Lin Ge continued to rummage in the dressing room, opened the drawer of the dressing table, and found several pages inside. The paper was similar to the diary found in the previous room.

Among these pages, there is also a theater ticket with the name "He Songsheng" written on it.

Lin Ge looked through the pieces of paper, compared them with He Songsheng's handwriting, and confirmed that these papers also belonged to He Songsheng.

There are some trivial things written on it about He Songsheng and Ling Yi, as well as some love words expressing love. The last one is a "complaint"——

"The class leader said that the puppet show is temporarily canceled."

"Because the organizers of Shengong Opera feel that it is a bit outdated. Times have really changed."

“Everyone used to give me a thumbs up when they saw my puppet show!”

"But I didn't expect that Ling Yi would be appreciated by the class leader soon after joining the troupe."

"It's not surprising, who wouldn't like such a good singing voice?"

"Now Lingyi always wears the hairpin on her head during rehearsals. She told me that the hairpin is a testimony of our relationship."

"Forget it, I'll just be an ordinary spectator this time."

Seeing this, Lin Ge could already guess the plot of this incident. Just when he wanted to continue rummaging, his keen sense of smell detected a "familiar" smell.

Lin Ge immediately pinched his hand and wiped his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he immediately caught a thin stream of gray smoke coming from a large box storing clothes in the corner.


Although he was not an evil spirit, Lin Ge did not take it lightly. He took out his butcher knife and walked to the big box to pick out the lock.

With a "click", the rotten lock was cut off by the butcher's knife. Lin Ge used the knife to pry open the box. Among the messy clothes, a short and fat figure knelt in the middle, kowtowing to a costume. Talking about something.

Lin Ge listened carefully, but still couldn't hear clearly what the other party was talking about.


Lin Ge called out a few times and knocked on the box with a butcher knife. There was no response from the other party, but he kept kowtowing to the costume.

"A ray of remnant soul?"

Lin Ge remembered that it was recorded in "The Secret of Maoshan" that humans have three souls and seven souls. If they become ghosts and dissipate, leaving only a residual soul, then the residual soul will have no consciousness and will only act according to the last "remaining thoughts" during life.

For example, a person's last wish before death is to meet a certain person, and after death the soul dissipates, then a trace of the remnant soul will definitely be found around the person he wants to meet.


Lin Ge looked at the costume carefully and found that it was the same costume that Ling Yi was wearing in the costume photo found in He Songsheng's bedroom.

Lin Ge walked around the box and looked at the kneeling remnant soul. He was wearing an old-fashioned Tang suit with a name tag embroidered on his chest.

Lin Ge took a closer look and saw two words embroidered on it——


Security guard Li Baoquan?

Lin Ge remembered seeing Li Baoquan's resignation letter in the security room. Is this Li Baoquan, or is he a new security guard who applied for the job later?

Although the specific identity of this person cannot be determined, judging from his behavior at this time, he must be the person who has done something wrong to Ling Yi.

Lin Ge secretly thought that this residual soul might be the key to dealing with Ling Yi, so he took out a evil-suppressing talisman to seal it. But after thinking about it, he took the Evil Suppressing Talisman back and replaced it with an Exorcist Talisman.

The evil-suppressing talisman is three times more powerful than the exorcism talisman. If the seal fails and the thing is destroyed, it will be lost.

Lin Ge twisted the talisman with one hand and moved the "order" on it with the other hand, and then attached the exorcism talisman to the remaining soul.

I saw the exorcism talisman burst out with a golden light, sucking in the remaining soul. Lin Ge quickly folded the exorcism talisman into a five-pointed star and sealed the remaining soul.

After sealing the remnant soul, Lin Ge picked up the costume it was kneeling on and looked through it. As soon as he picked it up, an old dark yellow paper floated out from the sleeve of the costume.

Lin Ge didn't expect to find the third ancient book page here, which surprised him.

After all, if you find four of them and complete the main mission, you can return to the main god space at any time, which is equivalent to three-quarters of the mission being completed.

"Could the fourth one be on the spider monster?"

Lin Ge sighed and turned his gaze to the ancient book pages in his hands.

"Zhang Yi, a famous prostitute in Shicheng."

"One day he jumped from the tower."

"Everyone is sad."

"Sigh that it has a heavenly voice and an appearance that captivates the country."

"A smile that amazes the world."

"But it's because of one person."

"At the risk of death."

