
"Damn it!"

Luo Yalu and Sophia exclaimed, and rushed over quickly, each holding up Lulutia's shaky body.

"Fortunately... no internal organs were injured.……"

After carefully checking Lulutia's wounds, Luo Yalu and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They then raised their heads at the same time and glared at Su Moyu.

"You bastard! We were just sparring, but you hit me so hard! It's my turn to fight you next!"

"Sister Luo Yalu, let me do it. I promise to teach this old antique a lesson and let him know what real power is!"

After saying that, Sophia let go of Lulutia and immediately drew the big sword behind her, ready to go up to her and have a good 'chat', but Lulutia grabbed her arm.

"Senior Sophia, I'm fine. Senior Surante has held back. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the chance to talk to you now."


Sophia wanted to say something, but she saw Lulutia just shook her head, released her demonic power, stopped the bleeding of the wound, and struggled to stand up.

The two of them quickly lent a hand and helped Lulutia up.

After panting for a few times, Lulutia looked at Su Moyu and said sincerely

"Senior Su Lante, I lost this duel. I am not as skilled as you. I am convinced."

"Do you know where you lost?"

Su Moyu asked back


"Your Sudden Rain Sword is indeed very powerful. It is very fast, highly accurate, and attacks very frequently. However, as a pure stabbing sword skill, it is inherently weaker than slashing sword skills in terms of destructive power. Moreover, in order to ensure the coverage rate of the Sudden Rain Sword, you did not use your full strength in every attack, right?"

"Uh... yes, senior."

You saw through the weakness of the Sudden Rain Sword after only one battle?

It seems that Senior Surante has a lot of combat experience.

Lulutia was a little embarrassed.

"Like I said, if you are facing an awakener with hard skin, your sword of sudden rain may not be so effective, so you have also worked hard on accuracy, so that you can directly aim at the opponent's weak points in the battle and stab them continuously to break the defense, and then kill them, right? In addition, I noticed that you have been closing your right eye, which must be related to the way you lock and aim, right?"

"Senior... you are absolutely right."

Lulutia nodded numbly. She even guessed this?

Such a powerful person is only ranked eighth among the first generation of male warriors?!

At this time, on the stands of the square, the people of the organization were whispering to each other.

"Daye, what do you think?"

Looking at the battle that had already been decided, Lemoto turned around and asked the people around him

"It's amazing. Lulutia lost to the opponent so easily even though they were both ranked No.8 and she used her famous sword skills first. It's really not easy."

Daye's tone was full of praise for Surante.

"What did Lavtila say?

Lemoto continued to ask

"This one……"

Daye thought for a moment, took a few steps closer to Lemoto, and replied in a low voice:

"The demonic power was running very steadily, with no signs of uncontrolled rampage, and the mental state was also very stable. Except for some fluctuations when asking questions about awakening, there was no wavering at all, and it was impossible to interfere."

"It seems that he has never had any hatred towards the organization, so what he said is likely to be true.……"

Lemoto hesitated for a moment, thinking about what decision to make.

"I cannot give a definite answer on this point. I am only conveying Raftila's original words to you, Lord Chief. Whether you can believe it or not, you need to make the final decision yourself."

After Daye finished speaking, he stepped aside tactfully and continued to pay attention to Su Moyu who was talking to Lulutia. His desire to put him on the dissection table became stronger and stronger. A male warrior who can completely control his awakening impulse?

How did he do it?

Don't tell me it's some boring thing like willpower.

If we can get his body, cut it open and study it in detail, and find out the key to his lack of awakening.

Then can we reopen the further research and development of male warriors?

Su Moyu suddenly felt an indescribable chill for no reason. He glanced over and found that there was only one person at that position.

It was the mad scientist in the organization, Daye.

The bad look that seemed to be looking at the lamb to be slaughtered on the chopping board was still clearly discernible even at a distance of more than ten meters, which gave Su Moyu goose bumps.

This guy!

Don't you want to use me as research material?!

"Well, thank you for your guidance, Senior Surante. I will practice hard, and when I have a new breakthrough, I hope I can have another chance to compete with you."

Feeling that the wound on her chest had basically healed under the effect of the demonic power, and after confirming that there was no abnormality left, Lulutia whispered to Luo Yalu and Sophia, and then pulled her arm out of their arms, stood up straight, and bowed slightly to Su Moyu to express her gratitude.

"I can't say that I can give you any advice. I admit that you do have the ability to be ranked in the single digits, but it's just a little lower than my requirements. As for if you want to play another game, I'm always waiting for you as long as I have time."

""Okay, senior, I will leave first."

Lulutia nodded, then walked down the square to retrieve her weapon.

"Are you done with the polite words? Then I won't be polite!"

Luo Yalu, who had been waiting impatiently, immediately entered the state of releasing her demonic power and swung her sword to attack Su Moyu.

Although she was very angry, she also knew that this man should not be underestimated. As soon as she came up, she used all her strength to display her body skills and speed nicknamed"Swift Wind" and attacked Su Moyu's lower three roads with every move!

This time, Su Moyu couldn't just stand there and deliberately make that kind of master's posture. The serious Luo Yalu was far more difficult to deal with than Lulutia. Whether it was the speed of movement or the power of swinging the sword, they were higher than Lulutia. More than one level.

Although Lulutia's Sudden Rain Sword is better in terms of sword speed, Luo Yalu's advantage is that his body movements are more flexible and his sword attack angles are also very tricky. Su Moyu can only try to distance himself from Luo Yalu by shrinking the ground.

It must be said that it was really lucky that he was able to force Luo Yalu back when they first met.

Su Moyu's desperate mentality to take Priscilla back, coupled with the most basic Dielang Sword's main feature of being unexpected, made Su Moyu take advantage.

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