"Lady Luciela, I sensed it."

Lucia, who was standing at the window on the other side with her eyes closed and releasing her perception ability, spoke

"Like you, the bottomless and huge demonic power, although dormant, is also... an existence that ordinary awakened people cannot compare to.……"

""Oh, here we are."

Lucy Ella put down her teacup, stood up and walked behind Lucia, hugged her, put her chin on her shoulder, and looked out the window. Her dishonest hands reached directly into the opening of the maid's chest, holding the two smooth little pigeons, kneading them from time to time, and occasionally playing with the round bulge with her fingertips.

"Lu...Luciela...Ms....don't...don't do this.……"

Lucia's face instantly turned red to the root of her neck. She didn't dare to resist, so she could only endure the other party's teasing, lowered her head and whispered softly.


Living in such a shabby place? It's really unworthy of the reputation of being a fellow Abyss." Lucy's expression was not taken seriously at all. Lucy's attention was attracted by the ancient castle in the forest outside the window.

Su Moyu also saw it. It was a building that was built at an unknown time. The style was completely different from the castle where Lucy lived. It was old and dilapidated, deep and secluded, covered with vines, and looked lifeless.

"Aiyana! Land in the open space ahead!"

Lucy Ella suddenly looked up and shouted to Aiyana who was flying outside holding onto the board house.

""Got it, Lady Luciela!"

Aiyana, who was still awake, immediately folded her wings, slowed down her flight speed, and began to slowly descend.


In the desolate hall in the center of the castle, a black lolita in a simple dress was lying on a huge stone bench, with her hands behind her head, eyes closed, and her two dangling legs kicking back and forth in boredom.

The Abyss of the West, Livlu.

Before awakening, she was also the No.1 of the first generation of female warriors.


Livlu yawned and opened her eyes. She looked at the murals on the ceiling that had faded and peeled off, and she was tired of seeing them. After stretching, she closed her eyes again and planned to catch up on her sleep.

For an awakened person with a long life, daily life is so boring and plain.

However, a voice interrupted Livlu's nap plan.

"Livlu, I'm hungry.……"

When she opened her eyes, she saw a sturdy and solid figure with a mediocre and slightly ugly face. It was her boyfriend, the No.3 of the Male Era, and now also an awakened person, Dave.

Seeing him holding his round belly and looking aggrieved, Livlu shook her head and complained with a slightly helpless expression.

"Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat. Didn't you just eat yesterday? Did you digest it so quickly?"

"I can't help it, I'm just hungry."

Scratching his head, Dave smiled innocently.


Livlu sighed, climbed up from the stone bench, sat down, and started to educate her boyfriend.

"Dave, if you keep eating without restraint like this, people in the surrounding villages will be scared away, and then we will have to move. We have finally found such a spacious and solid place. Dave, do you still want to continue living in the cave?"

"Huh? A cave?"

Thinking about the living environment he had in the past, he realized that it was not big enough for his awakened body, so he quickly shook his head and refused.

"That's fine. I can bear it a little longer.

Seeing Dave's tangled expression, Livlu softened her heart. Who let her have such a greedy boyfriend? She supported her chin with her right hand and sighed again.

"Well, let's go and find some food. We can't let you go hungry. But Dafu, remember, don't turn into an awakened form after you're full. It's because you've consumed too much demonic power that you're so easily hungry."

""Okay, Livlu, I'll remember that."

With Livlu's permission, Dave's originally depressed mood suddenly improved, and he responded with a silly smile.

Livlu jumped off the stone bench and walked a few steps before suddenly stopping.

"What's wrong, Livlu?"

Dav asked curiously.

"Don't worry about the food yet, Duff, we have a guest."


Dav was stunned, and then his expression immediately became fierce.

"Is it a punitive team? Livlu, wait a moment, I'll go kill them right away!"

"Don't be so impulsive, Duff, it's not the organization, it's the woman in the south"

"South? You mean?……"

"The guy who is in the same abyss as me."

Livlu looked up at the wall of the castle and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"A flying awakener? What a rare species. In addition to Lucyela and this flying awakener, there are actually two half-demon warriors with demonic power fluctuations? Well, the strength is not bad, about single digits."


Although Dave looked silly, he was actually not stupid at all. He immediately thought of a possibility.

He turned around and looked at Livlu, asking with some concern.

"Livlu, that woman, won't she join forces with the organization?"

I took back my words. Although Dafu might not be that stupid, he is not smart.

Livlu rolled her eyes and said unhappily.

"Dave, what nonsense are you talking about? According to that woman's arrogant character, she will never join forces with anyone even if the sky falls."

"Uh, but, you said, she has warriors around her.……"

Dave scratched his itchy scalp, looking confused.

It's so itchy...

I need to grow my brain.

Livlu didn't plan to explain too much on this issue. Anyway, she didn't expect her boyfriend to understand.

"Come on, Dave, let's go see what that woman is up to."


Blue sky, white clouds, gentle breeze, warm and pleasant afternoon sunshine.

Parasols, round tables, black tea, desserts, chairs, beauties in red skirts, knights in red, maids serving.

And on the ground to the side, a group of bandits tied into balls, which ruined the view.

When Livlu and Dave walked out of the doorway of the castle that no longer had a gate, they saw this scene in the open space in front of the castle.

Livlu was a little stunned. What on earth is this woman here for?

Rather than coming to fight, it's more like she's out for a picnic.

And what about Dave?

His sight was instantly attracted to the group of bandits on the ground, and his saliva couldn't stop flowing from the corners of his mouth. Even his stomach was"gurgling" in rebellion, and he didn't even notice that Su Moyu was among the women opposite.

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