"I once expected the red makeup of Ten Miles to be filled with guests."

"Today's fragrance disappears and jade dies, and it will be difficult for heaven and man to appear again."

Seeing this, although there are only three "ancient book pages" among Lin Singer, he can already roughly infer the story told above.

A man named Qin Ye was proficient in the art of Qimen Dunjia, and he had a private life-long relationship with Zhang Yi, a famous prostitute in Shicheng. Later, Qin Ye traveled far away for some reason. The young master from Shicheng fell in love with Zhang Yi and wanted to take her as his concubine.

Zhang Yi refused, but Qin Ye didn't come back after waiting for a long time. Her boss was afraid that Master Shicheng would be unhappy and kept forcing her. In the end, Zhang Yining refused to give in and jumped from the tower to his death. When Qin Ye came back, he found that Zhang Yi was being persecuted. In a rage, he used secret techniques to massacre the entire city.

As for the connection between the story on the "ancient book page" and the He brothers, I'm afraid we will have to wait until we find the fourth ancient book page to know the answer.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the door of the room where Ah Hai's body was located, and then Lin Ge heard the vague and creepy sound of Cantonese music again!

Lin Ge knew without looking that the spider monster was coming. He decisively pushed all the boxes and dressing tables in the room to the door and blocked the door.

Then he took out a high-explosive bomb and placed it in the center of the dressing room ceiling. Finally, open the door to the next room.

Crack, squeak.

Pushing open the old wooden door, there was a harsh friction sound. As soon as this sound came out, the sound of the spider monster smashing on the door became louder.

Apart from anything else, Lin Ge discovered that this spider monster had a common characteristic with the evil ghost in the Tongzi Tower of the Walled City——

Especially sensitive to "sound"!

This is why Lin Ge rarely uses shotguns and uses butcher knives instead after realizing this.

In order to prevent "opening the door to kill", Lin Ge held the butcher's knife across his chest and turned his body slightly sideways when he pushed the door open.

Behind the door is an office-like place.

There are many old and yellowed photos hanging on the wall, and there are many pennants on the wall facing the desk.

"The Best Theater in *Province", "The First Theater in *Province", "*..."

I don’t know who made those banners or who sent them. Anyway, without exception, they are all banners in recognition of the theater.

Lin Ge looked around with a flashlight, trying to find a way out, and found a yellowed envelope on the desk.

Picking it up and looking at it, it was a letter written by a person named "Miao Shu Jushi" to a class leader named Wang.

Leader Wang:

Thank you to the class leader for your appreciation of me as a Feng Shui master. It is a great honor for me to be able to write a script for the troupe.

Cantonese opera is also my lifelong love.

Recently I heard that the puppet show will be cancelled. This is really inappropriate.

Puppet performance is a long-standing tradition of Shengong Opera. I hope the class leader will think twice.

Miaoshu layman

Seeing this, Lin Ge finally understood.

Leader Wang of the theater plotted against Ling Yi and took advantage of his power to make He Songsheng wear shoes and cancel the puppet show.

Then Leader Wang used the "hairpin" that He Songsheng and Ling Yi had lost as a token of their love to lure Ling Yi into the leader's room.

No matter what happened in the class master's room, Ling Yi died in the end.

Lin Ge couldn't help but think about it. Even if the demon Rakshasa was as powerful as Zhongfa, the exorcism talisman and the evil-suppressing talisman would have a weak effect on it.

If the spider monster is really an evil creature that He Songsheng failed to revive with his secret technique, then the Taoist technique cannot have no effect!

Lin Ge guessed that there might be two reasons for this situation. First, the level of the spider monster far exceeded that of the ghost Rakshasa, and its resentment had become so strong that with Lin Ge's current Taoist cultivation, not only could it not hurt the opponent, but it could not even be used. The eye can see through the true form!

The second possibility is that ordinary spells cannot hurt the spider monster, and only special props can be used, or only spells from this world can be used to hurt it!

Then the solution is to practice the spells of this world, find special props that can break the defense, and eliminate the resentment of the spider monster...

Not to mention anything else, but to eliminate the grievances of the spider monster... Lin Ge said that he is very familiar with this business!

"Even the security guard Li Bao, who still doesn't know what he did, is not immune. As the culprit, Leader Wang, should he still be hiding somewhere in this theater?"

To eliminate the spider monster's resentment, the first step is to find the culprit, Leader Wang!

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