Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 47 President of Lionheart Club, Lu Chen

The members of the Lionheart Club in the Amber Hall clenched their fists. The humiliation was revealed so bluntly that night, and the person who revealed it was the current president of the Lionheart Club.

Some members of the Lionheart Club wanted to defend the president. They lost on Liberty Day and lost the right to use Norton Hall, but it was not Valery's fault because he was not at the college at that time.

As for the new president of the student union, Caesar Gattuso, that young man is indeed too good. On one side is a pride of lions without a lion king, and on the other side is the new tiger king. He also competes with motorcycles and so on, and it is indeed Caesar's. field.

But no one dared to speak. Valery was proud, and so were they. Proud people never find reasons for failure, they only find ways to succeed.

Valery faced his mistakes and denounced his incompetence. No matter what the process was, the result was that they lost Norton Hall, causing this sacred succession ceremony to be held in the newly rented Amber Hall.

"However, these days will not last long. My era will end today. There will be a new Lion King to lead you. He will lead the lions to regain the territory and rebuild the glory of the Lion Heart Society."

Valery raised his fisted right hand high, "Let us welcome the new president, the unique S-class among the students, Lu Chen!"

The door of Amber Hall opened. The boy was wearing a school uniform. The Lions Heart Club badge on the front of the uniform shone brightly under the candlelight. He held in one hand the red maple sent by his tutor in the evening.

Lu Chen stepped into the hall, and the members on both sides and on the second floor all cast their eyes on him. Part of it was the lions' scrutiny of the new leader, but more of it was their warm expectations and respectful admiration.

In this society that has been passed down for more than a hundred years, he felt for the first time the weight of history, which is the soul passed down from generation to generation. Looking at those firm eyes through the candlelight, he seemed to hear the voices from the grassland. The roar of the lions.

His eyes moved, looking through the candlelight and looking at the members of the Lion Heart Society one by one. In the process, those who looked at him lit up their golden eyes.

He walked slowly until he reached the stairs upstairs. All the members of the Lionheart Club lit up their golden eyes. The candles in the Amber Hall were not the brightest. Those solemn eyes lit up the hall. It's like lighting up the path forward for Lionheart.

Lu Chen stopped, closed his eyes and then opened them again. His red-gold pupils were like flowing lava, which seemed so abrupt in this gathering of lions. Without any words, he just nodded towards the members, and everyone stood there suddenly. Straight, especially the freshmen.

He walked slowly upstairs to Valery and looked into his eyes.

At this moment, Valery felt the pressure coming from this young man for the first time, and he understood instantly.

The young man is not here to be crowned tonight, he is just here to get the crown he deserves. He is good enough. This is not an imperial inheritance, but a new king coming to take over his territory.

The words of encouragement I had prepared in advance were a little hard to say at this moment.

Valery took out an ancient parchment roll from the cylinder and spread it out. On it were the names of every president of the Lionheart Society in history. The one at the top was Meineke Cassel.

He then took a small bottle from the hands of the current vice-president next to him. There was a dark golden liquid flowing in the bottle, which was the blood of a pure-blooded dragon!

He used a goose quill to draw blood from it and handed it to Lu Chen.

"Sign your name."

Lu Chen took the goose quill and wrote his name at the bottom.

"Our new president, don't you want to say something to everyone?"

After doing all this, Valery's expression was no longer so serious.

"for example?"

Lu Chen spoke calmly. He saw acquaintances such as Chu Zihang and Miranla among the two rows of people on the first floor.

"For example, next year we will help you regain the right to use Norton Hall."

Valery reminded in a low voice that he now doubted whether his junior brother had a social disorder. In that case, managing the association might be a bit troublesome.

However, Lu Chen smiled and shook his head: "Recapture Norton Hall? In my opinion, the inheritance and strength of the Lion Heart Club does not lie in the location of the club's activities, right?"

Valery didn't answer for a while, and the members of the Lionheart Club in Amber Hall also looked at Lu Chen, wondering what the new president meant.

"Retaking Norton Hall is just a small matter and not worthy of my special declaration here."

Lu Chen said calmly, "I have read the history of the Lion Heart Club, and I would like to ask, does the glory of the Lion Heart Club come from competing for event venues in the college?"

Everyone was silent.

"Kassel College is essentially a military base, and here are the elites of the military, the swords of the secret party. In my opinion, competing with other societies for activity venues is ridiculous, just like children. Same."

These words aroused the anger of many elders of the Lion Heart Society. Many pairs of golden eyes stared at him, but the young man remained unmoved.

"The glory of the Lionheart Society is not that simple. It is the glory gained with blood on the battlefield, the glory gained with...dragon blood!"

Lu Chen paused, "So I won't say anything about leading everyone to retake Norton Hall. That would seem too childish. We are the Lion Heart Society, and we should roar into the wilderness and make those dragons fearful! We are members of the secret party Even though the sword is still being polished, our cold light will make the enemy tremble in fear!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen pulled out the red maple from his waist. The flowing blade reflected the pair of scorching golden eyes and the flickering candlelight.

"If you are still hesitant, then I will be the tip of the sword, and all you have to do is follow my footsteps."

Thunderous applause broke out, without any fancy words, but it was shocking.

They are all people who aspire to join the executive department after graduation. As the new president said, bathing in dragon blood is the highest honor!

In comparison, competing for the right to use the Norton Hall does seem "childish".

"After tonight, I'm afraid that boy Caesar won't be able to sleep."

Valery also clapped, smiling to himself.

Lu Chen did not know how to speak, but he knew what to say to the warriors who were going to the battlefield. He once said this to countless secret blood warriors who followed him in the charge. He was indeed the tip of the sword at the front, but In the end, the tip of the sword pierced the enemy's heart. Looking back, the sword body was gone.

That was not the war he wanted to fight. Both his companions and those Western soldiers died meaninglessly.

Until finally, he got tired of the rhetoric and had no one left to talk to.

Now he has someone by his side again, and this time it is a war against aliens, a war to defend human history...a meaningful war.


Lu Chen rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

He regretted taking over as the president of the Lionheart Club. This position was not as he imagined, where he only had to take the lead in the charge, and also had to approve various documents...

If Chu Zihang hadn't helped him, he might have wanted to abdicate.

Thanks to [My account is missing] for the 1,500-point reward, thank you to [The Top Onmyoji of Chuunibyou] for the 500-point reward, thank you to [Dark Breaker] for the 100-point reward, and thank you to [Wu Xiaoshuang QAQ] For the 100-point reward, I would like to thank [Tian n Ti Wo Xian] for the 100-point reward, thank you for the 100-point reward for [this year’s 18 orders], and thank you [Nord Barbarian] for the 100-point reward.

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