Lin Ge looked up at the chicken coop head and warned: "Keep an eye on it for me, don't let the evil ghost interrupt the spell casting."

Jiwotou nodded helplessly: "I'll try my best. You should take the time to communicate with the big guys above. Now that the 'door' is open, it's time to come back and find a place."

"I hope Grandmaster won't look at my 1,300 sin points and just give me away." Lin Ge muttered and began to pray to God.

When Jiwotou heard this, he looked shocked: "What? 1,300 sin points? Brother Tao, are you a space butcher?"

Since Lin Ge didn't have a "gift", he could only use the most primitive way to contact the ancestor, hoping that the other party would recognize his identity and help him for the sake of the Five Elements Bagua Plate, the treasure of the sect.

But Lin Ge had a sin value of 1,300, plus the evil spells, red-clothed ghosts, and zombies on his body, so the debuffs were fully stacked.

Although I didn’t want to risk being exposed by contacting the Grandmaster, after all, I only had less than twenty minutes to breathe.

If we can't find a way to "treat the root cause", we will still have to face the pursuit of the evil ghost army in more than two days after this wave of pursuing soldiers is resolved.

Whether it works or not, you have to give it a try.

Lin Ge's mood at this time was even more nervous than yesterday when the evil spirits were chasing him all over the city.

The three mountain talismans are the "Zhengyi Sect" of Longhu Mountain, the "Lingbao Sect" of Gezao Mountain, and the "Shangqing Sect" of Maoshan.

The three mountain talismans are roughly the same, with only minor differences. In layman's terms, they are all Telecom numbers, but the ending numbers are different. But to be on the safe side, Lin Ge opened "Maoshan Secret Technique" and drew the magic talisman stroke by stroke as shown above.

After all, if you draw the wrong picture, ask for the magic talisman to be burned at Longhu Mountain next door, or call the wrong Patriarch, you will really be punished and there will be no room for explanation.

After drawing the magic talisman, Lin Ge took out a butcher's knife and cut his finger, pressed a blood seal on the talisman, attached the talisman to his palm, pinched the Ziwu Jue in his hand, and recited the scripture silently.

Nine Heavens Lingbao Jinhua Chonghui

Mao Jun’s True Scripture of Saving People and Saving Lives

At that time, Lord Mao and all the immortals

The land city god is always there to protect you.

Believe, accept and practice, be kind and forgive three times

After reciting one round, Lin Ge immediately used his spiritual power to light the prayer talisman, then used the talisman to light three pillars of incense, faced the main entrance of the main hall, and bowed in the air.

However, Lin Ge didn't get any response when he asked the talisman to be burned out.

Come again!

Lin Ge picked up the second invitation talisman, continued to recite the scripture silently, and tried to contact the ancestor again.

Seeing the time passing by, the time of possession by ghosts and gods is about to end, and the evil ghost army has not stopped attacking the mountain just as Lin Ge said. Jiwotou is a little anxious: "Brother Dao, can you do it? If you can't, let's do it." Evacuate first and find a place to avoid the wind."

Lin Ge did not respond and continued to chant sutras sincerely.

Regardless of whether Lin Ge could do it or not, Jiwotou had no choice but to block the evil spirits coming up the mountain. He gritted his teeth, took out his suona and ran down the mountain.

Suddenly, the sound of suona sounded throughout the mountains.

A group of policemen who sneaked up the mountain heard the sound of the suona and raised their guns to be on guard. However, they saw "furry" black shadows rushing down from the mountain and pounced on them, instantly biting these people's throats and tearing their arms and bodies!

After the two "furry" black shadows ate the two evil ghosts, they seemed to be unsatisfied. They turned around and pounced on the chicken coop head that was playing the suona.

The head of the chicken coop raised his hand, with a black talisman stuck on his palm, and slapped the two black figures to the ground with two slaps: "I'll give you some face, right? Aren't the evil ghosts here enough for you?" If you try to trick me again, I will beat you so hard that you will never be born again!"

The black shadow made a monkey cry of "chirp" and ran toward the evil ghost down the mountain in a dejected manner.

Jiwotou went down the mountain playing the suona, which lifted the effect of the forbidden spirit. Suddenly, people felt energetic and confident.

At this time, Lin Ge, who was in Jizo Temple, had burned out the third invitation talisman. The three sticks of incense had been burned halfway, and the new incense he ordered was only half left. So how long can the invitation of ghosts and gods last? , one can imagine.

