Su Moyu tried hard to show that he was really moved by these words, and even bowed slightly to Lemoto to express his apology.

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as the misunderstanding is resolved."

Lemoto nodded and asked

"Surant, I heard from Orsay that you want to attack Easley?"

"That's right, Lord Chief."

Su Moyu raised his head and immediately changed into a state of indignation.

"After Easley awakened, he destroyed my village and killed my family and friends. My only goal in this life is to send Easley to hell with my own hands!"

"After Easley awakened, we called him the Abyss. His strength was completely different from that of ordinary awakeners. You should be very clear about this. So, how do you plan to do it?"

Lemoto asked again

"I know the power of Isley after he awakens, so I hope to get help from the organization.

Su Moyu stepped forward and said in a very sincere manner.

"I know that the organization has no plans to confront Isley head-on now, but I also understand that the organization will never allow Isley to continue to exist. Of course, it is not just Isley, but also Livlu and Lucyela. The threat of the Abyss will be resolved sooner or later. Leader, am I right?"

"That's natural. The birth of the Abyss Ones is also partly the responsibility of the organization. We will not evade this issue, so we will definitely find a way to deal with them."

Lemoto agreed with Su Moyu's statement.

"I also need enough time to improve my strength. I hope the organization can provide me with the location information of the awakened ones, because I am not good at long-distance demonic perception."

"Location information?……"

"That's right, I need to accumulate experience in defeating awakeners. To be honest, since I started to live in seclusion, I have had very few opportunities to meet awakeners. Most of the encounters were just ordinary monsters. Isley is the pinnacle, an existence that is superior to all awakeners. No matter how many monsters I kill, there is no way for me to have even a slight chance of winning against Isley. Therefore, I need an awakener as my new opponent."

"That's it.……"

Lemoto thought for a while, exchanged glances with the others around him, and then put forward his own opinion.

"There is nothing wrong with providing you with information about the awakened ones, but, Surante, I do not recommend that you carry out the crusade alone. How about this? On weekdays, you stay in the organization, and once the action of crusading the awakened ones is confirmed, you will be arranged as a non-staff member.……"

""Master, please allow me to refuse."

Su Moyu interrupted Lemoto.

"Apart from the top combat power like No.1, I don't think the current group of juniors in the organization, including the others ranked in the single digits, can help me much in the battle with the awakened ones. I am not used to fighting in a team, and I may even be held back."

After saying this, Su Moyu also deliberately glanced at Luo Yalu who was watching the show not far away.

""Huh? What do you mean by that? Do you look down on me?!"

Before Lemoto could respond, Luo Yalu's temper could no longer be tolerated.

"Our previous battle is not over yet!"

Walking over angrily with his sword in hand, Luo Yalu pointed the tip of his sword at Su Moyu and said with an unhappy look on his face

"Don't make yourself sound so powerful. Do you dare to fight me here again?"

Facing Luo Yalu's challenge, Su Moyu first looked up at Lemoto, then asked

"Sir, if you allow me……"

"Oh? Of course, it's a good opportunity for everyone present to see the power of the first generation of male warriors."

Lemoto's mind moved, and he immediately agreed to Su Moyu's request.

Of course, not only Lemoto, but other people in the organization also seemed to be very interested in the upcoming duel.

Especially Daye, the excitement visible on the other half of his face that was still intact was almost beyond words.

"I see, Lord Chief, it's a good opportunity for me to try and see how strong the younger generation of warriors are."

Up to this moment, all developments were going smoothly according to Su Moyu's plan.

He faced the organization as a 'questioner', catered to the organization as a 'grateful person', and gained recognition as an 'avenger'.

The last step is to show his own strength so that the people in the organization can see the value of his existence.

At least, they can regard him as a sharp sword that can be used to clean up the awakened ones, rather than a slightly special test subject that can be killed at any time and sent to the dissection table.

Therefore, he rejected Lemoto's suggestion, and said those arrogant and conceited words, and then provoked Luo Yalu with his eyes.

Well, this simple-minded but bad-tempered little girl was really caught, and she jumped out impatiently and fell into the 'trap' set by Su Moyu.


Su Moyu drew out the greatsword from his back, and then naturally let it hang down, with the tip of the sword pointing diagonally at the ground, and waved at Luo Yalu.

"Just what I want!"

After getting the permission, Luo Yalu showed a cruel smile.

In order to avenge the fact that her chest was almost kicked and exploded!

She wanted to use her great sword to severely whip that man's butt!

"Please wait a moment"

""Huh? What else do you want to do?"

Luo Yalu froze as he was about to rush out. He turned his head to look behind him where the voice came from and asked impatiently.

"Excuse me, can you let me take charge of this first battle?"

A soldier came out from behind Sophia, looked at Su Moyu, and said softly.

"Even as the first senior, your remarks seem a bit excessive. I can't remain indifferent, so please take back your words."

"Hey? You are... who is that person?"

Luo Yalu looked at his companion standing next to him and scratched his head. He couldn't remember the other person's name for a while.

"Is it too much? I don't think so. After all, fighting with the awakened is no joke. If you want me to take it back, then use the sword to make me agree with your point of view."

The long golden hair was tied into a bun at the back of her head, and the two temples were tied into two thin braids, which went around the pair of ears that seemed too long like elves in mythology, forming two round hairbands connected to the bun at the back of her head.

Her appearance was also like an elf, elegant and beautiful.

But for some reason, she only opened her left eye, while the right eye remained closed.

Looking at this strange warrior, Su Moyu asked with a little curiosity

"Before the duel, how about you report your name and ranking and make a brief self-introduction?"

"I heard that the senior was ranked No. 8 in the past, so it's really a coincidence."

The warrior raised his hand and drew his sword, ready to attack.

"The current No. 8 of the organization, Sudden Rain Sword, Lulutia, please teach me, senior."

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