However, Su Moyu was not angry. He glanced at Dazonie, who was already sweating profusely, and just blinked at him and shook his finger, signaling him to be at ease.

Then he looked at Nion, who was almost lying on him, and raised his hand to touch her head.

Hmm, it feels good.

"Can you tell me why you want my eyes?"

Su Moyu asked

"Because they are so beautiful! They look even prettier than the fiery red eyes of the Kuruta tribe!"

Miss Nion spoke, as always, without hiding her true intentions and never beating around the bush.

"But without eyes, how can I see things?"

Su Moyu continued to ask with a smile

"Then I can buy them after you die! No matter how much it costs, I'm willing to pay!"


The hand that was touching the other's head slowly moved to her face. This delicate and smooth skin, this soft and tender touch, gently pinched, unexpectedly made him a little reluctant to let go.

And Miss Nion did not have any aversion to Su Moyu's actions, allowing the other party to do whatever he wanted, just staring at her big watery eyes, waiting for Su Moyu's answer with expectation.

"What would you do if I said I couldn't sell it to you?"

"Ah... no matter how much money it is, it won't work?"

Weng Ni's expression suddenly became a little disappointed, but she still looked at Su Moyu unwillingly and asked

"Well, I won't sell it no matter how much it costs"

"Woo... okay... just pretend I never said anything."

Weng Ni seemed to have lost all her energy and spirit in an instant. She sat on the sofa in a duck-like posture, her face aggrieved.

Yes, although she is the eldest daughter of a gangster family, she is not the kind of tyrannical person who will do whatever it takes to get what she likes.

After all, Weng Ni has a clear understanding of the most basic concepts of good and evil.

Just like her hobby of collecting human bodies.

Although her collections seem very puzzling, disgusting, and even disgusting to ordinary people, she has never hurt anyone because of the collections she wants.

Either the collections are bought at auction houses, or they are privately purchased from other people at a high price.

"If I really die one day, I will give you these eyes."

Su Moyu suddenly said this.


Nion's expression became visibly happy.

"Yes, it's true, I can promise you this."

"Very good!!!"

"I have decided, Dazonie, I will hire Surant! Let him stay with me forever! Until the day he dies!"


Dazo was completely stunned


After finally sending the overly excited Miss Weng Ni back to her room, Dazonie looked at Su Moyu nervously and said carefully:

"That... Mr. Surante, Miss Wennie... Her hobbies are different from those of ordinary people. She just likes collecting human bodies. She has no other malicious intentions.……"

"Although she is an adult, her mind is still like that of a child, so sometimes her words may not be pleasing to others. Please don't mind, Mr. Surante. If it really doesn't work, I will ask the big boss to persuade the lady to give up this idea."

"It's okay, Mr. Dazonie, it's just a pair of eyes. If I really die accidentally one day, this body will eventually rot and turn into a pile of dust. It's rare that someone likes this pair of eyes. Since you want to keep it, it's not a bad idea. To be honest, I still like Weng Ni's innocent character. She is straightforward, which is much more comforting than the intrigues and scheming in the adult world."

"Haha, yes... that's it... I'm glad you understand."

After wiping the sweat off his head with a handkerchief, Dazonie finally let go of the worry that had been hanging in his heart.

Although he didn't know whether the other party was true or not, he obviously didn't show any signs of being angry, which was great.

As for giving his eyes to the young lady after his death? He just took it as a joke from the other party.

The thrilling day ended here, and after saying good night to each other, they went back to their rooms to rest. After washing up, Su Moyu changed into the pajamas provided by the hotel, lay on the soft mattress, and practiced the skills of using the mind again. Thinking of his parents and Denise, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


Soon, it was the next morning.

A huge convoy drove into the city and stopped in front of the hotel. Then a large number of gang members in suits got out of the cars and blocked all the entrances and exits of the surrounding streets, not allowing anyone to pass.

Some residents who were rushing to work wanted to go up and argue with the other party, but they were scared back by the black muzzle of the gun and dared not say a word.


Weng Ni happily threw herself into the arms of a middle-aged man with a mustache and slicked back hair, and acted coquettishly.

"My dear daughter, are you not hurt?"

"Well, no, everyone is protecting me well~"

Weng Ni shook her head, but pouted her lips and said a little depressed

"But I didn't get the specimen of the 'cyclops cub'... I was looking forward to it for a long time.……"

"Hahaha, it's okay, you can buy it next time you see it, but it's better to let Dazonie send someone to get it back for you, I don't want you to encounter such danger again."

Stroking Weng Ni's hair, the middle-aged man said earnestly

"No, no, I must go there in person! What if they are deceived and get fake collections?"

Weng Ni refused immediately, then changed her mind and continued

"Why not hire a better bodyguard? Dad, I……"

"A more powerful bodyguard? To be honest, in order to protect our safety when we return to the city, I hired a star hunter from the Hunter Association this time. He is a truly powerful master. With him, we can go home with peace of mind, so some people of unknown origin don’t need to follow us anymore. Don’t you think so?"


Dazonie, who was sitting in a wheelchair and wearing new clothes, was pushed out by Skuvara, looking a little embarrassed.

After returning to the room last night, he contacted the big boss and explained the situation after Surante developed his telepathic ability, and strongly hoped that the boss could personally come forward to recruit Su Moyu.

However, there was no detailed information about Su Moyu's identity, nor any referrals, and the boss, who had no idea about Su Moyu's background, rejected it outright.

What if it was an undercover sent by hostile personnel who wanted to infiltrate the Nosra family?

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