Lin Ge was also a little anxious. The "Heaven Gate" had been opened, and he should be able to contact the Patriarch smoothly.

But now it seems that Maoshan has not recognized his identity.

"The Patriarch is above me. I have no other request. I only ask the Patriarch to take action to save the common people in view of the suffering of the people and the rampant evil spirits!"

Lin Ge cut his palm open and dripped blood into the Five Elements Bagua Disk. He tried to use the blood as a guide to forcefully activate the Five Elements Bagua Disk, and cooperated with the magic talisman to ask the Patriarch to take action.

Suddenly, the Five Elements Bagua Disk shot out a golden light that shot straight into the sky and merged with the "golden light crack" in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light shone like the afternoon sun on the center of the door frame of the hall, and a string of gold characters appeared——

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"

Is this asking to save me or save the world?

As soon as the word "Duji" came to his lips, Lin Ge swallowed it back. He frowned and looked solemn. After thinking for a while, he said firmly: "Dushi!"

Suddenly, the four "golden characters" turned into a sharp arrow and penetrated Lin Ge's heart in the blink of an eye. There was no blood or injury, but it was heartbreaking pain!

Lin Ge covered his chest and knelt down again, and saw those four golden characters reappearing in the air——

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"

Lin Ge gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Transcend the world!"

The golden light turned into a second arrow and penetrated Lin Ge's heart. He was hit by two arrows in a row. His face was pale in pain and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"

"Transcend the world!"

The third arrow!

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"

"Transcend the world!"

The fourth arrow!

On the other side, the incense on the heads of the three accountants had burned out. Fortunately, at the last moment, they fought their way out of the enemy formation.

Although the two additional generals have left, their magical weapons have remained to help Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang "save the world."

When the accountant saw what was clearly "his" trident flying into Huang Yaozu's hand, he felt heartbroken and regretful.

Obviously, as a reincarnator, the ghosts and gods in this world do not treat him the same as Huang Yaozu, Li Guoqiang and other natives.

Of course, he can take away the trident if he wants, and just pay 100,000 reincarnation points to redeem it. And this price is not considered a "loss". After all, if you buy it directly in the main god space, the price will be doubled.

The three of them looked for the sound of the suona and met up with Jiwotou who was coming down the mountain to deal with the evil spirits.

Seeing those police officers and military uniforms chased from Hong Kong Island being devoured by evil spirits raised in chicken coops to the sound of suonas, the three accountants couldn't tell who the evil ghosts were for a while.

However, Jiwotou frequently used the suona to drive away the evil spirits, which consumed a huge amount of spiritual power. However, more and more evil ghosts came up the mountain. Coupled with the firepower of the Flying Tigers, the four of them were forced back to the top of the mountain again.

Returning to Dizang Temple, the four of them saw Lin Ge "suffering" and were immediately stunned by the strange scene in front of them.

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"

"Crossing the world."

One hundred and thirty-seven arrows!

When Lin Ge reached 100 arrows, the Patriarch gave him an "explicit instruction". The golden characters showed a number "1200" before turning into sharp arrows, which meant that he still needed to receive 1200 arrows before he could ask the Patriarch to take action. .

But after holding on for one hundred and thirty-seven arrows, Lin Ge's consciousness was a little blurred by the pain, and he was holding on only by his will.

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"

"Cross... this life."

One hundred and thirty-eight arrows!

"What's going on?" The accountant knew nothing about this and could only ask another "expert", Jiwotou.

"Maybe... Taoist brother has been exposed to too many evil arts, and his ancestor is angry?" Jiwotou said uncertainly.

Jiwotou asked tentatively: "Brother Tao, why don't you choose to cross the world instead of crossing yourself?"

Perhaps it was because his consciousness had become unclear, or perhaps he had reached this point, but Lin Ge was unwilling to give up. He ignored Jiwotou and continued to choose to escape the world and receive the arrow.

When Jiwotou saw the string of numbers that appeared when the golden light turned into a sharp arrow, he suddenly remembered Lin Ge's previous murmurs. He slapped his forehead and suddenly realized: "That's it! Guilty value! Guilty value! Damn it, more than a thousand sin value , Brother Dao, how many people have you killed in the main god space?"

