Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1892 The giant violators reunite

In the other world, Lu Chen sat cross-legged quietly, and the riot in his body seemed to have subsided.

But only the few taboo experts who were close enough could sense clearly that an astonishing struggle was taking place within Lu Chen's body. The power of the last mass of true ancestor of the Secret Blood was too powerful, far beyond Lu Chen's basic realm, and it was also It's just that Lu Chen has a special talent that he can absorb, otherwise he wouldn't be able to compete.

There was a faint red mist floating around Lu Chen's body, which was the exhaust gas emitted when the old and new secret blood alternated, making his whole body covered in mist appear indescribable.

Beside Lu Chen, Xue Zhiyu looked at her son with a soft smile on her face.

Lu Chen's absorption of the true blood of the Mystic Blood True Ancestor was definitely not something that happened in a short time. Seeing that the progress was slow, it could not be completed in a few years, and it was impossible for her to stay out of the world for that long.

Rather, if she leaves a part of the world, it will have a bad impact on the outside world. If a powerful being has fallen, it is her dereliction of duty.

She touched Lu Chen's head kindly, "I originally wanted to tell you something, but the timing may not be right. Wait until Chen Chen wakes up and read the message I left for you."

After that, she left a piece of soul on Lu Chen. It not only contained some questions that Lu Chen wanted to ask her, but also acted as a protective barrier to prevent someone from sneaking up on Lu Chen who was devouring the secret blood after she left. .

However, there should be no one in the sea of ​​​​the world now, and there should be no strong person with such ability who would sneak attack Lu Chen. The sky and the yin were still here. Xue Zhiyu clearly saw the purpose of the two people and no longer took precautions.

The only things that will never change in this world are interests. For their mission and interests, it is impossible for Heaven, Yang and Earth to be detrimental to Lu Chen at this time. As long as they stand on Lu Chen's side, they are Lu Chen's strongest guardians at this time. By.

In today's world, there is no strong person who can kill people under the guard of heaven and earth.

After the war, Dongxu gathered the four taboos of the other world and reconstructed the area of ​​the other world. He himself disappeared again, hiding in nothingness.

After this turmoil in the Sea of ​​​​World, Lu Chen's name has spread to all taboo worlds. Now, a legend has begun to spread in all major worlds. There is a young strong man who saved the world and killed those who invaded the world. Demon.

But few people in the closed world know who that evil spirit is. Even people who originally knew about the existence of the True Ancestor of Secret Blood have begun to forget about this legendary most powerful person.

The first people to forget about the Mystic Blood True Ancestor were those below the True Self level. Almost the moment Lu Chen killed the Mystic Blood True Ancestor, they forgot that there was such a strong man. It was just because of the news coming from within the world. , the senior officials were as happy as if they had finally won a great battle, and then they knew that a suspected catastrophe had passed.

After that, the memories of those powerful people in the True Self Realm began to gradually become blurred. This was a magical change. Obviously their memories were very reliable, but they still gradually lost a certain name in their minds, including the information about His legend, appearance, deeds and so on.

This process is slow and weird, because essentially it is not that sentient beings lose their memory, but that after the existence of the object is erased, it ceases to exist from the beginning. The relevant memory has no corresponding target, and naturally it cannot be remembered. .

The strong men at the peak of the True Self Realm will gradually begin to find no corresponding relationship. The final result is that the Mystic Blood True Ancestor completely disappears and becomes an unknown legend.

The only ones who can truly remember the existence of the True Ancestor of Secret Blood are the powerful taboos in the heavens and the explorers of space. They are not affected by this.

Because they are powerful, Taboos have a special way of storing memories. Even if their existence is erased, they will construct nihilistic memories to remind themselves, so they will not forget anything, even if their own existence has been erased. disappear.

The explorers are blessed with the tenth level ability of space. The principle is similar, so before Lu Ming lost his memory, Lu Chen judged that it must be the hand of space.

The war that shook the heavens ceased, and three years passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, the world was restructured, and the Boundary Sea was completely calm.

The Supreme Divine Land has been separated from the inner world and has no intention of reintegrating. This is also the will of Dongxu and Diyin, which has resulted in the separation of the three realms.

