Lin Ge pushed Qiqi and pushed her into the secret room: "Go and hide in the secret room."

Qiqi asked anxiously: "What about you?"

"I'll stop it! Remember, hide in the secret room and don't make any noise. Do you understand?" Lin Ge warned.

The secret room only has a wooden door, so naturally it cannot stop the spider monster. Instead of hiding in there with Qiqi and hoping that the spider monster will show mercy, it's better to give it a try in a spacious place.

If the spider monster can be "led away", Qiqi can still survive hiding in the secret room, leaving hope for the side mission.


Qiqi wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lin Ge.

"Go quickly!"

Qiqi left the words "Be careful", ran into the secret room and closed the door. As if he felt unsafe, he pushed the workbench over to block the door. Then he hid in a corner, covered his mouth, and didn't even dare to breathe out.

Lin Ge's eyes were fixed on the spider monster, observing its every move. At present, he knew nothing about the spider monster's power and speed, so naturally he would not take action rashly.

The spider monster climbed all the way from the ceiling at the door to the living room, and the rotating Cantonese opera masks looked very scary!

Click, click.

The mask stopped rotating, and after a brief pause, a sound of music that sounded like a woman's low humming sounded.

But under the spider monster's gaze, this low moan seemed particularly penetrating.

At this moment, the spider monster stopped on the ceiling of the living room and seemed to see the photos on the altar beside the wall.

Immediately afterwards, as if the spider monster was angered, it smashed its two forelimbs against the altar, and swept the photos and pictures on it to the ground.

There was a clang, and an iron box fell out from under the altar. It contained several photos and yellowed paper, which looked a bit like pages from an ancient book.

Lin Ge grabbed the stack of paper and stuffed it into his pocket, then ran towards the door.

Click, click.

When the six legs of the spider monster move, they will make a soft sound like wood hitting each other. Its two forelimbs can be seen bending and making a pounce action.

Lin Ge had already run to the door, but he heard a "whoosh" sound behind him, and a black shadow rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Ge drew out his butcher knife and turned around to strike!


The butcher's knife struck one of the spider monster's forelimbs, but it didn't hurt it at all. Lin Ge only felt his eyes blurred when the other forelimb of the spider monster hit his chest. He suddenly felt a huge force and flew backwards.


Lin Ge hit the wall, cracking it open, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Ge took out the ump9 with unlimited bullets and raised his hand to swipe at the spider monster. The bullets hit it "dang dang dang" without any reaction.

This spider monster is actually invulnerable!

Lin Ge got up and took out a few "water balloon bombs" made of black dog blood and rooster blood from the [Inventory] and threw them at the spider monster. However, there was no reaction after hitting it.

Lin Ge quickly picked up the "first aid spray" and sprayed it on his chest, then ran towards the end of the corridor.

The spider monster had no intention of letting Lin Ge go. After seeing the photos on the altar, he became very manic. His Cantonese opera mask turned left and right, his mouth opened and closed, revealing his fangs like a ghost!

Lin Ge ran to a pile of old furniture at the end, suddenly accelerated, stepped on the old furniture, and jumped up!


A drop of exorcism blood was flicked on the spider monster's forehead. With a "chi" sound, the drop of blood instantly turned into a white smoke and disappeared.

The face of the spider monster suddenly opened, and the opening and closing of the fierce ghost fangs were terrifying. It propped up its body with six limbs, raised its head, and seemed to be planning to bite off Lin Ge's head!

However, he saw Lin Ge stuffing a ball of something into the spider monster's open mouth. The spider monster missed the bite, then concentrated its limbs and stabbed Lin Ge in the chest.


There was a crisp metal collision sound, and the spider monster's strong blow failed to pierce Lin Ge's chest, but pierced the center of the Five Elements Bagua Disk.

Lin Ge took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk and used it as a shield to block the spider monster's fatal blow.

With a "bang", Lin Ge fell to the ground due to the force. Before he could think about it, he got up and burrowed into the hole under the half-collapsed wall in front of him.

Da da da.

Lin Ge got into the hole, threw two flash bombs and rolled them to the feet of the spider monster. With two soft "chichi" sounds, the entire corridor was illuminated.

Lin Ge didn't care whether the flash bomb was useful against the spider monster. The opponent was invulnerable, so he could only count on the flash bomb to delay time.

Climbing out of the collapsed wall, Lin Ge found that the spider monster was not chasing him, but there was still movement on the other side of the hole.

So Lin Ge took out the remote control and pressed it.


With a loud noise, the high-explosive bomb that Lin Ge had just stuffed into the spider monster's mouth was detonated, and the old building collapsed immediately.

Lin Ge crawled out of the rubble in disgrace and patted the dust on his head: "How much power do you need to sell for 100 reincarnation points?"

"The main god's space is so fucking stupid."

Lin Ge did not receive a reminder from the Lord God to reward reincarnation points for killing monsters, which meant that the high-explosive bomb failed to kill the spider monster.

But since that floor was blown down, the spider monster probably also fell to the lower floor. At least it is safe now.

The back was collapsed, so Lin Ge could only continue walking forward, took out the flashlight, turned it on, and scanned the dark corridor.

Dark and eerie, this corridor seemed to have no end.

Lin Ge observed it with his heavenly eye. If there was no resentment, then there was probably no evil spirit in the corridor.

But after experiencing the spider monster, Lin Ge did not dare to let down his guard. He patted his travel bag and said, "Master Ji, stand up. Where is your energy in Tongzilou? Why do you start making soy sauce when you change places?"


Master Ji shrugged his head and responded listlessly.

"Master Chicken, be serious, we have to work hard to survive. Maybe one day we can find you a phoenix in the world of immortals."

As soon as Lin Ge said this, Master Ji suddenly poked his head out of his travel bag and said "Oh" in high spirits, as if to say, "I'm staring at the back, just move forward."

With Master Ji helping to guard him, Lin Ge's pressure would at least be less.

Walking through the dark corridor, Lin Ge came to an old stage with red curtains hung on both sides and pulled halfway.

Under the stage, there are hundreds of wooden chairs, giving people the feeling of an old theater with a sense of age.

What's strange is that we were still in the old building just now, but we walked through a dark corridor to reach the theater.

Lin Ge stood in the audience and observed the stage. There was nothing special about it. On the first chair in the front row, there was a leaflet.

Lin Ge picked up one and looked at it, only to see that it said——

"Huadan: Ms. Chen Lingyi"


"Magical Drama:..."


There was also a line of small handwritten words at the bottom: "Ms. Chen Lingyi's hairpin has been lost. Whoever finds it please hand it over to the security office, and you will be rewarded generously."

Lin Ge looked around again, then climbed onto the stage and walked backstage.

The tables, chairs and benches in the backstage lounge were upside down and covered with dust. There is a blackboard upside down in the corner, with chalk writing on it:

"I recently lost a hairpin at the drama club."

"The hairpin is made of wood and decorated with pink petals."

"Although this item is not expensive."

“But it’s very precious to me.”

"If you find any, please contact me."

"My little lady is deeply grateful and will definitely reward you generously."

"Mingyue Theater Company, Chen Lingyi, courtesy name."

Lin Ge lifted up a chair, swept the dust on it, sat down, and took out the stack of paper that had fallen out of the iron box under the altar.

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