The accountant asked in confusion: "Is there any direct connection between this sin value and the sins Brother Dao is suffering now? He can't be the ancestor of his family and still work for the Lord God, right?"

Jiwotou shook his head: "It's not that simple. Behind Brother Tao is a well-known and upright person. Naturally, he will not allow his disciples to be exposed to evil arts. You see, Brother Tao is surrounded by red clothes and zombies. If he is exposed to evil arts again, in the main god's space Killing indiscriminately, his ancestor didn’t praise him directly, he already gave him face. Brother Dao wants to ask the ancestor to save the world, so he must be punished!"

When Huang Yaozu heard that Lin Ge suffered such a crime in order to save the world, he immediately asked urgently: "Master, what can we do to help him?"

Jiwotou sighed: "The only thing we can do is to block the evil spirits coming up the mountain for him and try to buy him as much time as possible."


Jiwotou paused and said: "Let's not put aside whether Brother Dao can hold on. Even if he can hold on, his ancestor may not be able to solve our predicament. I think it is better to give up before the evil spirits attack. Go up the mountain and leave in a helicopter.”

"But Brother Lin has done so much, how can we just give up?" Huang Yaozu was obviously unwilling to abandon Lin Ge and leave.

Although Jiwotou didn't want to, this was undoubtedly a big gamble. If the bet failed, they would all lose their lives.

"How about inviting ghosts and gods to possess you again?" the accountant said. Apart from anything else, the moment he was possessed by ghosts and gods just now, he was really satisfied with killing.

Jiwotou said angrily: "Do you think you can add buffs? You can use them whenever you want. Let's not say whether the second general who increases the damage is willing to take action. Even if he is willing, can your three bodies still withstand it? Don't you look at Li Sir, half my life is almost gone.”

Li Guoqiang leaned against the doorpost, his face pale. General Zeng's yin energy was too strong. Even if he was divided into two, his body would be unable to bear it.

Huang Yaozu's situation was much better. He looked at Jiwotou and asked: "Brother Li, didn't you say before that after inviting ghosts and gods, you can contact the gods and Buddhas in the sky... Then hurry up and invite other gods and Buddhas to come to the world to drive away evil spirits. .”

Jiwotou said with a sad face: "I thought that as long as the 'Heaven Gate' was opened, the gods and Buddhas in the sky would be 'driven out' of this world by evil ghosts. I said nothing and held my breath. Once the door was opened, they would naturally come back to find a place. Who knew the gods and Buddhas in this world were so disappointing!"

At this time, there was a distant roar in the sky, and when I looked again, I saw another group of helicopters escorting the evil spirits up the mountain.

Jiwotou gritted his teeth, looked at the accountant and asked, "Go, or stay?"

The accountant looked at the helicopter in the distance and said, "Let's go. Even if they go to the back mountain to get the helicopter, they will still have to face an air battle."

The most important thing is, "A monk can run away, but he can't run away from the temple." He can walk on this mountain, but he can't get out of this world.

There are still more than forty hours left before returning!

"If you stay, you still have a chance to survive. But if you leave, are you prepared to have 10,000 reincarnation points deducted?" The accountant asked a realistic question.

As soon as they leave, Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang are likely to die, which means that 10,000 reincarnation points will be deducted.

Although they had just completed the hidden plot and were rewarded with 10,000 reincarnation points, it did not mean that they would be able to spend the remaining forty hours alive after meeting the penalty.

"Then beat me!" Jiwotou scolded: "I still don't believe that I am a great trickster, and I can't kill a bunch of evil ghosts!"

Even if it's an evil ghost with a gun and firing an airplane cannon, he's still an evil ghost!

Jiwotou looked at Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang and said, "The accountant and I went down the mountain to intercept the evil spirits. You guys stay in the temple and don't let the evil ghosts destroy Brother Taoist's rituals."

"Okay!" Huang Yaozu responded with a firm look.

With the trident, fire lotus and soul cuffs in hand, they won't have much problem dealing with some evil spirits. What's more, there is the first "line of defense" of accountants and Jiwotou.

Jiwotou and the accountant went down the mountain to deal with the evil spirits. Lin Ge continued to receive arrows. At this time, there were 207 arrows. He felt like he was going to faint at any time.

Although the golden arrow will not cause damage to his body, it can make him feel several times the pain, which is direct mental torture!

"Transfer oneself, transcend the world?"