But there are also rumors that Diyin and Tianyang intend to reunite the two realms. When the two divine lands merge, a large number of powerful people may emerge.

Lu Chen's teammates returned to the origin space first before Lu Chen. Chu Zihang and Hui Liyi stayed. Hui Liyi did not come out because they were in the secret place of the Supreme God Land. Chu Zihang was worried and wanted to stay. Watch here, and continue to study the strengthening route.

Xia Mi and Leng Yue are back, and they are going to a new mission world to continue improving. The little golden dragon is Lu Chen's pet beast, so it can't leave if Lu Chen doesn't leave.

Originally, Lu Chen was the team leader. If he did not leave, the entire team would not be able to apply to leave the Supreme World. However, their team entered the Supreme World with the Supreme Pass. There was no time limit for their stay, and they could apply to return at any time.

Now that he has difficulty moving, he temporarily assigned the deputy captain to Xia Mi, who can use team permissions to initiate a return.

Generally speaking, the transfer of the deputy leader of an adventure group needs to be done in space. If the transfer is done in the mission world, the deputy leader must have died and needs to be replaced before he can be reselected. However, Lu Chen has the authority of the Void Pioneer, so he can Direct transfer.

Team members all had their own opportunities and embarked on the road to advancement. In the origin space, Tianji Martial Saint visited the old man at the bottom of the World Tree again, only to find that the workshop had disappeared, and sitting on that land instead was a girl.

After questioning, he learned that Lao Wang had left the space, and there would no longer be such a super forging master to provide them with equipment.

Lao Wang's granddaughter did not inherit Lao Wang's craftsmanship, and she did not want to be a supporter. She just waited for a few people here, and when there was a mission, she still followed the rhythm of the space to go out.

At the other end of the sea of ​​​​the world, in the void, Lu Pingan and Qianxue walked out of the closed space.

They had already separated from the magician. After the magician fought against the Taboo in the Zhiyang World and helped Lu Pingan stabilize the secret blood, he left here.

No one knows where he went, but the magician suppressed a taboo in the Zhiyang World. This matter may not be hidden for long, and Lu Ping'an doesn't know how the other party will deal with it.

"It has to be my father, he has already taken care of the Secret Blood True Ancestor."

Lu Ping'an sighed, breathing the air outside the Sea of ​​World again, feeling very comfortable.

Coming out this time was really full of twists and turns. He was originally on a mission in another world, but he came here to rescue Qianxue after learning that she was in danger.

For this reason, he gave up the last part of the original main mission and moved to the hidden mission in the origin space. Fortunately, his aunt was fine, so his father would be very happy.

"Your father has always been the strongest, so you don't need to worry about him. It's time to return."

Qianxue said lightly that her current strength has weakened, but she has completely got rid of the shackles of the secret blood, which is not necessarily a bad thing for her.

Because she is not a throwback to her ancestors, the secret blood is not a great help to her in the later stage, but it becomes a kind of constraint for her.

Without the secret blood of God, it will not affect her combat skills and talents, but she will lose the violent power that blessed her body. She will then go her own way and reach the peak.

Lu Ping'an didn't chat much with Qian Xue. He wasn't particularly familiar with this aunt. The main reason was that she didn't talk much and would become silent after a few words.

After they separated, they each walked in the direction of space. Lu Ping'an knew that because his father had reorganized the secret blood, his bloodline had also changed. He should go back to space to sort it out again, and then head towards the top.

With the qualifications of their lineage, as long as they can reach the extreme value of the ninth-level attributes, whether they can ascend the taboo, they will be considered invincible in the world. Lu Ping'an only needs to further hone his skills and learn to play Jenga like his father.

Looking at the sword in his hand, Lu Pingan said to himself with emotion: "My injuries are still not violent enough."

In the process of returning to the space, Lu Ping'an did not cause the teleportation light beam in the space, because he was already in the sea of ​​the world, which also disrupted the original arrangement of his mission in the space. Therefore, if he wanted to go back, he could only fly back by himself. Fortunately, he knows the location of the origin space within the Sea of ​​​​World.

The space did not require him to return to the space within a certain time limit, so Lu Ping'an walked very leisurely, and even had time to stop in some small worlds to appreciate the various ways of the world.

