"That is to say……"

"That's right."

Daye stepped forward and said excitedly

"After eliminating all impossible options, we have to admit that the remaining one, no matter how unbelievable the result is, is the truth!"

"Sure enough... is he one of the first generation of male warriors?"

Lemoto lowered his head and thought, trying to recall the identity of each male warrior back then.

However, because it was too long ago, except for the famous ones, the rest had no special features. The male warriors at that time did not have so many complicated sword skills and titles, so naturally they would not leave too deep an impression.

"Luther, you should have some information about the first generation of male warriors, right?"

Lemoto turned to look at a leader of the organization beside him. Luther was responsible for recording and collecting information about the identities of warriors and awakeners, and sorting and summarizing them.

""Master Chief."

Luther nodded and then said

"Although the data of the first generation of male warriors are archived, they are not complete and a lot of parts are missing.

The No.

1 of that year, now the Abyss in the north, nicknamed the Silver King, Easley, destroyed most of the organization's buildings and facilities after his awakening, including the archives.

The existing data is also based on the oral accounts of the surviving personnel in the organization, plus a small amount of remnants of the original archives.

To be honest, it does not have much reference value.


Then, Luther raised his head, looked around at the people, and continued

"All the people present, including me, except the chief, were selected from the empire after the chaos of the male warrior era. They were the ones who first established the organization here, including those responsible for the experiments. Those who survived the attack by Isley were basically all transferred back to the empire to produce the disposable biological weapons that can fight against the descendants of dragons on the battlefield. So……"

Luther turned his attention back to Lemoto.

"Apart from you, the leader, there is no one else in the organization who understands male warriors better."

"I see... Well, to be honest, I can't remember too many people. No. 1 Isley, No. 2 Ricardo, No. 3 Duff... Who else? Um... No. 4 Kro... North? Who is No. 5? No. 6... Is it Raz?"

Lemoto's calm face also showed a trace of embarrassment. After all, when coordinating the establishment of the organization, the focus was on the experimental process, and not too much attention was paid to the male warriors themselves.

""Chief, please ask Luther to take out the information and give it to me."

At this time, Daye suddenly said

"Oh? Daye, do you have any good ideas?"

Lemoto asked

"Of course!"

With that chilling smile, Daye slowly told the solution he had come up with.

"I still have the surgical records of the male trainees from that year.

They are stored in the research institute, so they were not affected by Isley.

I heard you say that the demon power fluctuations of that person are very similar to Rosemary.

So, the demon flesh and blood implanted in their bodies are most likely the same material.

As long as we cross-check these data and eliminate the list of male warriors who have been confirmed to have awakened, we may be able to find out the true identity of that man!


Daye's words made everyone present brighten up.

"That’s true!"

"Good, at least there is a comparison target."

"It's always better than guessing."

Lemoto also agreed with Daye's idea.

"Well, it is indeed a feasible solution. Luther, go get the information and give it to Daye. Also find Rosemary's information and send it over. Daye, I will leave this matter to you. I hope to hear good news from you."

""Okay, Chief."

Luther stood up, bowed, and then left his seat and walked towards the archives room.

"Leave it to me, Lord Chief. I am also very curious about him. If you find out his specific identity, what will you do?"

Daye's question made Lemoto fall into deep thought again.

"You can consider arranging someone to contact him first to find out the details. More importantly, you need to understand his views on the organization. If there are no principled issues, you can make other plans. But if he has hostile thoughts towards the organization,……"

At this point, a cold light flashed in Lemoto's eyes.

"Then let's get rid of him. I think, Daye, you should be interested in this rare material."

"Hey, that's natural."


Su Moyu certainly didn't know that the organization would mistake him for a first-generation male warrior. At this time, he had more troublesome problems to solve.

Because every time he released his demonic power, the demonic energy fluctuations emitted would automatically repel the dye on his hair, causing a certain peeling reaction. Frequent hair dyeing made him use up the last bit of stock in his hands, and there was no place to buy this thing in other villages.

Now, he can only travel around with Priscilla with a head of blonde hair. Fortunately, at least he has colored contact lenses to help him cover up his identity.

When passing through a new village, he actually saw a demon appear, blatantly attacking humans in broad daylight!

"That is... a demon?"

"That's right"

"Is it the demon that ate my father, mother, and sister?……"

"Yes, that's it. I'm going to kill it and avenge our family. You stay here and take care of the luggage. I'll be back soon."

"Hey?! But brother...I want to be with you……"

"That won’t do. I don’t want Priscilla to get hurt. I’m your brother and I’m very powerful. Don’t you believe in me?"

"……I believe in my brother, so I must come back……"

"Don't worry, Priscilla, it will be over soon."

Putting down the backpack, Su Moyu drew out his two-handed sword and slowly approached the demon surrounded by the villagers.


"Save him... Please, save my child!"

The tearful village woman was hugged tightly by her husband. Looking at the little boy caught by the demon, she pleaded desperately, hoping that someone could lend a hand.

A dozen men with spears in their hands and dressed in tight clothes surrounded the demon, but no one dared to attack first.

First, they were concerned about the hostages in the hands of the other party, and second... This is a demon! Not an ordinary bandit.

What should I do?

Go up or not?

As the captain of the village's leading guard team, Addison's forehead was already covered with sweat, and his palm holding the spear was also filled with a slippery feeling.

Is it going to be a stalemate like this?

This is not a solution!

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