Suddenly, the Five Elements Bagua Pan suddenly shot out a golden light and turned into a golden figure, blocking Lin Ge.

And those four golden characters merged into one word——


The golden figure remained unmoved.



The golden figure stood firmly on the spot.

Looking at that familiar figure, Lin Ge slowly shouted "Master, Father", his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

"Oh oh oh!"

With a burst of rooster crow, the rooster master got out of the travel bag, stood on the back of the unconscious Lin Ge, flapped his wings and crowed towards the golden letter.

Chicken Master is like a fighting cock, how dare he challenge Jin Guang!


The golden light turned into a sharp arrow and shot towards the golden figure.

However, after hitting the golden figure, although the soul wave was generated, the golden figure condensed again after briefly dissipating.


The golden figure remained motionless, indicating that he would bear the remaining punishment for Lin Ge.

Second arrow!

The third arrow!

The fourth arrow!

The golden figure is often shattered by the golden arrow, but it condenses again!



The golden figure stood upright.

The golden light in front of the door turned into a string of words and appeared——

"You are already a soul. If you continue to endure it for him, you will probably lose your soul and never be reincarnated. Do you still want to stop him?"

The golden figure also turned into words: "My disciple, if I don't protect you, who will? Protect the calf, isn't this our tradition?"



"As expected of my disciple!"

"This little guy has a good will, but he is involved in too many evil ways. For the sake of your deep master-disciple relationship, the old master will help him!"

A ray of golden light flew into Lin Ge's body. He slowly woke up, sat up, kowtowed to the golden figure and shouted "Master", and then bowed respectfully to the golden words: "The suffering of the people, the evil spirits." Hengxing, please ask the Patriarch to save the world!"

"Because you have justice in your heart and are dedicated to saving the world, I will help you this time! From now on, you need to cultivate your moral character and guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Do you know why no one responded to you when you clicked the talisman the first two times? If you can calmly ask God for the third time, there will be a response, but you are in a hurry."

"This sect is not like those guys from Longhu Mountain. It has to be taught to have an organization. Whether it is organized or not depends entirely on whether it is pleasing to the eyes. You used the wrong method from the beginning, but no one answered your complaint."

"Let me tell you clearly, I don't like you very much. This time, it's not for your master's sake. Not even one of these 1,300 arrows can be missed!"

"Take care of yourself!"

... Grandmaster is really... temperamental.

Lin Ge originally wanted to use the word "casual" to describe it, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to say it. After all, in his family's "casual" family, even important matters such as joining the establishment are judged by "whether it is pleasing to the eye or not." , this is not just anything...

Lin Ge knew that he was in the wrong. This time he was really disturbed by the army of evil spirits. He respectfully bowed to the golden characters and kowtowed three times.

"Thank you, Master Patriarch, for your guidance!"

At this time, the golden light text turned into a beam of light and shot straight into the sky. Immediately afterwards, a "golden light rain" fell across the world.

Those evil ghosts exposed to the outside and illuminated by the golden light rain instantly turned into ashes, vanished into smoke, and will never be reincarnated!

In an instant, the entire world was "purified"!

But Chen You received ten arrows, and although his soul was unstable, he still raised his hand and slapped Lin Ge on the forehead, which turned into a row of gold characters: "You bastard, I don't have any spells for you to learn, right? First, the forbidden spells, The last thing is magic, are you going to piss me off so much that you inherit my fried rice restaurant?"

After being scolded by Chen You, Lin Ge felt the kindness he had not seen for a long time. He was not angry even after being "beaten". He smiled and scratched his head: "Master, you are already dead."

After Chen You heard this, he immediately wanted to invite the Patriarch back and let Lin Ge take one hundred and eighty arrows. He should be allowed to take one thousand three hundred arrows!

Lin Ge said seriously: "Master, you have also seen that I am in this ghost place of the reincarnation world. There are some things that I don't want to touch, but I can't help myself if I want to live. But I admit that I can't help you. Influence, since leaving "Zombie", I have never had the intention to harm others. When I came to this world where evil spirits are rampant, I also tried my best to save the world."

Chen You nodded and said nothing more. He turned into golden words and comforted him with a few words, asking Lin Ge to firm up his mind and not do anything harmful to nature.

He also said that he would definitely keep an eye on him in the Five Elements Bagua Tray.

