After entering the house, Su Moyu walked to the table, lit the oil lamp with a lighter, and stood a piece of reflective paper folded into an arc behind the oil lamp, and the originally dim room instantly became bright.

The room was not big, about 40 to 50 square meters. The kitchen, living room, and bedroom were gathered together without any partitions between them. The bathroom was in the corner of the yard, and all the furnishings were clear at a glance.

After eating some leftover food at noon, Su Moyu took out the iron sheet made today from his bag and sat down on the bed. There was a wooden shield almost as tall as a person. This was made by Su Moyu himself with multiple wooden boards. The front of the shield was densely inlaid with the same style of iron sheets, leaving only a small part of the lower right corner, which was still exposed.

He took the hammer and nails, stacked the iron sheets on top, inserted the iron nails into the holes at the four corners of the iron sheets, and hammered it on the shield one by one. It didn't take too long to nail the remaining small piece of the wooden shield with iron sheets.


Su Moyu raised the shield in his hand, and a sense of satisfaction arose in his heart. He put the shield on his left arm, moved it a few times, and picked up the spear he made himself, took an offensive posture, and practiced the attack and defense.

Although this shield looks a bit crude, the shield surface is extremely wide. Su Moyu only needs to curl up a little, and the shield can cover his entire body.

After getting used to the feel of the shield, Su Moyu put it and the spear against the wall, then climbed onto the bed, dug a stone from the wall next to the bed, revealing a small dark hole behind it. He reached in and fumbled for a while, and finally took out a mobile phone and a power bank with a folding solar charging panel.

After turning on the phone, he opened the mobile phone album and looked through the photos of himself and his parents until the last one, and sighed softly.

After that, he opened the app of Station B. Being in a different world, there was naturally no mobile phone signal. However, Su Moyu had a habit of caching the videos that interested him first, and then throwing them into the favorites to collect dust after watching them. Therefore, most of the memory of his mobile phone was occupied by these videos.

It was precisely because of this habit that he now had a channel to obtain various knowledge.

He clicked on the favorites, slid down, and found the European two-handed swordplay attack drill video that he had not finished watching before.

He clicked on 0.

5 times slow motion to play, and then took out a black leather notebook that obviously did not belong to this world from the straw under the bed.

He opened it to the latest page and used the carbon pen on the notebook to start recording the swordplay essentials in the video, and drew stick figures to depict the movement trajectory of its movements.

These things were all taken back from Su Moyu's car in the mountains and forests, and he was surprised to find that except for the serious wear and tear of the paint and a certain degree of distortion and depression in the front bumper, there was no more serious damage, and it could be restarted!

The day before the crossing was the membership day at the gas station, and each liter of gasoline was 1.5 yuan cheaper than the price on the gas meter! He simply filled up the car with gas, which meant that with the car charger, he didn't have to worry about the battery of his phone for a long time.

After that, Su Moyu wandered around in the forest for a long time, and finally found a natural cave with vines growing outside.

After careful observation, he didn't find any signs of human traffic, and the road was relatively flat, and the distance between the trees was enough for vehicles to pass.

He drove the car into the cave, piled stones at the entrance, filled the gaps with soil, collected a large number of shrubs and transplanted them into it, and then covered the vines that were pulled away outside the cave again.

Now, unless you pull away the vines and pull out the shrubs, you can't even detect the existence of the cave.

Soon, the video ended, and Su Moyu took notes.

He turned off his phone, plugged it into a power bank to charge it, and read through his notes again and again, trying to memorize the contents.

Then he took out the long sword that Master Pico had given him, and began to practice in an empty space in the room.

Before, he had practiced swordsmanship with a wooden sword carved out of a knife.

It was soon midnight, and he glanced at the watch hanging on the bedside.

It was already 11:30.

In this world where technology is extremely underdeveloped, people have very few entertainment options, and it is estimated that most of the villagers have already fallen asleep.

Su Moyu, who was sweating from practice, put the long sword back into the scabbard tied around his waist, and decided to take a shower and prepare to rest, but a sudden knock on the door interrupted his actions.

"Who is it?"

Su Moyu frowned and immediately grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand.

"Moyu, it's me, Bill, you're still awake?"

Bill is the child of Aunt Mina's distant relative. He often helps out in the restaurant. His relationship with Su Moyu is not very good. At best, they smile at each other and nod to each other when they meet occasionally. Of course, there is nothing bad about it.

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Moyu relaxed his palm a little, but did not rush to open the door. He just asked in a flat tone.

"It's late, Bill, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, it's like this, Mr. Taylor from the tailor shop is having a party today, inviting people from the village to Aunt Mina's restaurant to attend the banquet. Master Pico is also going there, so I came to call you by the way. Please open the door quickly, and let's go together. Aunt Mina has made a lot of delicious food~"

At this point, Bill outside the door seemed to remember some delicious food and swallowed hard.

"Having a party? Why is Boss Taylor having a party so late at night?"

"That's because...his wife gave birth to a boy today, so……"

"Oh, I see. But I'm very tired today and I've already had dinner. I'm not hungry at all, so I won't go over. Please thank Boss Taylor for me and congratulate him on the birth of his baby boy."

Something is wrong...

Although he didn't realize what was wrong, Su Moyu quietly raised his shield and held the spear in his hand, aiming it at the door in front of his left hand.

"Ah? You're not going? But Auntie Mina really made a lot of delicious food. I'm so hungry.……"

The swallowing sound coming from outside the door was clearly heard by Su Moyu who was separated from the room.

"Well, I won't go. Since you are hungry, just go back to the party."

"That’s such a pity…really…such a pity…I’m so hungry…really…so hungry!!!"

?! What’s with the sound?……


The wooden door of the room was suddenly smashed into pieces by brute force!

Outside the door, dust and fog were lingering, and the other party's figure could not be seen clearly. There was only a pair of dark golden animal eyes, emitting a cold and bloodthirsty light in the dark night!

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