosts hiding in the dark right away if he opened his eyes. But there were too many ghosts in the walled city, and he didn't want the black fog to affect his vision.

In the house, the only things that can hide things are the wardrobe in the bedroom, the refrigerator in the kitchen, and two wooden cabinets in the corner of the living room.

Lin Ge returned to the living room, inserted the butcher knife into the crack of the cabinet door, and gently opened it. The wooden cabinet door opened with a sound, but it was empty inside.

However, Lin Ge smelled a faint smell of corpse. He raised his hand and knocked on the bottom of the cabinet. The crisp echo indicated that there was a dark layer in the cabinet.

Lin Ge raised the knife and slashed twice, and then picked it along the gap. The board was opened, and there was a rotten left leg wrapped in plastic wrap.

Lin Ge took a step back, raised his hand, and a five-pointed star made of exorcism talismans flew into the cabinet, lighting up his left leg with a "chi" sound.


At this time, a scream came from the kitchen, and then a green-faced evil ghost flew out. Lin Singer lightly touched the tip of the butcher knife with his finger, then flicked it, and a few drops of blood flew towards the evil ghost. At the same time, he picked up the Blood Seal Technique and slashed with his sword.

The green-faced evil ghost was originally heading for Lin Ge, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly slash at his head with a knife. There was no way to avoid it. After being exposed by the blood mark, he slashed his head with a butcher's knife, splitting his head in half and turning into a black smoke in an attempt to escape.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Singer's butcher knife had turned into a bronze sword. He wiped the bronze sword with his bleeding fingers, and a golden light filled the sword body: "Go!"

Lin Ge threw the bronze sword out and used the "Conquering the Spirit and Chasing the Soul" technique. The bronze sword flew after the black smoke. When it flew into the kitchen, it caught up with the black smoke and penetrated the black smoke with a "chi" sound. , ignite the black smoke and burn it out.


The bronze sword hit the wall and fell to the ground.

[Kill "Evil Ghost (Level F)" and obtain 50 reincarnation points. 】

Lin Ge came to the kitchen, picked up the bronze sword and put it back into the [Inventory], opened the door, and Qiqi was waiting anxiously outside.

"Lin Ge, are you okay?"

Lin Ge shook his head: "It's okay. It should be a trap set up by the program team. There are some scary things inside. You guys should not go in."

Deng Zixuan said decisively: "I have no intention of going in."

Qiqi asked: "Did you find any clues?"

Lin Ge replied: "Judging from the information on the two pieces of paper you got, the strange stories our group experienced should be related to dentists. Before entering the walled city, I saw an advertisement for 'He's Dentist' on the old street. , why not go there first and have a look.”

"Okay." Qiqi had no objection.

Deng Zixuan was a little reluctant. He felt that this show was more terrifying than all the previous episodes combined.

In addition, the newcomers stole the spotlight this time, which made him even less motivated.

But Lin Ge and Qiqi left, and Deng Zixuan didn't dare to stay here alone. He quickly followed them through the corridor and left the Tongzi Tower.

As soon as he stepped into the old streets and alleys, Deng Zixuan heard the laughter of a child, and then, a pale face flashed past his eyes.

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, the rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness! Mamma Mia! Help, help!"

Lin Ge and Qiqi turned around and saw Deng Zixuan fell to the ground in fear, the camera was thrown aside, covering his face with his hands and howling miserably.

"Zixuan, what's wrong with you?" Qiqi asked in confusion.

Lin Ge frowned slightly. He saw a pair of pale little hands flashing past Deng Zixuan's neck. Then, there were two small black handprints on Deng Zixuan's neck.


"I, I, I just looked and saw a child! Right in front of my eyes!" Deng Zixuan said anxiously.

Qiqi looked around: "There's no kid here, maybe you're dazzled."

"But." Deng Zixuan wanted to say something else, but as he carefully looked around, he saw nothing.

I didn't hear the children's laughter anymore, and I wondered if I was dazzled.

Lin Ge looked at a shop diagonally opposite: "He's Dentist. We're here. Zixuan, do you want to rest for a while before continuing?"

"No, no need. Maybe I'm just dazzled." Deng Zixuan stood up and twisted his neck, feeling a little sore.

The three of them arrived at He's dentist's shop. Lin Ge opened the door, and an indescribable rancid smell suddenly came from the house.

"Ugh..." Qiqi couldn't hold it back and started retching directly.

Seeing this, Lin Ge stroked her back and said, "Then you wait here while I go in to look for clues."

"Thank you, thank you." Qiqi thanked her. She complained that the program team went too far this time. It was either the special effects or the stench, which really made her unbearable.

Lin Ge found a yellow sticky note taped to the door. He pulled it off and looked at it, only to see that it read——

"Doctor He."

"The dentures customized in your store a few days ago are of high quality. Our partners at the senior center said they looked like real teeth growing back."

"I brought some friends here today to get dentures, but unfortunately your store is not open."

"When you see this note, please call the senior center to inform me. I will definitely visit you another day."

"Mrs. Huang."

Putting away the note, Lin Ge walked in and took a flashlight to look around. There were many sets of dentures placed on the windowsill at the door. There is an old photo on the sofa of two boys, with "Song Sheng and Ruming" written on the back.

Lin Ge put the photo back, walked all the way to the back room, and found an old and yellowed piece of paper on the table where dentures were made.

""The Recipe for Rebirth of Teeth Falling"."

A prescription that records the formula of traditional Chinese medicine.

Turning it over, I saw a line of small words on the back.

"I didn't expect that the ancestral craftsmanship would be used on teeth."

[Obtain "Secret Technique (Fragment, 30 Spiritual Power Required for Cultivation)". 】

The reminder from the Lord God suddenly sounded in Lin Ge's mind, which meant that this small piece of tattered paper was actually an enchanted item that could lead to the world of reincarnation.

Although Lin Ge met the training requirement of 30 points of spiritual power for the secret technique, this secret technique didn't even have a name, and it was still a "fragment", so he didn't dare to practice it randomly.

At this time, Qiqi and Deng Zixuan followed in. The former felt that he was feeling better and could not let Lin Ge work alone; the latter simply did not dare to stay outside alone.

Deng Zixuan rubbed his neck and said to Lin Ge: "Lin Ge, please hold the camera for me. My neck feels so sore and I am so tired."

Sore neck?

Lin Ge thought of the small black handprints on Deng Zixuan's neck. He suddenly thought of something and leaned closer to Qiqi.

"Qiqi, I'm a little dizzy, let me lean on you." As he spoke, Lin Ge pretended to be dizzy, took the magic formula and applied it to his eyes to open his heavenly eyes.

"Okay." Qiqi almost didn't hesitate at all. She stepped forward to support Lin Ge and let him lean against her.

Deng Zixuan:? ? ?

That's too much. I'll ask you to help me get the camera. You just make excuses and take advantage of me?

However, Lin Ge just didn't want his vision to be affected by the black mist in his Sky Eye state, and at the same time, he wanted to open his Sky Eye to see Deng Zixuan's condition.

When I saw it, I was immediately shocked.

In the dark mist-filled He's Clinic, although Lin Ge's vision was affected to a certain extent, he could clearly see Deng Zixuan in front of him. Riding on his neck was a pale-faced kid with only black eyes.

What's even more terrifying is that there are two little ghosts holding Deng Zixuan's feet, one on the left and the other on the right, raising their heads and showing a charming smile to Lin Ge!

I wish everyone a happy new year and may all your wishes come true!

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