Once Lin Ge did something harmful to nature, he wouldn't have to take action from the Patriarch, he would take action first to defeat him.

Lin Ge repeatedly promised that "I will not offend anyone unless they offend me, and I will shake them down if they offend me." Although Maoshan is a famous and righteous family, he can't just watch his disciples being killed, right?

The human right of "legitimate defense" still has to be there!

Seeing that Chen You was about to enter the Five Elements Bagua Tray to sleep again and repair his soul, Lin Ge suppressed his sadness and joked: "Oh, I received 207 arrows, so at least my sin points are reduced by 207 points. Grandmaster is really stingy. , wasn’t my arrow in vain?”


Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder exploded in the sky!

Immediately after a bolt of lightning struck, Chen You with quick eyesight and quick hands "retracted" the Five Elements Bagua tray. Chicken Master flew back to his travel bag when he heard the thunder.

The bolt of lightning struck Lin Ge directly, blasting him completely black. His hair stood up. He opened his mouth and blew out a mouthful of white smoke.

[Blessed by the "Thunder Method", lasting 48 hours. 】

"Thank you... Patriarch, for the reward!"

Apparently, after the Patriarch cast a spell to purify the world and kill all the evil spirits on the surface, he thought that there were still many evil ghosts in the world who were not exposed to the open air and escaped the golden light and rain.

He took the opportunity to "punish" Lin Ge and blessed him with "Thunder Technique", which was enough to deal with the remaining evil ghosts.

At this moment, it is finally humanity's turn to sound the clarion call for counterattack!

When Huang Yaozu saw this, he admired Lin Ge from the bottom of his heart: "Brother Lin's move is extremely admirable. In order to save the world, he did not hesitate to carry hundreds of arrows as punishment to show his determination!"

Lin Ge didn't know how to respond to these words. The fundamental reason why he insisted on "crossing the world" was because he was from the perspective of saving the world. At least for the sake of his ancestor, he "has justice in his heart and cares about the world." Show mercy.

This is not Lin Ge's cleverness, but the selfish way of choosing to "cross oneself" under such circumstances. It is very possible that the Grandmaster really gave him to "cross" for his 1,300 sin points. .

However, Lin Ge never thought that at the critical moment, his master would wake up and block the wrath of his ancestor for him.

Maoshan’s “calf protector” is indeed a legacy!

"Sir Huang, Sir Li, after being possessed by ghosts and gods, your bodies have also been seriously affected. You can rest here for the time being. I will be back soon."

After saying that, Lin Ge rushed down the mountain.

The accountant and Jiwotou stopped the evil spirits from climbing up the mountain. The most difficult thing was the helicopters and the Flying Tigers in the air. Through fire suppression, the two of them did not dare to take the lead.

The two of them had already exhausted their trump cards, and when they were thinking about whether to return to Jizo Temple first and think of a solution, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the sky.

Two bolts of lightning flew out of the forest and exploded the two helicopters. The wreckage fell into the group of evil spirits, killing several people instantly.

"Brother Tao!"

When the accountant and Jiwotou saw the person coming, they were surprised.

When the pure golden light rained down from the sky just now, they knew that Lin Ge had succeeded. All the evil ghosts on the road were wiped out, and only the evil ghosts in the forest were left. Since the sunlight was blocked by the lush leaves, the evil ghosts picked up a Life.

However, those who drove the helicopter were not "purified", which also made the two realize that the troops attacking the mountain were not necessarily all evil spirits.

There are also many people like Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang who were deceived. They only know how to execute orders, but they don't know that they are being used by evil spirits.

Such people cannot be purified by golden light and are more troublesome than evil ghosts.

Fortunately, Lin Ge's appearance solved the immediate crisis for the two of them. Lin Ge rubbed his hands together and used the thunder method, and lightning suddenly appeared all over his body.

Pushed away with a palm, a dozen Flying Tigers in front were instantly wiped out.

Bang bang bang!

There was a burst of gunfire, and the remaining Flying Tigers fired a round at Lin Ge. However, Lin Ge slapped his arms, and for a moment there was lightning and thunder. All the bullets were blocked by lightning, and they exploded before they even got close to Lin Ge. At the same time, Lightning instantly turned the remaining Flying Tigers into kebabs!

"Lightning Thunder Fist?" Jiwotou was surprised when he saw this, and at the same time he looked envious. How could he master such a unique skill after receiving hundreds of arrows?

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