As for the other side of the world, he felt that he no longer had to go there. Father and son were connected by blood and had a clear understanding of each other. Lu Ping'an knew that his father was safe now, so naturally he no longer had to visit the supreme world.

But on the way back, he unexpectedly met his mentor, "Master?"

Shi Hao was surprised to see Lu Pingan, but he was more reassured. Although Lu Chen said that this disciple and his nephew were fine, he actually felt relieved to see him.

Not only was Lu Ping'an fine, he was holding a jar of special animal milk that he had just obtained from the world in the journey world, secretly tasting it in an uninhabited corner of the sea of ​​​​the world, but was caught by Shi Hao.

"You probably came here because of the smell, right?"

Lu Ping'an smiled and said that his relationship with Shi Hao was not that traditional. They were both respectful and like friends.

Shi Hao was a little embarrassed because he was traveling with Ye Fan and really met Lu Ping'an by chance in the Sea of ​​​​World, but this coincidence was too subtle and difficult to explain clearly.

Ye Fan looked at his nose and mouth with concern, pretending that he had not seen this, but couldn't help but smile.


The years passed quietly. Just as the people on Lu Chen's side were going home, and while the Supreme Sun was busy rebuilding and diplomacy, another big force in the sea of ​​​​the world also started their actions.

In a pitch-black ancient palace within the Sea of ​​World, phantoms of figures descended again, each standing on the divine pillar.

This is the place where the giants of the Violators Alliance gather. It is usually deserted. It is not something involving the great cause of the Violators Alliance, so no giants will discuss it here.

But so many major events have happened in the past few years that the violator giants have to gather here to discuss issues about the future.

There are nine sacred pillars in total, but now only the shadows of five people appear, one less than before, which is really sad.

Because to build the paradise, they must gather the power of at least six violator giants, which requires violator giants, not strictly taboo-level powerhouses.

They are strong men born in space, and they have a certain understanding of the operation and principles of space. They have also had the mark of explorer, or the mark of pioneer or judge, so they can control the power of space, replace it with ordinary taboos, and We cannot cooperate with them to create paradise.

"Yeantian is dead?"

The tyrant was a straight man. Looking at the vacant seat, he was the first to speak, "This is not the right time to die."

The projections of the violator giants present were also silent for a while. The matter was very serious. If the six violator giants could not be gathered together, it would mean that the park plan had failed and everything done before would be in vain.

You must know about the plan for the paradise, but it is something that more than one generation of violator giants wanted to do. It was only their current generation of violator giants that put it on the agenda. Now they have even obtained the most difficult core, but there is less A giant of offenders.

"It's all the fault of the old Taoist. He failed to take care of fellow Taoist Fallen. The old Taoist tried his best, but he only managed to reach the inner level of the other world. He was only one step away, only one step away!"

Leader Tongtian beat his chest and said, looking extremely regretful, "You don't know, Fellow Taoist Yun was not far in front of me at that time. He was about to rush into the killing formation of the old Taoist, but he was caught by the old Taoist. If that was the case, the two of us would If people join forces, they can escape from the other world!"

"But He couldn't be caught by you. He was one step away and died. It was because of your incompetence in doing things and because he was too useless."

The prisoner said gloomily that he had been fighting with the veteran pioneer from the End Space for several years in the Sea of ​​​​World, and successfully severely damaged the opponent. Unfortunately, the space had more means to lure him away, otherwise he could have kept him. Down.

"shut up!"

Leader Tongtian shouted, his voice was like thunder, and his pale hair stood on end, like a bizarre rage.

These righteous words and awe-inspiring and furious gesture instantly calmed the giant violators present.

I saw the leader of Tongtian Cult with red eyes, looking at the prisoner with grief, "What do you know!? Do you know how hard Daoist Yuan has worked!? Do you know what desperate situation he was in at that time!? No, you don't know! "

The Master of Tongtian seemed to be extremely sad, "You can scold me for being unlucky in my support, but you can't say anything wrong with Fellow Taoist Yuan. He worked hard for our great cause, dedicated his life, and faced more than six taboo masters in the inner world and the Zhiyang world." , snatched the core from the hands of the legendary Dongxu, and fought bloody battles all the way, how dare you call him a waste for such a feat?"

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