"Well... the two sides have already started fighting."

Lucia reported what she had sensed, but there was only this sentence, no follow-up.

Then what? Is this the end?

The blood vessels on Elumida's forehead jumped suddenly.

"What else? How do the two sides compare in strength? What is the situation of the battle? Tell me clearly at once! Have you even forgotten how to do your job?"

"Uh, yes... the magic power release rate of both sides has exceeded 30%, and is still increasing. There is no sign of holding back in the battle, and... and……"

Lucia, who still had her eyes closed and her body trembling slightly, suddenly choked up in the middle of her words. Her mind was still confused and she didn't know what else to say.

""Okay! I got it! Keep monitoring, and report any unexpected events to me in a timely manner! After all, you are a single-digit ranked warrior, look at what you have become now?"

As he said this, the dissatisfaction in Elumeda's heart became stronger and stronger. If there was no candidate to replace Lucia, he would have reported it to the organization long ago and found a chance to get rid of this incompetent tool.


In the village, the battle between Su Moyu and Rosemary is still going on.

Lulutia, who was standing aside, was watching the two fighting parties nervously, with her right eye wide open, afraid to miss any details of the battle.

The two people in front of her, one was the second who had been No.1 for a long time, and the other was the No.8 of the first generation.

Although the gap is still large when looking at the rankings alone, in fact, the strength of both sides can be said to be completely equal at this time.

That day in the organization, when Senior Surante was sparring with me, he really held back!

Lulutia's senses were the most direct. She could clearly feel that at the same frequency of liberation, the condensed strength of Su Moyu's demonic power was much higher than the day he fought with herself!

Such a high-intensity battle lasted for more than five minutes, and the show was almost over. Su Moyu repeatedly took advantage of the opportunity of sword fighting to find the gap and left a word in Rosemary's ear.

"I'll help you create an opportunity to get out of here……"

"Keep retreating south……"

"Keep releasing the demonic power.……"

After another confrontation, the two distanced themselves.

Su Moyu looked at Rosemary and smiled calmly.

"As expected of someone who has held the No. 1 position, your strength is truly extraordinary. But you have a big shortcoming, do you know that?"

"You lack the decisive move that can end the battle!"

"In my era, titles were not popular, but I also mastered my own unique sword moves. According to the organization's current naming habits, my title is Dielang Sword. And you, who have been No.1 for so long, don't even have your own title? This is a bit difficult for me to understand."

Although I knew that the other party was just acting, seeing his smile that looked like Denise, a very uncomfortable feeling still surged into Rosemary's heart.

With a cold snort, the sword pointed directly at Su Moyu!

"Only the weak need those fancy things! For me, this sword is enough!"

"Really? Just give it a try and take my move!"

His arm trembled, and his joints, which were virtual like springs, burst out with frequent bursts of demonic power. The phantoms of the Dielang Sword filled the sky, wrapped around Su Moyu, and attacked brazenly!!!

This sharp sword move also surprised Rosemary, but she suddenly saw that Su Moyu was blinking at her.

Thinking of what he had said before, she was determined and swung her sword to meet him without fear!

When Rosemary's sword touched the first phantom, the phantoms of the phantom swords disappeared instantly!

The power accumulated in more than a hundred joints burst out at the same time! It directly smashed Rosemary's body out and knocked down an entire house behind him!

He put away the swung sword, casually drew a complex sword flower, and looked at the collapsed house, with a large amount of smoke and dust. Su Moyu then spoke leisurely.

"How is it? Rosemary, this is the power of my Dielang Sword, what do you think?"

After a long while, no sound came from the ruins of the house.


Su Moyu pretended to be stunned, then rushed over and swung his sword. The wind pressure he created swept away the gray smoke and dust, which was scattered among the bricks and stones on the ground, but Mary was nowhere to be seen.

"Senior Surante!"

Lulutia's slightly anxious voice suddenly came

"Rosemary has escaped! Due south! I can already sense her!"

"Tsk! This guy! He runs really fast!"

Su Moyu thrust his sword into his back, jumped out of the ruins of the house, picked up the backpack that he had thrown aside before the battle, and put it on his back.

"Come on, let's chase her. It's not that easy to capture her alive. After we catch up with her, you cooperate with me!"

"Okay, senior!"

Lulutia's silver right eye instantly turned golden, maintaining a frequency of nearly 30% of her demonic power release, and rushed out of the village following Su Moyu's figure, following the traces left by Rosemary and the demonic energy fluctuations she emitted, quickly chasing after her.


"Rosemary escaped, and they are chasing her."

Lucia's report made Elmida's expression a little strange.


This was beyond Elmida's expectations. He originally thought that according to Rosemary's character, she would at least fight with Surant to the end until the winner was decided, but he never thought that she would run away so decisively.

So, why did Rosemary defect from the organization?

Could it be... that she knew some secrets of the organization?

This question has been an unsolved case until now.

I wonder if Surant got this question out of Rosemary when she was communicating with her?

Thinking of this, Elmida asked Lucia.

"How long will it take for Rosemary to run out of your perception?"

"This... Rosemary's demonic power is still in a highly liberated state, running at full speed. It will probably take less than a few dozen minutes for her to completely escape from my perception range.……"

"So what are you waiting for! Hurry up and catch up! You have finally found your target, you must not let her escape your surveillance again!"

"OK... OK, I understand.……"

Lucia hesitated for a while, but still took a step hesitantly and chased in the direction of the group.


I didn't think this guy was so useless. Before, he was always full of confidence.

But now he is no longer capable?

Really... rubbish.

Elmida shook his head and took out another black bird from his arms.

This time, he took out a long thin piece of paper from his pocket, wrote something on it with the charcoal pencil he carried with him, rolled it up and stuffed it into the wooden cylinder behind the bird, closed the lid, and let it fly.

A moment later, the organization members who were hiding in the village and observing Rosemary and others received the message brought by the bird. After carefully checking it, they wrote a reply on the back of the small piece of paper and stuffed it back into the cylinder behind the bird and let it fly.

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